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Is the lack of attention to important issues pushing you away?


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My esteemed colleague, TUX. You forgot this gem of a post from Bioware about the number of PVP player kills to NPCs killed.



WOW! That's actually very interesting, shocking even...


1.7 billion PvP deaths vs. 4 billion NPCs, so that's about 42.5% PvP vs. 57.5% NPCs only. I would have honestly expected the difference to be far FAR greater - like 15% PvP vs 85% NPC. Seriously...that is absolutely shocking to me that PvP is THAT strongly represented.


In my "average day", I know I kill far more NPCs than I do players, far greater than 57.5% are NPCs - I kill 50 Czerka employees in 10 minutes running through that daily, Ravagers takes 25-30 minutes, which is like 2 voidstars (minus queue time) and I know I get for more NPC kills in one Ravagers than I do in 2 voidstars. Look at how many NPCs you kill doing the Rishi or Yavin dailies now...there are hundreds killed. Even on a great night of PvP, I won't get several hundred player kills.


I consider myself a fairly balanced player, I love PvP, it's my absolute first joy in online gaming, but I don't log online without plans to PvE. If "I" fall below that 42.5% of my kills being players, and I consider myself an active PvP participant, I can't even imagine just how popular PvP actually is. In fact, it leads me to believe that anyone who doesn't PvP, is an absolute minority.

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My esteemed colleague, TUX. You forgot this gem of a post from Bioware about the number of PVP player kills to NPCs killed.



WOW! That's actually very interesting, shocking even...


1.7 billion PvP deaths vs. 4 billion NPCs, so that's about 42.5% PvP vs. 57.5% NPCs only. I would have honestly expected the difference to be far FAR greater - like 15% PvP vs 85% NPC. Seriously...that is absolutely shocking to me that PvP is THAT strongly represented.

In my "average day", I know I kill far more NPCs than I do players, far greater than 57.5% are NPCs - I kill 50 Czerka employees in 10 minutes running through that daily, Ravagers takes 25-30 minutes, which is like 2 voidstars (minus queue time) and I know I get for more NPC kills in one Ravagers than I do in 2 voidstars. Look at how many NPCs you kill doing the Rishi or Yavin dailies now...there are hundreds killed. Even on a great night of PvP, I won't get several hundred player kills.

I consider myself a fairly balanced player, I love PvP, it's my absolute first joy in online gaming, but I don't log online without plans to PvE. If "I" fall below that 42.5% of my kills being players, and I consider myself an active PvP participant, I can't even imagine just how popular PvP actually is. In fact, it leads me to believe that anyone who doesn't PvP, is an absolute minority.


:mon_cool: Well done gentlemen. Another bit of bull**** busted by leading scientists from the PVP community.

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I saddly am being pushed.


This last patch is lackluster at best.


Some may argue with what I am about to say but the truth is the truth.


World of Warcraft patches and expansion have all been filled with content. Mists of Pandaria had dailes and rep grinds galore to keep us occupied between content patches. Each expansion save for WoD released with like 3-4 raids and 8-10 regular dungeons and the same dungeons but on heroics.


Each content patch has 3-4 dungeons and heroic modes attached as well as a raid or two.


Bugs are fixed promptly within a day or two and people are severely punished for exploiting.


I am saddened to say that this game, while it is fun and entertaining, is nothing compared to other games out there. I compared Mists of Pandaria release content to Shadow of Reven and the differences are night and day. Mop costs 20 dollars more but you could find it online or in a store. MoP also had twice if not three TIMES as much content to do at release as SoR.


I am playing a SI right now for the story. If this trend of lackluster expansions and content patches and bugs not being fixed for weeks now (Hello Kreia's Robes) keeps up I will be moving onto another game where the development team is.....shall I say on top of the game. It is sad to write this as this game does have potential.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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As you say, you pay a tad bit more than $15 a month for a country club membership. But I guarantee you if you became dissatisfied enough with your country club, you would find another club. Same with TOR.


Not sure why you maintain your TOR subscription when you take a long break. For the county club, maybe you lose "seniority" or something. But with TOR, makes no sense. But. whatever.

True, I'm always willing to take my business elsewhere. But it would take something truly egregious to make me do so. Minor inconvenience would not suffice. But that threshold varies by person. It's a subjective standard ... "How high must the pile grow before you make a change?" So, yeah, if your SWTOR pile is too high, quit. If not, keep playing.


Of course, to pursue my golf analogy, I'm not sure I'd ever change Country Clubs if my Club is the only one offering golf. Other Clubs may have great staff, facilities, rules, memberships ... and only offer handball or checkers. The height of the pile can increase when I can't find an alternate source. Right now, SWTOR is the only Country Club (i.e., MMO) offering Star Wars.


But all this is secondary to my primary point: Play until it's not fun anymore, then stop playing.


As for why I keep subbing during my SWTOR breaks, I'm a little embarrassed by the answer. But the truth is $15 is such an insignificant amount to me, it simply doesn't register. It's less than the cost of the cigar I will smoke on my way to get a haircut this afternoon. I'm fortunate that way.

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Hey @EricMusco, any thoughts? Did you see this? I think you owe us a little input if nothing else.


**Bumping for response*


Lol what should he say? He is link between us and what information is given to him. He can´t come out and say "Oh yea EA really screwed up with this." He wants to keep his job which is normal.


More and more you guys should really accept. Like Wicked said, I honestly believe it too now, its really going downwards with this game from now on. Sure there will be enough updates but each will be more lackluster and smaller in content.

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