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Seeking QUALITY Imperial PvP'ers. (18 y/o +)


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After a few months of careful observation, one thing is clear. Quality imperial pvp'ers on this server are as rare as Unicorn turds. What we commonly see is a guild made up of an amalgamate of crappy players with one or two really solid pvp'ers. Our aim is to cherry pick the good and leave the bad behind to continue to stink up the place while NOT clicking the door in Voidstar...




1. You're in a guild that you may be happy with but doesn't really do a lot of pvp. Consider putting a character in our group for pvp purposes.


2. You're tired of being the only good player as you carry your helmet wearing / window licking guildmates around.


3. You're tired of pugging it up and getting your @**es kicked in warzones by average skill players in a premade group that apparently run un-ranked warzones 24/7.


4. You can press the "1" key... ex: "Hey a member of the opposing team is clicking on our pylon and or door." Do you possess the minimum skill required to press 1 and simply stop this action? GREAT! You're already better than 90% of the imperial pvp'ers.





1. An active group of people who play regularly in evening hours.

2. A willingness to PvE to break up the monotony.

3. Vent channel

4. Fun atmosphere


Our guild is fairly large but currently spread out among 3 or 4 different games. In SWTOR, we are a relatively small group comprised of around 4 active players. We are all over 21 years old. In an effort to avoid the urge to reach through the internet and e-choke someone, we're narrowing our search for players to 18 years old and up. We've been playing MMORPGs together for over ten years. We've found that when we pick up people, they generally don't leave on their own. We're a fun group.


I realize this is an RP server so let's address this part... Do we RP?

Sure... We RP as a group that have genuine contempt for players who RP. And we are very convincing. We followed a guildmate to this server a while back with the sole interest in being cool like him... But then he died in a fiery BBQ accident involving smoked ribs. Nevermind... The point is that we have too many toons to try and transfer them the hell out of here. So we are going to make the best of it.


We don't require much. But two things are a must. 1. A working headset 2. Willingness to log into Vent when we pvp.


If you're interested, leave a comment and we will contact you in game. If you are posting on an alt, make it known and we will send you an in game mail with our contact information.

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This has been tried before, this had been done before. Inevitably it self destructs in a nova of epeen and ego.

If I were going to make an attempt like this I would put together a list and approach those players you'd like to recruit one on one. Otherwise you're likely just to get mid tier players rather than one of the few dozen really good players.


They'll probably say no, but it has worked in the past.


I wish you luck in your hunt all the same. Guild teams make for some of the most frantic and invigorating fights. Nothing forces you to wake up fully and use your abilities to the fullest like a well coordinated guild team.


It's also fun to watch the drama of their eventual implosion with a bowl of popcorn or BBQ ribs :p

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This has been tried before, this had been done before. Inevitably it self destructs in a nova of epeen and ego.

If I were going to make an attempt like this I would put together a list and approach those players you'd like to recruit one on one. Otherwise you're likely just to get mid tier players rather than one of the few dozen really good players.


They'll probably say no, but it has worked in the past.


I wish you luck in your hunt all the same. Guild teams make for some of the most frantic and invigorating fights. Nothing forces you to wake up fully and use your abilities to the fullest like a well coordinated guild team.


It's also fun to watch the drama of their eventual implosion with a bowl of popcorn or BBQ ribs :p


Hell I'm eating ribs right now. Awaiting the drama llama.

Edited by Drystools
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Lmao don't let your little regstar self get hurt. If you're this thin skinned then how do you hope to manage a guild of "elite" pvpers? :o:o


I don't know, he took your jab and turned it around using fifth grade level trash talking tactics.


It's actually a breath of fresh air, in comparison to the childish adults who struggle so hard to try and act mature while also managing to fail horribly at PvP that BC is mostly infested with.


Sounds promising, I'll be here if anyone wants to start some fun.

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Lmao don't let your little regstar self get hurt. If you're this thin skinned then how do you hope to manage a guild of "elite" pvpers? :o:o


Now now.. You don't have what it takes to irritate me little fella. I'm just glad that you were affected enough by my reply to feel compelled to respond. For those with basic reading comprehension, irony can be found in that you called me thin skinned, Mr. Sensitive. More?





I'll be here if anyone wants to start some fun.


Oh? Do tell....

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Now now.. You don't have what it takes to irritate me little fella. I'm just glad that you were affected enough by my reply to feel compelled to respond. For those with basic reading comprehension, irony can be found in that you called me thin skinned, Mr. Sensitive. More?

I mean if u want to be the next Zulu that's fine w/ me but don't project onto me lmfao


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I get ur new just don't make it this obvious! :o


You're so affected by my words lol. It shows with every thoughtless reply you make. If YOU'RE this thin skinned, perhaps mmorpg forums aren't for you. Go now monkey.. go.

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Oh? Do tell....


Watch and learn.


I mean if u want to be the next Zulu that's fine w/ me but don't project onto me lmfao



You guys get that server first NiM Styrak btw? ;)

Edited by ZooMzy
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Yeah. No. That looks like progression stuff. I can't find any fun there. Raiding has never been my thing.


You didn't look at the quote he stated that to *******. CLEARLY it is a hit towards Jballers and not your "elitist PvP ways" like someone most of us have known for ages that finally got the memo and quit.

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You didn't look at the quote he stated that to *******. CLEARLY it is a hit towards Jballers and not your "elitist PvP ways" like someone most of us have known for ages that finally got the memo and quit.


Canin its fine he just wants attention, let him live in his own world!:D


@zulu my 16man word first nim Df and do says otherwise iirc

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@zulu my 16man word first nim Df and do says otherwise iirc


The only thing I recall correctly is the Flux forum post that sparked a war.


That was a fun time, almost as much fun as Flux ranting about how guard swapping to a DPS in PvP shouldn't be a thing.

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CLEARLY it is a hit towards Jballers and not your "elitist PvP ways" like someone most of us have known for ages that finally got the memo and quit.


I'd like to point out that my original post had many parts that were written tongue in cheek. The bar I set for what we are looking for was not all that high. We are looking to pick up a couple of people that are decently skilled and capable of doing some basic stuff in warzones. The real point was that was the majority of the pvp'ers on this server are really really bad. But if sifting through all the trash on this server in an effort to pick up three or four players that aren't short bus passengers is what you would consider "elitist", then I guess by that standard I'm guilty. I would point out though that there are a lot of guilds (perhaps not on this dishwater server) that would be more befitting of that remark.


Canin its fine he just wants attention, let him live in his own world!:D


You truly are the master of self defeat little fella. If attention is what I was after, then I would troll threads that had nothing to do with me. Sound like anyone we know, tenderfoot? You're getting attention.. Just not the kind you had wanted or anticipated. More?

Edited by Slapwhacky
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