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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Downside To Double XP


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I've seen a lot of confusion as to why a lot of people don't like the double XP events and I thought I would explain it to people who don't know how it could be a bad thing.


If you're a fairly new player to the game, double XP is great! You get to experience your story faster and get to endgame. The problem rests with the people who have been playing for a while.


A lot of the long time players have developed our own personal leveling strategies. We've played through the game so many times that we've naturally found ways to level up efficiently according to our own play styles. The unfortunate thing about these strategies is that they're quite exact. It's really easy for them to get thrown off.


So why is double XP so bad? Doesn't that mean our leveling strategy works twice as fast? No! Because the double XP events have one huge flaw: they ONLY double the XP and nothing else. My personal strategy relies quite heavily on gaining comms over a consistent leveling period. This game is very gear dependent! You level far faster than you have the comms to keep up with it.


With my current strategy, I can easily get enough comms to mod out an entire set of adaptive gear every other planet, which is more than enough seeing as I'm usually four or five levels above what I need to be when I reach a planet.


Add in double XP that strategy just flies out the window. Suddenly I'm not gaining enough comms to buy the mods I need to keep current, which makes me significantly less useful in Flashpoints where many of the older players will kick you for the smallest mistakes.


Well then what about buying mods at the GTN? Because everything triples in price. A lot of people come back to the game during a double XP event, so demand goes through the roof, and prices double or triple on even basic items to meet that demand.


That's where it all starts to fall apart, because we're ONLY getting double XP. Everything else is exactly the same, so we're not getting enough from the game to make the loss of money worth it. We lose A LOT more than we gain. The only people who win during a double XP event are new or returning low level players, people who have a lot of money to burn, and people who gather materials and sell them at the GTN for ridiculously inflated prices.


Most of the people I've spoken to have come up with leveling strategies that are extremely efficient and don't waste a lot of money. Double XP events forces long time players to spend a lot more money at the GTN for items that they wouldn't have to purchase AT ALL if the event wasn't going on in the first place.


That's why a lot of people wish we could opt out of the event, because we know that if we choose to level a character during that time, he's not going to be up to standards unless we spend a lot more money on items that we normally don't have to spend any credits on.


Being overleveled isn't such a big deal to us long time players because we've developed ways to do that easily even without the event going on. It's baffling how many people don't understand that and openly mock those who have issues with the event.


This could all easily be solved if Bioware would double everything else during an event, but they don't. There's such a high demand for items that you can't meet because loot drops are exactly the same as before, which increases prices on everything because supply rates are still normal, which screws over the people who need those items to level a character, and screws over the people who have come up with their own ways to work the GTN and earn money.


Even after the event ends this can screw up the in game economy for weeks. For casual players this means practically nothing. For everyone else, these events aren't worth the loss of credits.

Edited by HonorThyGamer
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Honestly, I could see the complaint for 12XP if you don't have toons to craft your gear, since you have to buy less expensive comm items or cheap greens from vendors to keep up in some cases, but double XP is really not difficult to keep up with gear-wise. If you're over leveled for the content you're doing but still undergeared, then go back and do some easy heroics/planetary quests and get comms if it's that much of an issue. I just can't agree that this is a legitimate problem.
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It's not that difficult to get enough comms. I've leveled my Sniper last two days and I'm on Voss at level 50 now. I have 300+ Basic comms. I do all soloable quests I can find (including easy H2s). I do KDY once every day for GF daily reward. I equip my companions with gear that drops from enemies or I craft them (Armormech). At 55+ I will be using legacy bound 192 sets whenever I have one available for companion I use. I also try to use my Cybertech alts as source of Armorings, I want to keep as many Basic comms as possible before level 60 so I can easily buy gear.


Also, prototype quality modifications are good for 10 levels. For example level 39 armorings are good enough until level 49 and so on. At level 50+ you can use level 49 gear (yes, Makeb bolster gives you 156 stats) until you get to FA story (full 162), Rishi (full 168 and 178).


Main problem for me is outleveling content: it gets too easy, no challenge. Current Level 50 to quest level 44 is still acceptable though.

Edited by Halinalle
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Honestly, I could see the complaint for 12XP if you don't have toons to craft your gear, since you have to buy less expensive comm items or cheap greens from vendors to keep up in some cases, but double XP is really not difficult to keep up with gear-wise. If you're over leveled for the content you're doing but still undergeared, then go back and do some easy heroics/planetary quests and get comms if it's that much of an issue. I just can't agree that this is a legitimate problem.


Go back and do those daily heroics for what is it, one comm a piece when you've overleveled it? I can't quite remember, but don't you only get one comm from missions that you're n longer in the level range to do? Again, not worth the time for so little gain to get something we'd get a lot more of without the event going on.

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It's not that difficult to get enough comms. I've leveled my Sniper last two days and I'm on Voss at level 50 now. I have 300+ Basic comms. I do all soloable quests I can find (including easy H2s). I do KDY once every day for GF daily reward. I equip my companions with gear that drops from enemies or I craft them (Armormech). At 55+ I will be using legacy bound 192 sets whenever I have one available for companion I use. I also try to use my Cybertech alts as source of Armorings, I want to keep as many Basic comms as possible before level 60 so I can easily buy gear.


Also, prototype quality modifications are good for 10 levels. For example level 39 armorings are good enough until level 49 and so on. At level 50+ you can use level 49 gear (yes, Makeb bolster gives you 156 stats) until you get to FA story (full 162), Rishi (full 168 and 178).


I only came back a couple days ago and was gone for five months, so the comm strategy I was using was developed during a time when planetary comms existed and you could only carry a hundred, kind of forcing you to spend them or waste comms.

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I only came back a couple days ago and was gone for five months, so the comm strategy I was using was developed during a time when planetary comms existed and you could only carry a hundred, kind of forcing you to spend them or waste comms.


Good thing they got rid of that stupid "only 100" limit then?

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The only ones that would be affected by their "strategy" being a bit altered would be people with aspergers or autism.


Most people won't get upset if they get to skip a step or two in their leveling "strategy".


Don't agree with someone, question their intellectual capacity. Good to know that stereotypes like you will always exist in MMO's to remind people about the worse parts of online gaming.

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Not every long-term player dislikes XP boost weekends, regardless of the OP's allusion.


Besides, if you have double XP, there's still nothing stopping you from doing the content the way you want to. Sure, you'll outlevel stuff and get 0 XP from mobs, but apparently your leveling strategy is based around comms, and you still get those.


I mean, if you're some kind of masochist who likes to stay at -5 levels under the quest level "for the challenge", then I guess it kinda sucks to get more XP than that, but then I don't know what to say to you.


Worst thing about double XP: It makes me want to level all my alts, and then I don't progress on my main, haha ;)

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Not every long-term player dislikes XP boost weekends, regardless of the OP's allusion.


Besides, if you have double XP, there's still nothing stopping you from doing the content the way you want to. Sure, you'll outlevel stuff and get 0 XP from mobs, but apparently your leveling strategy is based around comms, and you still get those.


I mean, if you're some kind of masochist who likes to stay at -5 levels under the quest level "for the challenge", then I guess it kinda sucks to get more XP than that, but then I don't know what to say to you.


Worst thing about double XP: It makes me want to level all my alts, and then I don't progress on my main, haha ;)


It's like everyone skipped the majority topic of my original post that discusses it's impact on the in game economy. And I never once said that all long term players have a problem with it. I made sure to use words like "a lot" for the very reason that someone would come along and say what you just said.

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Worst thing about double XP: It makes me want to level all my alts, and then I don't progress on my main, haha ;)


I have Basic comms at cap on two level 60s and both already in 186 with some 192. Nothing to spend those Basic comms. No point grinding more.


My current target for this weekend has been:

- Get Sniper through story as far as possible (yesterday and today)

- Tomorrow: Vanguard to level 55 and I try to get Sniper as close to 55 as possible (achievements)


After that it's just level them from 55 to 60 to get the final achievements. Yep, only need BH, Agent and Trooper to 60.

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This is why i plan to just wait for this crap event to finish, i have suggested many times a workaround to allow 2x xp without forcing it on everything, but sadly, bioware lack the common sense to implement it.


Anyway, i just have to wait until this dumb event finishes to resume playing while my sub is active and if bioware don't get smarter with their ideas and events, i won't bother reactivating the sub...the amount of coins i buy is insane, so they will notice the profit drop.

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You don't have to spend a single credit to gear your leveling toon. If you have endgame chars then just use the excess basic comms you have.


Already used them up, so that option is gone, the solution is easy.....stop doing the stupid double xp event and make it a bloody legacy trait...its the smarter plan, which they clearly haven't thought of yet.....guess i am smarter. :-)

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the amount of coins i buy is insane, so they will notice the profit drop.

Suuuuure they will buddy. *friendly pat on the head*


EDIT: I do agree with an option to disable 2x EXP for those who don't want it, although it's more of a way to compensate for players' lazyness. Even if the extra EXP has made you overlevelled for the zone you'd be in according to your fixed leveling strategy, you can stay there and do quests solely for the comms, the same way you'd be doing them if you hadn't had the extra EXP.

Edited by FantaBuoy
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Suuuuure they will buddy. *friendly pat on the head*


Don't dismiss this. The game has noticeably been in decline in terms of # of developers since launch. Every major loss in revenue has corresponded to a loss in content.


Right now, we just had a 2 month patch cycle with only 2 upgrades to hm. That is among the weakest patches ever. The next patch looks good, but it's going to be about 5 months after the expansion so you basically are making up for 3 patch cycles under the 5-6 week cycle we had early on.

Edited by annabethchase
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Don't agree with someone, question their intellectual capacity. Good to know that stereotypes like you will always exist in MMO's to remind people about the worse parts of online gaming.


I have aspergers... It's got nothing to do with intellectual capacity... what's your point?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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You don't have to spend a single credit to gear your leveling toon. If you have endgame chars then just use the excess basic comms you have.


Not to mention that since they removed the cost of training, you should have plenty of credits to keep them geared in the standard mods... you don't have to pick the comms mods every time. The credits mods are fine for leveling.

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I don't use comms for my gear. I make the upgrades for my boyfriend and myself and our companions. I just dont' use the double xp to level much as it always seems to be when my boyfriend is at college and can't play (lol) .


But if you can make your own upgrades I don't think the comms would be a big problem to most people.

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