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i Smell a Nerfbat comming!


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well, I think the problem is they don't balance all the spec trees equally there always seems to be one dominant specialization, if they put it in line with heals and madness? then at least we would see a variety of different sorcs and sages and not just the lightning/forcequake ones, the major problem I think is balancing with other classes. I mean sure they all need to be equal for pvp/pve but to save a lot of grief, don't make one tree more dominant, than another..... ;)
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Oh great, another "We need to butcher PvE so that people too stupid to move out of or stay out of circles don't die in PvP" thread. Everyone blaming BW in this thread really needs to read it again, then hop over to the PvP forums to see how many tears are flowing over there about it. This is the source of the nerf bat.


I am not saying butcher pve at all I am simply saying bring the tree in line with the others, but this brings me to conclude that if you solely use the tree for pve something is amuck there too where really all the 3 specializations should be all in line equally and not have one that is /faceroll more dominant?

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I am not saying butcher pve at all I am simply saying bring the tree in line with the others, but this brings me to conclude that if you solely use the tree for pve something is amuck there too where really all the 3 specializations should be all in line equally and not have one that is /faceroll more dominant?


How do you suppose they are going to "bring it in line"? They're certainly not going to apply it to PvP, they're going to, as you state in your thread title, nerf it. Why are they going to nerf it? Because PvPers aren't smart enough to get out of circles.

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Sorcs cant stealth.... only sins :p And since my sins are tanks, squishy isnt overly apt :D


Although sorc heals always puzzled me... i imagine them standing there laughing manaically as they yell "I heal you with my hatred, let it fuel you muhahaha!"

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I am not saying butcher pve at all I am simply saying bring the tree in line with the others, but this brings me to conclude that if you solely use the tree for pve something is amuck there too where really all the 3 specializations should be all in line equally and not have one that is /faceroll more dominant?


PvE and PvP are treated as the same combat-wise. Nerve one side, needs the other just as much. Now, if they could separate the two like they already do with artifacts, that would solve a lot of the PvE PvP divide right there.

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How do you suppose they are going to "bring it in line"? They're certainly not going to apply it to PvP, they're going to, as you state in your thread title, nerf it. Why are they going to nerf it? Because PvPers aren't smart enough to get out of circles.


That's quite the stereotype you have there, since a lot of people do both PvE/PvP now that you seem to sum up the entire PvP community I guess they are just as smart as the PvE community killing NPC's I'm I correct? Just run in and blast 5 at once without any problems or worry of not dying to them because they are so much more advanced than real people? Now that we have all our eggs in one basket. It would be nice to have more than one play style than a completely out of balanced one.. Don't you agree? The reason PvPers call for change is because they can see how much one trait line is completely out of balance with others where in PvE everything gets smushed regardless...

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It basically does, but it burns more force over the duration than a equivalent Pebbles/rock throw rotation for the same amount of time.


Forcequake/Lightning Storm is the strongest with the most overall utility of the AoEs by far (vs Sweeping Gunfire/Hail of Bolts/Mortar Volley), but it's also somewhat expensive.


I only pve and am tired of devs (not just in this game) messing up pve because they can't balance pvp.


I do have a question. My gunslinger's sweeping gunfire appears to be a little weaker than force storm, but I always run it with XS Flyby. Both at the same time literally melts everything in sight. My SI can't run anyting with force storm on an AOE basis, so I find it a tad weaker. My gunslinger is also not squishy and has killer single target attacks. So if they nerf SI's will they not be replaced with gunslingers doing the same thing and perhaps better?

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No I'm just exaggerating. It still is annoying that it cant be interrupted though


Uhm, once they pop it, it's on CD for a while. Make them pop it before you blow your OCDs, then nuke them when trouble bubble is on cooldown. Problem solved, problem staying solved.


PvP ain't checkers, it's chess.

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These idiots developers never f'n learn. This is a f'n repeat of 1.2. These morons are the worst ever to develop a game. They all need to be fired and replaced by those who have a clue in what they are doing. These developers have no clue. They go through with it, I'm burning my bridges with this gosh darned company.


Heheh, I know what u mean. I do believe if the devs would use their heads, and adjust, and bring up the dmg of other Classes, it would be a lot simpler. Nerfing is a Curse word to me, as well as a Curse sometimes. And the Devs are not really responding to this rediculous stuff. Which by Precedence means that the devs don't care about what people like us say or what we have to offer.


Nerfs aren't needed, just scale up the other Classes in dmg and defense.

Edited by MandFlurry
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There's a talent in the lightening discipline that gives a large boost to Force Storm; if anything is done, that should be changed. Maybe I am wrong, but that passive trait in the discipline, and the fact it can be used with recklessness, seems to be the culprit.


I have noticed a very significant difference by speccing into lightening, and then going back to Corruption, as far as Force Storm is concerned. I used the utitlity to improve Force Storm in each spec. Seems to me that the trait gained in the Lightening discipline is what makes the ability so strong. Without it, the difference is quite noticeable.


What I expect eventually is a massive over-nerf of the ability and the utility to buff it..


Really hoping they do not go loony on this. I don't want to see the AOE of classes beginning to go the route of Orbital Strike.

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That's quite the stereotype you have there, since a lot of people do both PvE/PvP now that you seem to sum up the entire PvP community I guess they are just as smart as the PvE community killing NPC's I'm I correct? Just run in and blast 5 at once without any problems or worry of not dying to them because they are so much more advanced than real people? Now that we have all our eggs in one basket. It would be nice to have more than one play style than a completely out of balanced one.. Don't you agree? The reason PvPers call for change is because they can see how much one trait line is completely out of balance with others where in PvE everything gets smushed regardless...


Can you link me to the threads or forum where the mobs are complaining about classes being OP? Because I can link you to the forum where the players are, including this very thread. Stereotype or not doesn't change the fact that it's true. Class "balance" is done when the players cry enough that they can't beat another class in PvP. Here's a funny for ya', don't limit your PvP forum search to this game, pick any game with PvP, and you'll see the same **** there as what I'm talking about here.

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Can you link me to the threads or forum where the mobs are complaining about classes being OP? Because I can link you to the forum where the players are, including this very thread. Stereotype or not doesn't change the fact that it's true. Class "balance" is done when the players cry enough that they can't beat another class in PvP. Here's a funny for ya', don't limit your PvP forum search to this game, pick any game with PvP, and you'll see the same **** there as what I'm talking about here.


You might want to read my original post hence the fact my character is a sorcerer and that I find personally spamming forcstorm quite a bit over powred compared to madness tree, also with the culmination of not one not two but Six sages in void star spamming force quake it was quite a bit overwhelming not because our team was the problem that we couldn't win, the fact that any team with six sages against them regardless of how skilled or what not you are Cannot win period. So get your head out of the sand, I also stated in the original post I didn't wish to hinder PvE players. Maybe it's time you consider the fact that its a real issue than people crying?

Edited by CKNORTH
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You might want to read my original post hence the fact my character is a sorcerer and that I find personally spamming forcstorm quite a bit over powred compared to madness tree, also with the culmination of not one not two but Six sages in void star spamming force quake it was quite a bit overwhelming not because our team was the problem that we couldn't win, the fact that any team with six sages against them regardless of how skilled or what not you are Cannot win period. So get your head out of the sand, I also stated in the original post I didn't wish to hinder PvE players. Maybe it's time you consider the fact that its a real issue than people crying?


It's always a "real issue" isn't it? I don't PvP, and I run Madness on my dps sorc. I need my skills to work in PvE. I couldn't give a rat's *** how many sorcs/sages are on the other team in a PvP match. Every time they "balance" for PvP, PvE suffers. I asked you earlier how they were supposed to "bring it in line", and I'll note you ignored that. Why? Because you stated the only possible solution in the topic title? So, since I have my head in the sand about the issue, how are they going to "bring it in line" w/out nerfing it into the ground in PvP and PvE? Let's hear your solution, instead of "Well, they have to nerf it, because PvP"? Isn't that what the part I bolded in your post above is saying? They're going to have to nerf it so people can PvP, right?


Maybe, just maybe, the better solution would be to limit how many of one class can be in any one group, instead of making classes unplayable in solo content? "But then my queue would be too long"? Maybe, just maybe, there aren't enough people really into PvP then? That would sure be a better solution than the "we need to nerf this, that or the other because nobody can win" solution.

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instead of a nerf there is a possible way to boost other classes, tired of seeing nerfs to counteract problems with pvp instead of boosting the other classes to compensate... just my opinion. :p




From the original post, anyhow seems we both ignore what we write? Honestly I don't like PvP changes to affect PvE I believe I have stated it somewhere in this thread, solutions can be a variety of things like make smaller brackets and get rid of bolster and actually give every 5 levels decent PvP only gear? With the whole bolster and the effects on skills, the introduction of 5 level gap plus a 5 level range of PvP gear could infact solve everyone's issue. I don't know of any other way but to offer deminishing returns on force storm and frankly I think that would be aa horrible horrible idea. I'll go out on a limb in saying one last idea separate PvP from PvE entirely where in character selection we have a choice to make a PvE character or PvP where the area of PvP characters is strictly limited to a lobby with PvP venders OR strongholds. Just a couple of ideas for you :)

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From the original post, anyhow seems we both ignore what we write? Honestly I don't like PvP changes to affect PvE I believe I have stated it somewhere in this thread, solutions can be a variety of things like make smaller brackets and get rid of bolster and actually give every 5 levels decent PvP only gear? With the whole bolster and the effects on skills, the introduction of 5 level gap plus a 5 level range of PvP gear could infact solve everyone's issue. I don't know of any other way but to offer deminishing returns on force storm and frankly I think that would be aa horrible horrible idea. I'll go out on a limb in saying one last idea separate PvP from PvE entirely where in character selection we have a choice to make a PvE character or PvP where the area of PvP characters is strictly limited to a lobby with PvP venders OR strongholds. Just a couple of ideas for you :)


They did something similar in Guild Wars. You had PvP toons and PvE toons, and never the two shall meet. They could do whatever they wanted to PvP exclusive toons, and I wouldn't care.

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They did something similar in Guild Wars. You had PvP toons and PvE toons, and never the two shall meet. They could do whatever they wanted to PvP exclusive toons, and I wouldn't care.


They also had monster mode in LOTOR that was a mix of both but, the downfall was one was premium access and the other factions was not

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