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What would make you resubscribe?


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It seems like Sents/Mara will NEVER get a mobility buff to stay on target. So, changes that would get me to resub would be a Leg Slash global cool down reduced to .5 secs and TST to have no cool down.


Removing durations from other class abilities that give immunity to movement impairing/controlling effects would also do the trick. Breaking or cleansing a controlling effect is fine, but its the immunity for a duration that is just unfair.

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Here we go again...


At this point, the Devs are basically ignoring you all on principle from my point of view. Not to say they do not see and hear every Sent/Mara player's ideas, just that the constant traffic of moaning and complaining makes them want to not take any of you seriously at this point. Need to stop the threats and come up with constructive ideas on how to lobby for real changes.


That said, I'll bite and add a few ideas



- Precision Slash returned to a 4.5 sec window. Maybe damage put back on it for fun.

- Possible removal of Blade Storm's replacement, Clashing Blast. Add a passive that increases Blade Storm damage by 10-20% (put Clashing Blast's high damage output into Blade Storm).

- With Clashing Blast gone, create a new ability that does high weapon damage and automatically procs Opportune Attack.

- Saber Storm retooling: Blade Rush, Blade Storm, TST, and the new replacement for Clashing Blast get a 30% critical damage bonus. If Clashing Blast is here to stay, then Blade Rush, Clashing Blast, and TST get the 30%. Put Combat to a standard on Surge bonuses to certain abilities many other ACs have. Adding TST makes its place in the rotation much more viable and adds an interesting ranged AoE burst option.




- Get Cauterize back on it's 9 sec CD. Return Mind Seer back to a Cauterize reset from Merciless Slash and Dispatch, but add TST as well as a proc'ing ability for Mind Seer.

- Give Force Melt a 9-12 sec CD, give it decent upfront damage, and slightly lower the tick damage and tick uptime to balance.

- Return back to a 2% damage per stack of Juyo form

- Give TST ability to spread DoT just as Smash can currently.

Edited by mastervalkar
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Here we go again...


At this point, the Devs are basically ignoring you all on principle from my point of view. Not to say they do not see and hear every Sent/Mara player's ideas, just that the constant traffic of moaning and complaining makes them want to not take any of you seriously at this point. Need to stop the threats and come up with constructive ideas on how to lobby for real changes.


You mean.... They took us seriously! At some point in the past?!


Truth is the devs went into 3.0 knowing Mara/Sent was broken and always had plans to incrementally "fix" the class with a couple of band-aid solutions . The overwhelming amount of constructive player feedback from the Mara/Sent community has been flooding the forums since 3.0 went live and the crying has been minimal in comparison. The "here we go again" statement really applies to your suggestions. They've been stated over and over already and made zero difference and drawn out zero response from the devs.


What we've got here is failure to communicate... and it's not the players' failure

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