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Old Player, Comming Back, A few questions


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I played back when the game originally came out, i recently came back and have been enjoying everything that has changed. My questions are:


1. This server seems to have the highest pop for west coast what are the queue times like for PVP and GSF?

2. I enjoy a little rp every now and then, but does that mean the people on this server are not as competitive for PVE,PVP etc. when compared to other servers?

3. Im playing an imp at the moment, is there a healthy balance between pub and imp on this server?


I don't have as much time to play games as i used to, so I don't want to waste my time on a server im not going to like.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions i appreciate it.

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I played back when the game originally came out, i recently came back and have been enjoying everything that has changed. My questions are:


1. This server seems to have the highest pop for west coast what are the queue times like for PVP and GSF?

2. I enjoy a little rp every now and then, but does that mean the people on this server are not as competitive for PVE,PVP etc. when compared to other servers?

3. Im playing an imp at the moment, is there a healthy balance between pub and imp on this server?


I don't have as much time to play games as i used to, so I don't want to waste my time on a server im not going to like.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions i appreciate it.


Right now the highest population server for west coast is the harbinger by a considerable amount. The server select population thing is misleading because it does not show server status based on total population. That being said, I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability

1. Regs pop fairly regularly but solo ranked is dead unless someone goes into gen chat spamming for people to queue it. I'm not sure about GSF, however, because I've never queued it before.

2. As for competitiveness, a lot of people are casual. BC has a few guilds that could be considered hardcore progression guilds for PvE and we also have our fair share of PvPers who would consider themselves hardcore. As with any server, BC has it's colorful characters who sit on fleet all day and talk ****.

3. I have always felt there was a fairly good population balance between the imps and pubs, but I could be wrong.

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Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I might have to check harbinger out but i have found that, at least in other games, that an RP server tends to have a friendly crowed. you have your bad apples as with all servers but for the most part friendly. Unfortunately i dont have the time to sit for a few hours for pvp to pop. in the past few days GSF has been popping decently enough, at least at prime time, middle of the day seems to take forever. i enjoy PVE but i cant sit and raid for hours like i used too so i find my fun in short bursts when i can
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Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I might have to check harbinger out but i have found that, at least in other games, that an RP server tends to have a friendly crowed. you have your bad apples as with all servers but for the most part friendly. Unfortunately i dont have the time to sit for a few hours for pvp to pop. in the past few days GSF has been popping decently enough, at least at prime time, middle of the day seems to take forever. i enjoy PVE but i cant sit and raid for hours like i used too so i find my fun in short bursts when i can


Harbinger probably does have a more toxic environment than BC, but it does have highest population.

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Everything stated by Mev is right (especially the thing about BC having a cool community), I only comment to add a GSF comment. I don't play much of it, but I have friends that do, and what they told me if that is it a relatively small community, but fairly active. I don't know much about mid days, but it pops quite often early night (I guess from 6-7 pm PST) to semi-late (at least up to 11 pm). It seems to have a pop rate fairly close to reg PVP, but you will see more of the same players than in PVP. Edited by Eloi_BG
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About GSF: It pops from about 1pm to around 11pm on weeknights (later on weekends).


Its a small, relatively tight knit group of pilots who enjoy flying against each other.


If you are into GSF (a couple of things to note):

I recommend joining our chat channel /Gsf, as you will almost always find either good advice or people to fly with.


Hit me up in game if you want to group up, I'm always looking for people to fly with, and so are many of the other people in that channel.


An imperial guild <Sith Praxium> brings premades on Sundays at 8 pm, and you will have to fight good pilots if you are queueing rep side. (Its a lot of fun to face them if you fly a lot)


Generally, we try to be courteous to each other and avoid, putting turrets/mines on Capital Ship/Spawns during Team Death Matches and avoid 3 capping (unless you are losing). The population on the server isn't amazing, so everything we can do to gain and keep new pilots we feel is time well spent.

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