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[BUG] Biochem, lvl 500 adrenals, stims, medpacs - wrong quantity made


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I just noticed this today.


If you open your crew skill panel and select, for example, the prototype (blue) attack adrenal. The quantity to be made will show 6 per stack. 4 for stims and 6 for medpacs. Like normal.


If you then proceed to create one, the quantity under the crew management panel where it displays crew skills queued, the little quantity number changes to 1 and IT ONLY CREATES A SINGLE ITEM.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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Hmm... that's very odd... i've crafted literally thousands of stims/medpacks/adrenals since 3.0 hit now and never had that issue.. always get 4-6 (barring crits..).. about 2 stacks of all 5 stims, the medpack, and all 3 adrenals in purple, as well as probably 3 or 4 stacks in blues by now just to use up all the blue mats I had... (again in all forms, 5stims, medpacks 3 adrenals)


Can you get a picture of you finishing the craft and your log stating "You recieve 1 x Advanced yada yada yada... "


Because, and i'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't think your right about what you actually received when the craft was finished.. Because as i've said, i've crafted thousands of biochem items since launch and i would surely have noticed if I was only getting 1 back per purple mat. . . blues, honestly I could see missing it... but purples?? I craft in bulk, when I hit 50 purples.. so I know how much of each thing I should wind up with (I craft everything in even amounts.. 25 in stims, 10 in medpacks and 5 of each adrenal... )


Again, i'm not trying to be rude, and i'm deff not denying the fact that the crew window shows it's making 1 of the item, but what I get is always what the crew skill craft window shows (4 stims, 6 adrenals)




Show that part that says your only receiving one... (that was taken like ten seconds ago, crafting was set this morning...)


EDIT: Guessing you were getting the right amount?

Edited by GopherLuV
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