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Beginner Sentinel/Marauder help please?


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I've run every class in the game including the marauder, but I haven't played my Mara since before 3.0, and therefore I've decided to run a Sentinel.


However, I'm struggling to figure out the difference between the different specs available. Usually, its pretty easy: Tank/Heal: DPS: DOT, but the Sen/Mara has 3 DPS specs.


Can anyone please write a short summary of each spec, including the Sen/Mara equivalents? Strengths/weaknesses etc.

Edited by TzuCon
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Carnage | Combat: High burst, good sustained damage.

Anihilation | Watchman: DPS (Don't bother currently.)

Fury | Focus(?): AOE spec, currently running this one.


Summary from my personal experience coming soon.


Pretty much this.

Carnage is single target . However staying on target can be rough with all the knock backs/stuns. Most NPC mobs don't kite so there is that...


Annihilation is DOTs with a spread option via smash lots of target switching if you need to spread out the DOTs. It has a self heal via crits on DOTs. However I think you get that at later levels. Very slow ramp up. You might find you kill NPC's to fast to let your DOTs heal you for much. Not like before.


Fury: AOE with a single target burst. So This relies on building 3 stacks of overload(I think) for max damage on your smash or raging burst. Raging burst also has a little range to it so it helps if a target is away from you or your running back into the fight. 10m according to the tool tip.


FOR ME when I leveled back when the game first came out... It was Fury. AOE vs many mobs was great. Later Annihilation was good. However if I was to do it now I would stick to Fury and then go Carnage when I had my healer comp and at later levels.


Just my 2cents worth. You will still have problems staying on target and keeping your HP up so BIO chem with resuables was helpful. Treek if you can get her early will be a big help. Always keep your DC ups and learn to use interrupts/ sending comp in first. You are NOT A TANK nor do you have a bubble to mitigate damage. Also force choke can be used as a second interrupt .


It's a fun class but can be very unforgiving at times. Sure some one knows more/better then me. So yea... :)

Hope it helps.

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And as intended by Bioware.


Anni: sustained dps

Carnage: hybrid of burst and sustained DPS

Fury: burst DPS


Same goes for snipers.

MM: burst

Eng: hybrid

Leth: sustained


Now if only we could shoot bolts from our sabers at range, with hunker down, and evasion. Leth has a slow ramp up time also Maybe good for ops.. dunno.


Sorry OP could not hold back. ;)

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Thanks guys. Guess I'll start on carnage/Combat and try others if I struggle.


And as I mostly play tanks in operations, I know just how squishy Marauders can be, so I'll be careful. Frankly I really want to run Scourge, but Treek will probably do aswell.


As for crew skills: I'm a profiteer, so I always run slicing+one other on my toons, and buy what I need rather than crafting. Lazy to the core I am.

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Thanks guys. Guess I'll start on carnage/Combat and try others if I struggle.


And as I mostly play tanks in operations, I know just how squishy Marauders can be, so I'll be careful. Frankly I really want to run Scourge, but Treek will probably do aswell.


As for crew skills: I'm a profiteer, so I always run slicing+one other on my toons, and buy what I need rather than crafting. Lazy to the core I am.


With the pre 3.0 reusables it can save some money on having to buy meds/stims. Treek is good for heals Quinn is alright but can't fill that tankable position if needed. Other use DPS to burn down things quicker I honestly switch depending on what I feel at the time. That's at 60 though with good gear yavin comp gear. Leveling and keeping gear up can be a pain.



Yes other classes are FAR better/easier to level. Mara's are not in a good place atm. Yet they can be rewarding if played right.

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