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New 2015 Review by someone who actually plays the game!


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If it was a metrosexual guy all of you would "omg he's so beaultiful". :rolleyes:


yeah, I expected the comments lol. Am a big guy, I have hair. Not a model by any means, but thing is. I don't care. Know who I am, what I am. I don't need to run down people to make myself feel good. I already feel good.

Insecurity is best demonstrated by those who run down others. Can quote me on that.

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Had a good chuckle a few times I liked it.


and that's the whole point. Make people laugh.

I don't have a professional studio. I don't look like Pewdiepie lol


to those that comment on the profanity. Meh, to each their own. If you don't like my style, don't watch me lol. Simple as that. All I care about are those that do find me funny, do find me informative.

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My "review' of this "review"

Combat animations are the best thing about this game?

Apparently he (and others) have never played an Asian/Korean designed MMO. They have by far the most beautiful, fluid and stunning Combat animations around, and due to most of them having "combo" systems, the animations are way less "clunky" and robot like than TOR.

As mentioned by another postee, the animations in TOR are extremely rigid and realistically quite boring to watch when done in sequences.

There is 0 variety in ANY of the animations, when stacked, the game uses exactly the same animation for each and every attack type, which is not only unrealistic looking, but pathetically lazy from a game design point of view. You don't stand in the exact same pose like a robot when firing a gun at a target, particularly if that target is moving, yet in TOR that is precisely what happens.

With the exception of the Smugglers "coin toss" and perhaps the Sith "pacing" (stolen directly from Darth Maul in EP:1 - TFM) most of the "recharge" animations are also boring.

And where are the idle animations? Your toon just stands in one spot like a statue? How about giving them the same variety as the class trainers have?


Voice acting and Story?

Initially perhaps, and for a good portion of the game this is true, but, as once again already mentioned, BW have gotten lazy with later content, and the VA and Story have given way to cheap text missions.


The Social aspect?

Well apparently this guy plays on the wrong servers.

I play primarily PvE and on the "PvE" servers I find the "Social Aspect" of the game to be fantastic! I have never had any difficulty getting into a team for Heroic's or Flashpoints, except a few occasions on the quieter servers during "off peak" times, sometimes the Group Finder can take a while to pop, but if you ask in open chat, you will almost always get replies withing seconds/minutes.

I have also never had any difficulties getting answers to 'noob' questions, on the whole, the vast majority of players are fantastically helpful, even to players "gifting" me items and credits, offering to trade items with me and help with missions. And many is the time I have seen players hang around planets even though they have completed the content, just to help out lower level's with missions.


Also, these forums (like most MMO forums I've seen/read), IMHO, are most definetly NOT at all representative of the majority of players in TOR.


Apparently the "Elitist A'holes" are only on PvP servers, and from this guy's comments and attitude, and his crowing about "ganking", apparently he is one of them.


A review of the "reviewee"

As mentioned, please, WAY less profanity! You may want to consider buying a dictionary to discover that there are more words in the English language than F*** and S**T. Using them does not add any credence to your review or impact to your statements, all it does is turn people off watching any more of your video's.


You may also want to consider the following piece of advice "decide who you want to be and how you wish others to perceive you, and dress accordingly"


I accept that you have obviously played the game way longer than I have, and you may well be what's considered a "good" player, but (thankfully) you are not the only player and neither (again thankfully) are you indicative or in any way representative, of the vast majority of players.


I respect your opinion and your experience. It's an MMO, everyone will have a different one.

Far as act and dress how I want people to perceive me? lol

I do. I accept who I am, I like who I am. If others don't, that's their problem, not mine.

I'm no sheep. I don't feel the need to conform to societal norms lol.

I am me.

Loud, blunt, and honest. And I dress comfortably. I'm not going to sit an review video games in a suit lol. Want me to get all stylish? Sorry, but I don't care about that. Will people be turned off by how I am? sure lol.

Though let me point to a lot of the comments, and the obvious trolls. That's a lot of why I said what I said about the community as a whole entity lol. I'm willing to bet if all those above actually sat, talked, and ran around with me in game. We'd be cool.

As it is, probably won't find out. Well, unless they ever come to the bastion :)


and I have played some Korean MMOs. I'll say this, I like Aura Kingdom. But they aren't really in focus for a lot of people. I'm willing to bet many here will have never heard of Aura Kingdom. Maybe some other Korean mmos, but I won't have heard of them.

They're all too small, and not advertised well.

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Stereotypical no-life gamer reviews his lifepartner, a game with lightsabers and a star wars tag slapped onto it. In his quest for viewers he makes a thread about said review, in an effort to appeal to his fellow neck-bearders and potentially spiral his channel into a scenario where only the sky is the limit. Will he achieve his goal? Will it all be for naught, with him ending up even greasier, sloppier and in general even less appealing as a person?


Common sense about whether or not to make a review as an unemployed basement dweller hoping for sympathy on the internet, The Movie.


Coming soon,


or not at all.


You know what lol. I have to give you credit man. Was aimed at me, a bashing, all that. YET...you made me laugh with it lol. Honestly. That was well written.


Not gonna fight with ya. Just wanted to say, mean as such things are, I liked it.

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Well, he did say:


I did indeed lol. And I expected what I got. Is what it is. I've dealt with this kinda **** all my life. People judging me without knowing me. A lot of us have.

You get used to it.

But for every negative comment, I see one guy say he liked it. All that matters to me.


I will say this. While I don't have a studio yet, I am building things up. Gotta crawl before you can walk. And I'm hoping down the line, I'll look back at my start an smile at how far I've come.

For every single person that helps me along the way. That likes my vids, watches and enjoys. I will be appreciative. I will do my best to make you laugh, and voice your opinions.

Majority here may not like how I dress, how I talk. That's fine. Billions of people in the world. I don't need every single one to like me off the bat. But who knows, maybe I'll grow on people :)

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what happens in a mans life when he just says "naaaaah im done with shaving my neck and washing my clothes"


I actually like my beard lol. Odd enough my father couldn't grow one, just a stache. Me, I can grow a beard but not a stache lol.

I'd like one of those really long beards. Texas goatees an such, but meh.


and my clothes were clean lol. MY jacket had a bit of lint. Was cold man lol. I threw it on. SUE ME XD

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My issue is that it's rambling and unfocused. It switches from review to back seat design philosophizing. I'm also not a big fan of face reviews. Talk about the game, show the game and relevant content. Major sites don't usually do face reviews. You basically have to be real pretty or charming as **** to pull it off and most people aren't.


I did chuckle a couple times.


That's the whole people. Made ya laugh some lol.

And yeah, I'm not pretty lol. At best I've been called a young Hagrid XD

but as you say, most aren't.


all I can say to you is keep checking in. It's all a work in progress, and maybe I'll grow on you :)

everyone not born into things has to start small. Has to work their way up.

That's what I'm doing.

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First off, if you're actually serious about a SW:TOR dedicated YouTube channel, I'm seriously intending to help you with this reply.


I'd have to agree with just about everyone here. It's one thing to sit around alone like that, fine, that's your choice. However, if you intend to present something to the community at least appear to care. The obscene amount of obscenities was.. well.. obscene.


As for actual content, you do not play all aspects of the game, that devalues your review. You don't have any sort of valid information for someone who is new to the game. That is the purpose of reviews. I would guess you are primarily a PvPer, focus on that, describe the actual warzones, add clips, sell the PvP. To help you out there are only two current content Ops. In my personal experience yes there can be bugs, about 10% of the time for me, if you only read the forums you would think in fact it was 90% of the time, that's just inaccurate.


Bright side, your sense of humor is good. I liked the loading screens and choice of animations. Stick with that.


As harsh as some of the "advice" here has been, it's not without good intention. I suggest adjusting your presentation, and cleaning yourself up. Expand your vocabulary, profanity can be used to add some flavor but if we took the time to break it down I would say 25%, if not more, of the review is profanity. Takes a lot away from anything you're trying to say to your audience.


Good luck if you're serious, good troll if you're not.


I really appreciate the feedback. I do.

and this is a work in progress. I do plan on adding things like a green screen, show gameplay off in the background. Do some animation.

Far as cleaning up. Did what I could. Was CLEAN lol. Just, was cold as **** here. Has been for weeks. So had to throw on a jacket.

Plus, I don't want to be someone I'm not. I want to stay casual.

Far as the review itself goes. Was an initial breakdown of things WHILE being loud and such. I do plan on touching base with each aspect. I have plans to bring not only the PvP aspect, but the PvE aspect into it as well. I doubt I'll touch GSF though lol.


This was me attempting something I'd never done before. Was nervous, will admit that lol. So cussed more than I usually do.

That said, I was proud of how it turned out.

I'm betting most don't know what goes into making vids. I had 2 days of prep, 3 hrs of recording myself lol. So many cuts, and retakes. Had a LOT more information I wanted to present, but I didn't want the video to be TOO long.

Took 6hrs of editing.

and that's just my first attempt. I'll be doing a different game tomorrow called "This War of Mine"

I'm wanting to keep most reviews to about 5-6 mins. I feel the ones I've watched in the past kind of spoil games or books, or movies. They go into too much detail. I'm trying to find a balance.

It's just swtor is 3 years old. Is an MMO, and I want to do it justice.

This is just the beginning. Next SWTOR vid, based on what I've heard back from people, will be an individual review of the mercenary/commando class. Showing what's wrong, what's right, and what might could be done to improve it.

I will have gameplay footage. I'll mention how they perform in PvE, but I don't know if I'll show much of it. As most classes do well in PvE. Only really feeling imbalanced when put into a PvP situation.

So, that's next.

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**** it, I change my opinion of the guy. After watching him take all these comments in stride I'd much rather see him succeed than the rest of us rag on him about his appearance. (Still needs work tho man, c'mon.)


Believe me, I am lol. Once it warms up I won't need a jacket. I have a nice coat, but it's heavy ya know. I don't wear it in the house.

Far as ME goes, I like my beard. My hair I do fight with, but I like it long. Goes back to my childhood with that one, not I think anyone cares lol. But being made to shave your head bald till you were 13, looking like uncle fester cause you're big, you kinda then go for a longer look lol.

Usually I like to keep it messy. I like the wildman look lol.


Eventually I plan on setting up a studio-like deal around me, with green screens and all that. But for right now, I am just practicing at editing. Finding my niche.

You can't just BE good at something right off the bat. And I want to take more care to be 'honest' on my channel than say, "oh everything is awesome because I don't want to offend anyone" kind of personality. They drive me nuts.

Watching a lot of these youtubers play an review Life is Strange was awful. They all looked bored as hell, and still went on to say, very unenthusiastically, how they liked the game. Yet ALL they could talk about was the aesthetics.

I don't want to be that way.

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Oh no he used profanity! The world is gonna end now!



Grow up. :rolleyes:


They are right in the sense I may have OVERDONE it. I even said to my girlfriend afterwards, "I wonder how many times I said the word **** in that." and then I compared myself to that one Limp Bizkit song lol


I was nervous XD


I will improve. I'm not going to take profanity out of my vocabulary, because it's just how it is lol. But I can speak more eloquently.

Just give me time people. Stick with me, and I hope to be worthy of it as I progress :)

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Honestly you don't even need a business appropriate hair cut or clean shaven to set a good impression.

But you're dead on the money with your comment Will


To OP:


Wash your hair and comb/brush it

keep facial growth evenly trimmed (literally takes 2 minutes tops)

Put on a clean shirt (seriously there is white chunks/flakes on his shirt)


Personal appearance is a sign of self respect

If you can't be bothered to take even minimal time to clean oneself up before going on camera,

why should anyone else care what you have to say about anything?


And for those complaining about the feedback

The OP put it out there himself

I guarantee you nothing said here has not been said to him before multiple times


PS: I turned the video off at the "Combat Animations" because they are neither new nor the best in the MMORPG genre. LOTS of games have combat animations and some do it even better then SW:TOR.


And no serious reveiw can look at combat animations and NOT address the problems they create in 16 man ops due to graphics engine that is employed in SW:TOR.


I did both of those things to my hair lol. I fight an struggle with my hair. Always have. Thought about putting my hood up, but didn't want THAT look.

Far as the flakes on my shirt. Wasn't a shirt. Was an old jacket with lint, and yeah a few streaks for years of use. I have 2 coats. Both too bulky an heavy to be used inside.

That said, I hear what you an others are saying. And I will work on it.

As you said, I put myself out there. I expected scrutiny. And I welcomed it. I REALLY want to get good at this, so I need to hear what all's wrong so I can work on what I can. Somethings like my beard are out of the question. I like it lol

But the struggle is real with my hair XD


far as combat animations go. There is rarely something as satisfying as leaping in and force pushing someone away in SWTOR. Or that big blast from TK sages. The only class that doesn't have decent animations is the scoundrel. Operative is nice. The dagger MUCH better than the shotgun, IMO.

I will say this. I agree with you on the lag some of the abilities create. But in my experience, every game suffers from that.

One of the most comparable situations is LOTRO. When the Loremasters use their persistent AoE, it can turn the game into a slide show depending on how many do it.

The MMOs that are out right now will be vastly different in comparison to the MMOs that will be out 10yrs from now. Don't know how many current ones will survive. SWTOR here survives mainly off the brand. That said, I think it is a good game. Needs work. Lots of it. But it's still FUN. Enough to pay for a sub IMO.

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You can make a point without having to use profanity in between every word.


I'm all about cursing, but it's a review, not a comedy sketch.


Also clean up man. It's not a beauty contest or anything, but daaaaaamn, wear a clean gosh darn lol. Look presentable.


Idk, everything about you screams stereotypical nerf herder gamer. I wouldn't watch you without a doubt.


I'm sure others would like you spiel.


Personally I much prefer comedy to those that sit and give you by the numbers, power point presentations lol. Maybe that's just me.

BUT I will admit to cussing more than I had originally planned on lol. Nervousness

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and that's the whole point. Make people laugh.

I don't have a professional studio. I don't look like Pewdiepie lol


to those that comment on the profanity. Meh, to each their own. If you don't like my style, don't watch me lol. Simple as that. All I care about are those that do find me funny, do find me informative.


Oh ok. So this was actually a troll thread that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Roger that. Carry on.

Edited by DarkSaberMaster
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Personally I much prefer comedy to those that sit and give you by the numbers, power point presentations lol. Maybe that's just me.

BUT I will admit to cussing more than I had originally planned on lol. Nervousness


Lol like I said, I'm not a fan, but do what you like, some will like it some won't. I don't really believe in the terms 'fanboi' or 'hater'.


People just have preferences, some are just more.... 'passionate' on the way they express it. You posted this thread and wanted some opinions, you got them lol. Some are mean, some are nice, others more blunt and to the point.


I'd consider mine blunt lol. But in the end you'll do what you like how you like and that's what being an independent human being is all about. Rock on brah.

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to those that comment on the profanity. Meh, to each their own. If you don't like my style, don't watch me lol. Simple as that. All I care about are those that do find me funny, do find me informative.
you ask for feedback then say "tough this is the way i'm doing it"?


that's interesting.


i grew up in a mining community. there's no language you could use that could bother me. having said that, there is a widely held belief, as demonstrated by feedback here, that you don't need profanity to be funny and mostly it devalues your message.


you'll have to choose between using the language you want, or actually entertaining people.


if you don't want feedback, dont ask for it.

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