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Sith Marauder Sucks?


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I'd say the fault lies in the operator, not the class. Yes there's a few things that could be added to the class to improve some of the inherent disadvantages it faces when fighting other classes, but it doesn't suck.


Going to have to agree with this, while the class could be better, the outcome of weather or not it is good is based on the player and it would seem most people don't know how to play Mara's. I'm only level 28 on my Mara and I do much better with him than my level 46 Jug. Maybe it's just player preference...

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This isn't a PvP game. It's a PvE game that has a PvP mini-game attached to it.


PvP is an afterthought. I'm fine with that. The purchase and subscription numbers BioWare has given us via press release show that many others are fine with that as well.



I can't speak for PvP. I don't want to. I'm here for the PvE game.


But insulting the game doesn't make your point come across any better, it only comes across as petulant, whiny, spoiled brattery.


You gotta love people that say that an MMO didn't go onto the drawing board with pvp in mind.


Especially when the follow it up with such gems as "mini-game", "after thought", then round it all out with a pompous statement that has f*** all to do with the original post to begin with.


If you ask me, its the person quoted above who is coming across looking like a petulant, whiny, spoiled brat who is determined to spew their douchebaggery where it doesn't even fit.

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I beg to differ. Marauders ROCK. Im only level 22 and im loving this class. Its the little things that count. Im specced Carnage.


Switch to Annihilation and you'll be even more OP :D

I went to Alderaan at lvl 26 and was mowing through mobs like a hot knife thru butter.

Get crit gear and your crits will heal you, making you even that much more powerful while soloing.

Using Quinn,but going to try Vette because my health isn't even getting to the half way point in 99% of the fights.

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The point is this class sucks...


Every Marauder knows... so does every other class.


but there is a bunch of you douches who doesnt want this class to be good, so you can keep owning it.


If your a marauder and disagree then please ****. cos you must be stupid or something.


This class is NOT gear dependant.

This class does not get good by reaching higher lvls.


If you think your a good marauder, its because you either killing lvl 1 mobs, or you think your doing good in pvp when you survive more than 20sec.


Ive been a pvper in WoW, Aion & Rift...


So i know what im talking about. i just hope bioware gets off their lazy butts and does something fast..............-_-

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The point is this class sucks...


Every Marauder knows... so does every other class.


but there is a bunch of you douches who doesnt want this class to be good, so you can keep owning it.


If your a marauder and disagree then please ****. cos you must be stupid or something.


This class is NOT gear dependant.

This class does not get good by reaching higher lvls.


If you think your a good marauder, its because you either killing lvl 1 mobs, or you think your doing good in pvp when you survive more than 20sec.


Ive been a pvper in WoW, Aion & Rift...


So i know what im talking about. i just hope bioware gets off their lazy butts and does something fast..............-_-


You must be terrible then, because I'm facerolling through content solo on my Marauder.

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The point is this class sucks...


Every Marauder knows... so does every other class.


but there is a bunch of you douches who doesnt want this class to be good, so you can keep owning it.


If your a marauder and disagree then please ****. cos you must be stupid or something.


This class is NOT gear dependant.

This class does not get good by reaching higher lvls.


If you think your a good marauder, its because you either killing lvl 1 mobs, or you think your doing good in pvp when you survive more than 20sec.


Ive been a pvper in WoW, Aion & Rift...


So i know what im talking about. i just hope bioware gets off their lazy butts and does something fast..............-_-


Just stop talking. You are wrong.

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It really boils down to this:


Marauders are single target melee DPS with medium armor.


1v1 we can, and will, tear through anything. It's what we do. Get CC'd, use disruption, get close, and wreck.


when the odds are against us, pick a squishie target and try and kill it before it's friends decide to eat you.


Give us a little bit of back up to distract whatever we're fighting, and we turn into cyclones of destruction.


These rules apply for both PVE, PVP, Annihilation, Carnage, and Rage.


yeah, I wish our stuns and slows worked PVP/on strongs and above so i could use round house kick and pommel strike to ruin people. But i don't need those to do horrible things.

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They will fix things over time eventually, the game is still very early and new. Also The marauder does not suck im only lvl 18 and i caqn still go like 22 kills to 9 deaths in games and get anywhere from 5000-8000 exp in one match...
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pvp clearly is what tells us that we are balance. Lmao l2p

its not L2P

every class got 2 or more CC slow or speed bust or Cover (so you cant jump at them )


no if both players are equally skilled its marauder and juggernaut that lose 100% time

you cant counter all those CC and Slows ... its not l2p issue

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pvp clearly is what tells us that we are balance. Lmao l2p


wait, so your argument that we're gimped is for PVE? ROFLFORLFOL, if i rarely die in pvp what makes you think im going to die to some simpleton PVE encounter.


i can count the number of times ive died in pve on one hand, pve... roflflrolf


ive been using Jaesa since i unlocked her and there has not been one thing ive run into while doing my class quest while waiting for my warzone queue to pop that made me question the strength of my class

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wait, so your argument that we're gimped is for PVE? ROFLFORLFOL, if i rarely die in pvp what makes you think im going to die to some simpleton PVE encounter.


i can count the number of times ive died in pve on one hand, pve... roflflrolf


ive been using Jaesa since i unlocked her and there has not been one thing ive run into while doing my class quest while waiting for my warzone queue to pop that made me question the strength of my class




Why must you lie? I've got decent gear and I see the flaws and weakness of the class. In pvp and pve.



Pve we are one of the weakest classes to be able to solo anything. You can lie and say you do fine all you want, but people know its true.

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lol, its all good...


keep whining, if marauders end up getting buffed i feel sorry for Port Nowhere republic. cuz theyre already getting beasted on


+1, tho those screenshots are average, understand that your not level 40+ in the first few, but ive hit boards with over 400k as carnage. I guess peoples IQ's have dropped when playing faceroll classes in other mmo's. maybe you have to do small brain work when playing swtor!!!!

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yeah i havent hit 400k, but i top the dmg board practically every game. EVERY game, so it all relative


i tried carnage early on, but annhi was better for me since im solo queing for the most part and playing in pugs means i need to rely on myself for heals 99% of the time. anhi affords me those little heals to keep me up long enough to slaughter a few people before force camo/predation out


i racked up a pretty high respecc cost so i dont see me going carnage again till i hit the next tax bracket.

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If you don't like the class, roll something else. Who woulda thought the solution was that simple? You got a lvl 50 saying how horrible a marauder is when all he has to do is quit playing the class and try an Agent or something. Unbelievable. I can't speak for PVP, but I do fine and have fun with my 27 marauder in PVE. A lot of it has to do with working your cooldowns right. The other half is gear. I've been in numerous flashpoints were I was the last one standing, outlasting the tank, dealing damage and finishing off the mobs with nothing but medpacs. I ran with a lvl 20 running around in his lvl 13 bra and panties wondering why he was dying so quick. Learn your class(specs, gear, cooldowns, etc) and maybe you can have fun with it. But don't be quick to put down the class because it doesn't work for you. No one forced you to roll what you did. But if your focus is PVP, take in consideration what people are saying here. I rolled a Bounty Hunter and I'm killin' it.
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Honestly I love the class and always do top damage in warzones but I barely seem to break 250k, this is as rage. And without our cool downs i have to say we are a lil' squishy, but i'm not complaining, what i really want is an the end game best PvE DPS spec, I know i won't know until combat logs come out though, so what is the best PvP spec, i've heard arguments for all three and i have no idea. Level 49 Marauder
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Have to agree with the other marauders saying it's good. I'm only lvl 32 yet whenever I pvp I top the damage charts, medals, and objective points as a marauder all the time, and usually have the most killing blows and kills, and within the 3 least deaths.


In PvE marauder is a joke it's so easy to play if you actually use things like obfuscate, force choke, saber ward, cloak of pain, berserk, etc.

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does any of you actually know the basics of pvp?

its never balanced around 1v1 , its a team game either your team plays like it should or you lose. period. Its that easy!


if you decide as marauder to be a hero without backup you die and thats with every class!!! coordination is required


how stupid can you be (thats for any class) to attack a bunch of players for example when your team isnt close to you, offcourse you die


marauder has stealth which can make you escape from a battle and even a talent where you get AOE damage reduction while in stealth (Annihilation) just incase they start aoe the moment you stealth


you have control as well , and use your brains to use your skills


i dont think Marauders suck at all!!


and pve wise: i really like annihilation spec


i havent had the chance yet to switch to other specs, but why should i, i really like the spec and i stick with it

Edited by Alegoss
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Why must you lie? I've got decent gear and I see the flaws and weakness of the class. In pvp and pve.



Pve we are one of the weakest classes to be able to solo anything. You can lie and say you do fine all you want, but people know its true.


You're a moron.

in PvE we CAN solo anything, even 3-4 levels above you.


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You're a moron.

in PvE we CAN solo anything, even 3-4 levels above you.



Nah you can't but nice try acting like you could. Maybe once I twink my guy out to be overleveled, but hey thats ok, a healer merc can still kill things faster and easier than you.



So please don't lie.

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Nah you can't but nice try acting like you could. Maybe once I twink my guy out to be overleveled, but hey thats ok, a healer merc can still kill things faster and easier than you.



So please don't lie.


Not lying, come to Alderaan and I'll happily show you if you're on my server.. Corellian Run.

Edited by Thundergulch
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