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to Those who did not get in


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Join the Crowd your not the only ones. Stop crying about it. you will get in when you get in like the rest of us. its 2 days ahead of what they had planed and was nice enough to bump up "EARLY ACCESS". SO IF your not in by the 19 and you preorder them you can QQ. But for me most of these people are just WoW Trolls that preorder and canccel so oyu cna QQ how life is not fair. WE all paid money I paid for the CE and only july 23 but i am not cryinga bout it i suck it up and move along.


"Trolls, these are not the fourms you are looking for."


<<< WoW fourms

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I think most people are raging over the fact that what you said "you will get in when you get in just like the rest of us" is that.. well, no, not like the rest of people. Other people can get in right now and they're seeing is as favortism and just plain unfair.


Which I can't really argue with, I'm kind of bummed about it myself. But its probably a good thing I didn't get in today. Would have put off doing things that needed to be done like the laundry, cleaning up the yard, taking the girl out to dinner, ect.


There's always "something" else to occupy ones time.

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