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Question about Set Bonus Gear vs Comms Gear


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I'm an op healer, and I've had the 198 comms gear for what seems like a while, and since I'm much more focused on not doing story mode operations I'm trying to min max as best I can. What I was wondering is if in terms of performance, does the set bonuses from the 192 resurrected gear make using the 192 armorings more worthwhile than simply using the 198 armorings?


I've virtually copied the gearing guide from Dulfy even though I'm not all the way there yet. Only thing left are the set bonus pieces (1 for the 180, and outside of 1 revanite piece, the 198 stuff) . I didn't see the comp between the 192 set bonus vs the 198 comms no bonus in my, albeit half back sided, research attempt.


So in a round about way, is removing the 198 comms armorings for the 192 armorings to get the 6 piece set bonus more worthwhile, or is sticking with the 198s better? My inclination is that the 192 set bonus no matter what it might be should overcome the losses from dropping from the 198s since we're only talking about armorings. But, definitely looking for thoughts.


EDIT: Does the 192 resurrected gear even have a set bonus? I just noticed when you highlight the resurrected stuff the revanite set bonus appears. So maybe this is just a crazy question since the 192s may not give off set bonuses at all operations or comms.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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My thoughts: stick with the 192 set bonuses. Even more so if you have any of the pre-3.0 bonuses. You probably wouldn't need the -1s kolto wave bonus, so you could do new four piece / rest 198s from the comm vendor. I would definitely take the critical bonus and the decreased energy cost on kolto infusion/kolto pack over the 198s.
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Revanite/Resurrected gear has the same bonus. Revanite is just a step up in stats.




The real value of 192 token gear is not the set bonus (it is utter garbage for operative healers, save for maybe the fist 2 piece), it's the enhancements.


198 comms gear enhancements have high endurance low secondary stat, so you gain a LOT of extra bonus healing and crit swapping those out for 192 token with their lower endurance and higher power and crit.


192 token mods are also marginally better than 198 comms ones when it comes to healing power and crit, but not as much as the enhancements, because with mods 198 higher primary stat almost makes up for lower secondaries. And arguably, when the difference is that small, extra endurance from 198 comms mods is nice.


So, to squeeze the most out of the gear available, if you are in a position to get 186 old 2 set from NiM dread ops, do that, use it and love it. Even 180 one, actually. (only armorings, obviously). Otherwise, I would highly recommend to get enough 192 tokens to get your enhancements sorted on top of the gear you have now.


Tip: nobody usually wants to pick up/roll for the sm ravagers offhand, But! if you trade that token to a scoundrel/op vendor, you get your best 192 power/surge enchancement, with a bonus of high power 192 cunning mod. Or, trade it to trooper /bh vendor to get the best 192 power/alacrity enchancement (the aim mod is obviously wasted).


Note that scoundrel/op healer itemization on full ressurected/revinite leaves us a bit short on ideal alacrity values (one alacrity piece short to be exact), even if you pick both implants and ear with alacrity, so that enhacement is always very nice to get.

Edited by rheia
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