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Sin or Marauder for PVP. What should I make?


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I know sins are the best class in pvp right now.... But, marauders are getting a buff soon. Would marauders actually end up being nice in pvp after that buff? What's your input guys?


I took a long enough break, and forumquested way too much recently. It's just not the same! I need to pvp. I am going to make a strong class that way I have a chance to actually enjoy myself in the warzones.


If any experienced pvping marauders have any thoughts on their incoming buffs I would appreciate hearing your points on that. I don't really understand exactly what the buff will do for them as I have not played a marauder since the game started a few years ago.

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I know sins are the best class in pvp right now.... But, marauders are getting a buff soon. Would marauders actually end up being nice in pvp after that buff? What's your input guys?


I took a long enough break, and forumquested way too much recently. It's just not the same! I need to pvp. I am going to make a strong class that way I have a chance to actually enjoy myself in the warzones.


If any experienced pvping marauders have any thoughts on their incoming buffs I would appreciate hearing your points on that. I don't really understand exactly what the buff will do for them as I have not played a marauder since the game started a few years ago.


We really don't have a clue of what the devs have in mind for the 3.1.1 changes.


They have planned minor changes, but not priority ones that the class really needs for the moment.


There is a slight nerf to Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage that all other players than sent/mara ones can't understand or see, hidden by an illusional buff (they removed the health cost but increased its CD to 3 min, up from 2 minutes), gave us our root back on Leg Slash/Crippling Slash at 10m by having to take TWO utility points (one skillful and one HEROIC) when we had the same effects with only one passive ability before 3.0, gave us an anecdotic CC immunity while in the 4-6 seconds of Force Camouflage baseline and added a 30 seconds CD reduction on our stun breaker to a current skillful utility.


To choose between the two, it all depends if you like stealthers gameplay more than "hard" hitting but squishy melee leapers very vulnerable to CC, very dependant on your skill and your knowledge of the other classes (in the current state of the class).


For now, we don't know if they will address our mobility and time on target problems, but I hope we will know more about this tomorrow or thursday.


Sent/Mara is way more rewarding if played well, but something like 1.5x-2x more difficult to play than a Shadow/Sin in the current meta.

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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Marauders/Sents are not viable right now for any kind of ranked PvP or high level PvE. The buffs that are currently on the PTS won't change this in the slightest unless other classes' roots/knockbacks/slows get nerfed heavily within the same patch (which won't happen).

If we're lucky, Marauders will be viable with 4.0 again.

If you just wanna have fun in regs you can still pack a punch when playing in a premade. But then again a Sin can do the same but 10 times better.

It's up to you in the end. Marauders/Sents playstyle is way different from Sin/Shadow. Go with what you enjoy more.

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We really don't have a clue of what the devs have in mind for the 3.1.1 changes.


They have planned minor changes, but not priority ones that the class really needs for the moment.


There is a slight nerf to Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage that all other players than sent/mara ones can't understand or see, hidden by an illusional buff (they removed the health cost but increased its CD to 3 min, up from 2 minutes), gave us our root back on Leg Slash/Crippling Slash at 10m by having to take TWO utility points (one skillful and one HEROIC) when we had the same effects with only one passive ability before 3.0, gave us an anecdotic CC immunity while in the 4-6 seconds of Force Camouflage baseline and added a 30 seconds CD reduction on our stun breaker to a current skillful utility.


To choose between the two, it all depends if you like stealthers gameplay more than "hard" hitting but squishy melee leapers very vulnerable to CC, very dependant on your skill and your knowledge of the other classes (in the current state of the class).


For now, we don't know if they will address our mobility and time on target problems, but I hope we will know more about this tomorrow or thursday.


Sent/Mara is way more rewarding if played well, but something like 1.5x-2x more difficult to play than a Shadow/Sin in the current meta.


Thanks for the constructive feedback, good insight you obviously main a marauder. Lots of detailed input regarding the utilities etc. I guess while X2 is on, I will make a mara and level it up to 20+ at least. Seems the troubles begin at 30 and i would imagine for a mrauder in pvp at 30, it's really tough. Anyway thanks a lot.

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I thought you quit the game?



Please stop making troll threads. Mocking the FotM is fun, but not with 9.4 x 10∞ threads.


Are you retarded, or what? I answered you, more than once regarding if I quit the game. I didn't quit the game, I took a break and stopped logging in. How many times are you going to repeat this inane question?


Can you not detect the difference between troll threads which are laden with sarcasm and hyperbole compared to an honest question thread? :confused:

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Thanks for the constructive feedback, good insight you obviously main a marauder. Lots of detailed input regarding the utilities etc. I guess while X2 is on, I will make a mara and level it up to 20+ at least. Seems the troubles begin at 30 and i would imagine for a mrauder in pvp at 30, it's really tough. Anyway thanks a lot.


You're welcome, have fun leveling your toon ;)


May the Force be with you, and your two lightsabers too !

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Troll thread or not, I don't think the sent/mara 3.1.1 changes are going to help much. The 2m - 3m nerf will only be noticed in 8v8, but definitely a buff for arenas. Getting the 10m root is nice, but it comes at a high utility point cost. Now you'll have to give up something that you used to take in order to get the 10m root.
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Troll thread or not, I don't think the sent/mara 3.1.1 changes are going to help much. The 2m - 3m nerf will only be noticed in 8v8, but definitely a buff for arenas. Getting the 10m root is nice, but it comes at a high utility point cost. Now you'll have to give up something that you used to take in order to get the 10m root.


What buff or nerf is this? I don't understand it.

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What buff or nerf is this? I don't understand it.


He's referring to the cooldown of Undying Rage going from 2 mins to 3 mins based on 3.1.1 PTS. They're increasing the cooldown, but also removing the HP penalty.

Edited by Saregon
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He's referring to the cooldown of Undying Rage going from 2 mins to 3 mins based on 3.1.1 PTS. They're increasing the cooldown, but also removing the HP penalty.

I'm a GIRL by the way, but yes you are correct.




Guy In Real Life



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Marauders/Sents are not viable right now for any kind of ranked PvP or high level PvE.


This statement is not entirely true, specifically the bolded part. I will agree that marauders need a lot of help in PvP, specifically with survivability and the ability to stay on a target. In PvE however, Marauders are fine. I'm currently 9/10 on my marauder for hard mode content (haven't gotten to try Revan yet so I will see how that goes) so marauders, by definition, are viable for the content. Maybe not optimal but in terms of PvE content they can do fine.


@OP: For pvp content marauders, even after the buffs, will be behind other classes for solo ranked. For regs you will be fine to play anything you want, although if you are playing by yourself I would say an assassin would be easier to do. Really just play what you want, but in the end the sin will probably be better and stronger.

Edited by CellPerfect
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