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How do you long-time MMO players do it?


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Wait, the game is done in six hours? Seriously? I have spent years trying to play full story mode of my old Pokemon games to the end in 24 play-time hours without skipping large amounts of stuff.


Six hours?


If you know the game and are rushing it, yes...


Try Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare



2 hours, 4 minutes, start to finish.




There is one, 1 hour, 48 minutes, vet difficulty.


Those are EXTREME examples of people who have played them over and over and over, so not normal...


But 6 hours, yes... I've sat down in one evening and finished them without even trying for a speed run.




Always worth remembering when playing MMOs is that some times you'll have people who have that mindset playing with you. Yea, nuts huh?


I always wait until they are 50% off at least before buying them. I've played them all except Advanced Warfare, not cheap enough for what amounts to an evening's fun, and I don't care for multiplayer in those games.


Six hours to complete the story mode of a whole game? Six hours?


Yep, Google Call of Duty Speed Run and see. :D Nuts, huh?


You know what is even MORE NUTS? They are selling a BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR WORTH OF THAT GAME. So before you call it stupid and shallow (not saying you would, just saying)... money talks and you know what walks...


According to Activision, Call of Duty has sold more than $10 BILLION dollars worth of games, with much of that in the past 5 years. WoW has brought in similar numbers, but SWTOR doesn't even register on that RADAR screen.


I spent at least two weeks (IRL time, accounting for sleep, bio, work, etc.) playing the Mass Effect trilogy and the next week on ME3. Without the DLCs. That's averaging a week per game, and about five hours a day (and that's low balling to make me sound like a speedster. Sort of) ... 5x20=100, plus another five to make 21 days. 105 hours for the full trilogy? Nonono. Sounds more like what my ME2 file was saying...


I have no life apparently.


Me neither, other than my kids. :D I loved ME, ME2, and ME3 (until the last 15 min of course), what an epic world and story. I'd love to see a ME MMO, but I doubt that will happen. I'd also love to see a movie series of ME, but only if we get FemmShep played by Scarlett Johansson or Kate Beckinsale.

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If you know the game and are rushing it, yes...


Try Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare



2 hours, 4 minutes, start to finish.




There is one, 1 hour, 48 minutes, vet difficulty.


Those are EXTREME examples of people who have played them over and over and over, so not normal...


But 6 hours, yes... I've sat down in one evening and finished them without even trying for a speed run.




Always worth remembering when playing MMOs is that some times you'll have people who have that mindset playing with you. Yea, nuts huh?


I always wait until they are 50% off at least before buying them. I've played them all except Advanced Warfare, not cheap enough for what amounts to an evening's fun, and I don't care for multiplayer in those games.


Yep, Google Call of Duty Speed Run and see. :D Nuts, huh?


You know what is even MORE NUTS? They are selling a BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR WORTH OF THAT GAME. So before you call it stupid and shallow (not saying you would, just saying)... money talks and you know what walks...


According to Activision, Call of Duty has sold more than $10 BILLION dollars worth of games, with much of that in the past 5 years. WoW has brought in similar numbers, but SWTOR doesn't even register on that RADAR screen.

I know money talks and makes all the shuffles around, but a longer play time would give the companies more time to actually finish the next installment of the series without requiring constant patching.


That google search was frightening. Kids these days have no patience to handle a game for more than two days (being generous and assuming those people are only playing for about three hours a day after having RL interactions and decent weather).


And that's coming from a young ... Female (not sure if I count as a lady and women always seemed to be those of Mother ages) who almost is living in her grandmother's basement despite having a job.


Me neither, other than my kids. :D I loved ME, ME2, and ME3 (until the last 15 min of course), what an epic world and story. I'd love to see a ME MMO, but I doubt that will happen. I'd also love to see a movie series of ME, but only if we get FemmShep played by Scarlett Johansson or Kate Beckinsale.


Oooh. Scarlett Johansson would make an awesome Fem!Shep. The question would be: Liara, Kaiden, Garrus, Thane, Samara (lot of work to get that one IIRC), Kelly (also IIRC), Traynor, Allers, Jacob, or pure heavy flirt with James?(Personal vote to the King of Calibration) Huh. Fem!Shep has a ton of options.


But there is so much to do in the ME'verse, that the story is just that huge. (Also peeved about how BW felt like it was trying to force me into multiplayer stuff, no, not trying. It was, even when I refused, just to get a decent ending for my Shekarian couple.)

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I disagree, some later chapters were actually better or just as good as earlier ones. Agent really comes to mind for this. Consular I also thought was more interesting in its later chapter than its first.


I have been steadily happy with Agent (now 51) but Consular has been hit and miss. The starter arc was fairly engaging, Balmorra less so and now I'm on Hoth and seeing where it takes me. Bounty Hunter has been nice, but for some reason better as Light Side. I'm indifferent to Marauder so far, the best parts were the new "allies" on Quesh and have not progressed an Inquisitor past 20+ yes but "like" Dath Zash so far...so condescendingly stylish!


As for the OP., it's been said before me but different stuff, Flashpoints, PvP, it all helps break the monotony.

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