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Most powerful & intelligent sith and jedi


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I was curious if someone could list the most powerful and intelligent Sith and Jedi? I haven't really explored the EU much but what I have gathered is that Sidious is the most powerful and intelligent Sith while Luke Skywalker is the same for Jedi? But what about Darth Plagueis the Wise? Could anyone give me a rough list of them? Thanks! :D Edited by Darfell
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Why so many Revan fanboys? Revan was one of the most boring Jedi/Sith in my opinion. Everyone loves him because you got to play as him in kotor and make his decisions for him so people feel a connection to him. He was a very uninspired character.


Ok . . . so . . . . who . . . would . . . you . . . . vote for . . .


ME? I really enjoyed the Darth Bane novels so Id toss his name out . . . . Id also toss our Exar Kun.

Edited by Xzulld
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For Sith, I'd say it is Naga Sadow for most powerful and intelligent Sith with Darth Bane coming in a close second place. As for Jedi... I'm not really sure, but it DEFINITELY isn't Luke... Luke doesn't really know much at all. And his power leaves a bit to be desired. Quite a few of his Jedi disciples surpass him in the faculties of power as well a wisdom eventually. The wisest and most powerful Jedi might actually be the reborn Revan. But I'm really not sure.
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hmm, do not forget Qui-Gon Jinn.


Yes i know some of you probably hate everything about SW Episode (I don't like Jarjar-herp-derp-the whole movie was ruined)


What i admire about Qui-Gon Jinn is his intelligence mixed with humility. He was clever because of what he says to Obi Wan.


"You are a far wiser Jedi than i will ever be" And thats just the thing. He doesn't fail to appreciate others virtues, even if it means admitting that they are greater than his own.


oh well, you probably have way better suggestions, but i couldn't help but pour out my thoughts on the subject :)

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I think of Qui Gon Jin as a sort of Grey Jedi, neither Dark Side nor Light Side and separate enough from the Council in opinion to be considered a different entity. The fact that he survives as a force ghost is a testament to his power, but just how powerful he was is still ambiguous.
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Darth Sidious, Luke Skywalker.


Why? Because it's canon. And as people are going by EU Lore, you have to consider the EU behind Luke and Sidious because Revan is 100% EU as well. Ignore their EU, I can ignore Revan ever existing. ;)


Darth Sidious was the most powerful, intelligent and cunning of Sith Lords ever - he could create wormholes that would ravage entire planets with mere whim and inclination. Naga Sadow required the aid of his meditation sphere to destroy stars. Sidious only required thought. And no, Vitiate is not a contender against Sidious because Vitiate could not achieve his planet consuming feats without a ritual - Sidious could also consume the 15 billion populace of Byss to sustain his clone body. Again? By mere thought.


Luke Skywalker? Surpassed Sidious. His feats are ungodly BS. Fyi, Yoda was the most powerful Jedi in Star Wars history ever until Luke surpassed him; and guess what Sidious did to Yoda in the novel to RotS (which is canon)? He toyed with him, before going in for the kill (albeit Yoda escaped).

Edited by Oonkeh_
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This is a good question....For the Sith I would say Sidious and Bane are two of the front runners....and the Jedi are much harder to compare, an obvious choice is Yoda, but I also think that given the chance to grow up Anikin Solo could have turned out as wise as he was strongi, and my personal choice for the Jedi is Obi-Won Kenobi, who is more powerful than most give him credit for, and who doesn't love crazy old war veterans?
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Most Powerful? I'd have to say Vitiate from what I've read about him.


Most Intelligent is Palpatine, hands down. He fooled EVERYBODY. His scheme made Machiavelli look like an amateur.


Might want to read into Sidious's abilities. Vitiate could not consume planets without the aid of hundreds of enslaved Sith Lords. Sidious could on his own. A simple glance into Sidious's EU Lore will elaborate on how he has done exactly what Vitiate has, to a much greater extent.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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ok regardless to a ritual used to take over a planet by age 6 he was still take villages with ease. pft pwange right there :cool:


And then there was Sidious who mastered all lightsaber forms, knew every force power in the galaxy, could create force powers with thought alone, mind-wiped an entire populace who witnessed a Star-Dreadnought being buried under the surface of Coruscant to keep it a secret, all the while having made the entire Dreadnought invisible (if you know how MASSIVE Imperial Dreadnoughts are, then you'd know this is a huge feat in itself), could also rip knowledge out of people's heads (including Jedi) where as Vitiate required the need of a device known as the "Ravager" to achieve this and also Teleported Luke to Byss just as it was about to explode (though Luke escaped). Sidious also dominated the 15 billion populace (as compared to the meager 'millions' Vitiate did on his homeworld) mentally and turned them into his slaves. And unlike Vitiate, Sidious was the only recorded individual who knew how to defend against life-absorbing/draining techniques. Darth Nihilus would be wiped pretty quickly against Sidious, yet alone Vitiate.


I could go on, the fact is Sidious is more powerful than Vitiate in terms of personal power. He achieved it all by himself, which Vitiate could not do.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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Despite some peoples opinion, it is actualy cannon that Luke is the most powerful Jedi ever and I believe Sidious is meant to be the most powerful Sith. Not sure about most inteligent though.


No, because vader killed him... Luke, Vader, then maybe emporer...

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No, because vader killed him... Luke, Vader, then maybe emporer...


Sidious comes back. Read the Dark Empire iteration. Vitiate is 100% EU. So trying to ignore the EU on Sidious is a no-go.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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Pretty much the only way they could stop Sidious in the end. I like to envision that in the spiritual aspect of the Force to Star Wars, a Light-Siders essence is 10x the strength of a Dark-Siders due to its purity (despite Dark-Siders being innately more powerful in the here and now as the Light-Sider practices restraint); which gives me some perspective into Sidious's ultimate defeat. Edited by Oonkeh_
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Pretty much the only way they could stop Sidious in the end. I like to envision that in the spiritual aspect of the Force to Star Wars, a Light-Siders essence is 10x the strength of a Dark-Siders due to its purity (despite Dark-Siders being innately more powerful in the here and now as the Light-Sider practices restraint); which gives me some perspective into Sidious's ultimate defeat.


It was the greatest thing I've ever read in the New Republic era of the ExU, to be honest. A completely selfless act by a dying Jedi to save Anakin Solo's life and deny Palpatine victory. He could have been repaired and healed, but he did as any self-respecting Jedi would.The panel where he hands baby Anakin to Leia was one of the most powerful moments in Star Wars history, imho.

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"What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Jedi? That I felt the call of the Sith, that perhaps, once, I held the galaxy by its throat? That for every good work that I did, I brought equal harm upon the galaxy? That perhaps what the greatest of the Sith Lords knew of evil, they learned from me?" Edited by Guilty_Spark
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