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Credits at 60


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So I've recently got my marauder to 60 and now that I'm 60 ive just spent... 3.5M on him.. -.- stupid I know, well I just wanted to know your ideas on the best and most quickest way to make credits at 60, I wanna be able to find myself as well as my new alt (Assassin) I know a lot of you will suggest dailies but they don't seem to give out much money? (9k-13k)
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Crew skills ( selling mats or crafting items from purchased/gathered mats ) is highly profitable, the more toons you have doing the crew skills the more you can make.


Other easy way is just playing the GTN as a market.


You could be buying hypercrates for credits and selling the packs - this will often make you at least 1-2 extra mill on the hypercrate sold as packs.


You could open packs / hypercrates and sell the contents for usual profit. I personally only try do this for packs that are embargoed though as curent packs items often are a gamble and you can easily get less current value than what you paid for the pack ( though you can sit on the items if you have space and wait for embargo/future when they are worth more ).


Lastly whilst you check prices of items from packs or crafted items you will start to see trends or notice overly discounted items so you can buy these items up and then re-list them for a higher, more accurate price or sit on them until they go back up when you know they sell for higher once the supply drops off.

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Damn I've never thought of buying hypercrates! I'll have a look into that, what huoercrates would you suggest? And what crew skills are the best? I'm new too MMO's so I don't understand the crafting system that well haha, is it bad that on my 60, my hugest crew skill Is level 3 :p
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Without crew skills (and let's face it, you'd have to spend a bunch of money just to get your crew skills up), dailies are your best option.


Actually I take that back--if you're willing to spend actual $$$, then hypercrates will work for you. But if not, then just do dailies. They DEFINITELY make you more than 9-13k (maybe that's PER QUEST, but you run 5-6 quests in every zone, plus you get dropped items to sell).

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I've been an idiot haha, it is let quest I get that much did the having weekly and dailies and came out with about 200k :p:D I'm gonna run some dailies before work haha, so what crew skills are the best to use? I'm thinking cyber tech and slicing? But I'm not that good with the crafting system? I have no idea what I'm making or what grade stuff to make and sell etc basically I'm like a guy who's never played MMOs before so you'll have to dumb it down in sorry :p thanks for the help though guys
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If you only want to make money, get scavenging, slicing and underworld trading.


Scavenging: run missions or gather. Sell everything you get on GTN.

Slicing: gather cash boxes, run missions for Sliced Tech Parts and sell on GTN.

Underworld Trading: run missions for Underworld Metals, sell on GTN.


In both Slicing and Underworld Trading's cases, at high levels (400+), you will only get purple materials on a crit success from a RICH or BOUNTIFUL mission. So run only those if possible, as the purple materials will net you the serious creds. At lower levels, you can run them all and occasionally get purple materials (not Scavenging, though--no purple materials to be had in that profession).

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IMO the fastest way i've personally found to make money is to train the Crew Skill Slicing and level it to at least 451. After that go to the Temple Ruins area in Yavin 4 and gather credit boxes. There are 30+ spawns there with a high respawn rate. On a good day you can make about 1 mil an hour if you're on the right map instance without a lot of competition, and this is not counting the 500 mission discoveries you get and sell on the GTN or the 500 Slicing Missions you get and use to get Adaptive Circuitry to sell. This method definitely beats the rate of credits you can get from doing dailies. Edited by SethNinjax
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Crew skills I suggest finding a guide ( not sure off the top of my head ) that shows exactly what each crew skill can gather/make then looking up the prices on the GTN to see if it looks profitable or not.


Don't forget stronghold crafting also ( prefabs ) as those can sell well.


So basically for gathering it's easy as it's a straight mission cost vs sales price to work out your profit ( though you can buy mission discoveries also that guarantee you a "wealthy" mission which in turn guarantees you a set amount of the more rare/sought after purple items though these missions you need to buy from the GTN or get dropped from other crew skills that drop them.


Crafting on the other hand is more complex. You need to research the prices of all the mats to get a base cost if you were to buy the mats yourself ( you can of course gather them cheaper ) and then check the price of the crafted item. Whatever the difference in value is will be your profit - if it's negative then it's probably not worth crafting and better off selling the mats.


Hypercrates anything that is embargoed generally but if you want to do more in depth research then look up pack contents on dulfy's website and then look up the sell price of the possible contents to get a rough idea of how profitable it may be. Personally I just buy the packs and tend to get a feel for which are and aren't the best but any can be really good when you get an ultra rare drop selling for 10 million+


For packs just search the pack price x 24 vs the crate price and you have a possible profit there.

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Run Flash points. With the right ones you will face lvl 55 npcs. Depending on crew skill you can harvest the kills for mid tier mats for sell or GTN. Plus items to sell or gear for an alt. Plus you can send your other comps out on other missions if needed. Also if you are not max comp affection you can get that as well. One other plus you don't have to fight for mob kills or resources.


Just my 2 cents.


Also when doing dailies look at time vs reward. If you have to travel across many different zones for kills might not be worth it. unless you are heading in that direction. Example Makeb sensor repair has you going from start to end just to click a node surrounded by NPC's. However, the one to plant bombs on doors. speader through no fights plant 4 bombs on quick respawn doors. Fast travel back insta credits.

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