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class buff system


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What are you referring to? As far as I'd heard, I wasn't expecting any major change to the way class buffs work with 3.0.


He's talking about the Debuffs that classes can put on targets, Marked (Ranged Damage boost), Beat Down (Melee Damage Boost), etc. or for healers the buffs they can put on targets.


I think it helps, but you can't get all of the healer/tank buffs/debuffs because you can't fit 3 tanks and 3 healers into an 8m operation with 4 DPS.

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If anything, it really encourages diversity within either tech or force classes.


Ie. Pyro PT and Virulence sniper play off each others buffs/debuffs, Juggernauts and assassins, mercs and snipers etc.


So it really helps full force comps, or full tech comps, but if you have one sorc on your tech team their 5% more force damage really doesn't do much for others.

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If anything, it really encourages diversity within either tech or force classes.


Ie. Pyro PT and Virulence sniper play off each others buffs/debuffs, Juggernauts and assassins, mercs and snipers etc.


So it really helps full force comps, or full tech comps, but if you have one sorc on your tech team their 5% more force damage really doesn't do much for others.


Let's say we use your example, and there's a single sorc in a group of tech dps. The debuffs that the sorc puts on the target may not help any of the other dps, but they will help increase the rest of that sorc's dps. So they're not useless, in any situation.

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The debuffs weren't 100% made as group-wide mechanics in mind. They were made with whatever spec you are playing in mind to help at you. Yes they made them where everyone can and will use them, but the point was helping out yourself be stronger.


I would argue that the real bust is the new Group Buff CD abilities. No one seems to know when to use them. You have Sentinels/Maras and Op/Scoundrels wasting them damage and Crit boosts on trash in between bosses way too much (should not be happening at all on trash), you have Mercs/Commando either forgetting their Alacrity boost, or forgoing it for their own CD instead with the Supercharged stacks. Only class I've seen use their buff at the proper times the most are Sages and Sorcs. I've been in two pugs that uses all 4 buffs at the same time, every boss fight.

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