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The only problem with TOR is the forum community.


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Seriously. People raging against this game over the dumbest things all the time, claiming the game has failed within the first week and all kinds of nonsense. Why are you all such awful people? D: It's a wonderful game! Best MMO launch I've been apart of, and I've been in Rift's, WAR's, WoW's, and both final fantasy MMO's. The only vaguely justifiable complaint I've even seen about this game is difficulty working the auction house system, and even then, it just takes a little effort for anything to find stuff. Stupid people need to quit whining, I don't want bioware to make the mistake if listening to any of you and ruining their game like people did to warhammer online D:
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I can tell you where at least some of it is coming from. There was quite a large number of people that tore at every little piece of info like scraps. The release date was being treated as a chance at the whole Christmas ham and once people actually got a chance to try it, they realized that the game was no more than what was promised.


However, people hyped the game up for themselves to astronomical proportions and once they received the finished product it was suddenly realized that it was not the second coming savior of the industry... reminds me of Final Fantasy 13 and the rage that ensued when it didn't live up to the consumer generated hype.

Edited by Takanada
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Seriously. People raging against this game over the dumbest things all the time, claiming the game has failed within the first week and all kinds of nonsense. Why are you all such awful people? D: It's a wonderful game! Best MMO launch I've been apart of, and I've been in Rift's, WAR's, WoW's, and both final fantasy MMO's. The only vaguely justifiable complaint I've even seen about this game is difficulty working the auction house system, and even then, it just takes a little effort for anything to find stuff. Stupid people need to quit whining, I don't want bioware to make the mistake if listening to any of you and ruining their game like people did to warhammer online D:


People are spoild from playing MMOs that have had 6 or 7 years to perfect their game and expect a game thats 2 weeks old to perform the same way, I hate to break it to them but thats not how it works

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