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Knights of the Old Republic


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I just got to playing this game again, and while the graphics feel a little dated now, I really wish there were more star wars games with this kind of game play mechanic. All of it just feels so much like a Video game version of a DnD table top game, especially the beginning where the first place you kind of have to go is the cantina for rumors.


I kind of wish there were more Star wars games that used that D20 System. It doesnt even need to take place in The Old Republic to me. As long as it was a Star Wars adventure that had me traveling from planet to planet, visiting cantinas using a skill system and combat system based on old table top D20 adventure games. I personally would be fine not even being able to be a Jedi. Maybe they make a rebel one not based around Ezra and company, but instead on some other Rebel cell no one ever heard of, and you are some sort of special forces member. The exact specialization being your choice and such. I just really miss the D20 system of combat in some of those games, and the ground work for the wonderful Story the KoToR 1 gave, and the ground work it set up for the unfortunately incomplete KoToR II (I probably would have liked that game more if the 50-60 dollars I spent on it would have given me a complete game, I know there has been a fix for it, but first impressions and all) that had even better game play then the first, buts story I felt lacking. And of course this MMO, while I obviously enjoy MMO mechanics, I do miss the D20 system.


What are your guys thoughts. What was YOUR favorite aspects of KoToR 1, and KoToR II.

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I know this might sound stupid but for me its the sound of two normal swords clash. mellee combat with a sword was just so satisfying in kotor and kotor 2


i liked the modified DND system better than swtors but then would it have worked out for a mmorpg

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I'm replaying KOTOR 1 on my iphone (because, ya know, the future), and I'm still impressed with how much fun it is 10 years later. Mass fear, choke, lightning are all incredibly fun to use. Story is still solid, and the background of the various companions adds a depth to the game that feels much better paced than SWTOR.


I was AWFUL with teh sequel when I played it. I did as many quests as I could, I played with kreia, played 3-4 runs as different LS/DS concepts, but for some reason I never seemed to get half of the special conversations with my companions! Apparently some of them were also jedis? I never had it for PC but I might consider going thru it again with some of the DLC/patched up content that the internets have helped flesh it out with.

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Kotor 2 is my ''original trilogy'' and Kotor 1 is my ''prequel trilogy'' so yea they are pretty important to me as far as this franchise is concerned.I played kotor 2 first,so yea the metaphor fits even better.


The kotors were my first non-casual SW experience.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I'm replaying KOTOR 1 on my iphone (because, ya know, the future), and I'm still impressed with how much fun it is 10 years later. Mass fear, choke, lightning are all incredibly fun to use. Story is still solid, and the background of the various companions adds a depth to the game that feels much better paced than SWTOR.


I was AWFUL with teh sequel when I played it. I did as many quests as I could, I played with kreia, played 3-4 runs as different LS/DS concepts, but for some reason I never seemed to get half of the special conversations with my companions! Apparently some of them were also jedis? I never had it for PC but I might consider going thru it again with some of the DLC/patched up content that the internets have helped flesh it out with.


You could turn must of the companions into Jedi in KOTOR2. The only one I never managed it with was Bao Dur, but it is supposed to be possible. I think you had to have the conversations with them in specific locations or you didn't get the option to make them into Jedi.

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I agree, I dont really want an MMO (nor do I want TOR) to be like KoToR, just want... A game like it.


well according to biowares Wikipedia article there working on an unannounced starwars game so who knows maybe kotors getting a spiritual successor. granted its wikipidia so it could be wrong but it doesn't hurt to hope

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Hmmm. Well, it's not the same, now that you already know half of it. :) And the graphics felt a little dated when the game was released, too. I did never constitute the latest state of the art.


My favourite aspect of it has a name: Bastilla Shan. I absolutely love it when she goes through the roof and the heated debates between Carth and her. She's quite the Spitfire.


I am not sure whether you can ask yourself this question unbiased anymore, but the most interesting question the game keeps asking up until a certain point: Was Revan right to assist the Republic in the Mandalorian Wars, even though the jedi council forbade it (that's the situation the game starts with, so I don't count this information as a spoiler). Personally I've always been of the opinion: "Yes, he was. While a Jedi should be mindful of the future, I still make my decisions based on what I know, not on what I fear that might be. While it may be true that Revan was driven by pride and hardly altruistic in his choice, helping the Republic was the right thing to do." If you tell something like this to Bastilla she is very energetic about contradicting you. And I loved her for that. :D Unfortunately the game is designed in a way that you need to tell her what she likes to hear in order to be successful; to communicate that appreciate her opinion, her compassion and wits even though I don't entirely agree with her is just not possible.


Of course we have had too much of a look behind the scenes to have an unbiased look on that now. I remember the same debate coming up in the forums of SW:TOR before the game was released. That was fun. Now it's just not the same anymore.


I think another aspect of the game that made it great was that it was (for me) the first time someone stepped deeper into jedi philosophy. The game actually teaches you the central tenet of the jedi code and made it quite popular amongs Star Wars fan. Before KotOR, this ... poem, mantra, whatever you wanna call it "There is no paassion, there is serenity (and so forth)" was hardly known to me and while it originally appeared in the rules of a pen and paper RPG, I don't think many Star Wars products used it. Nowadays it's almost taken for granted as "The Truth" about Star Wars by most fans. A lot of the quasi-philosophic debates we have today about Star Wars (in so far as one can have a philosphic debate regarding a fictional universe) we owe to KotOR.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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