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A REAL look at Ranked Warzones and how to fix them


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It's really an easy fix, I am surprised no one else has thought of this fix. Just eliminate PTs, Sins, and Sorcs from the game. If BW removes these classes, all the other classes become viable and fun to play again!


Just ask anyone who is not a PT, Sin, or Sorc... They will agree this would totally fix not only ranked, but regs too. So what if you lose 3 classes from the game? At least then, that enables 5 other classes to flourish!


As it stands, only 3 classes enjoy themselves. Time to put an end to this favoritism given to such a small number of classes, let the other 5 classes have some fun!


If it is determined this is too harsh, there is another solution. Simply do not allow PTs, Sins, and Sorcs to queue for pvp. I think most could live with that.


Even if you had to see them in PVE, that would be more tolerable than running into entire packs of them in warzones. As it stands now, these 3 classes are destroying PVP. This insanity needs to end. Now.

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It's really an easy fix, I am surprised no one else has thought of this fix. Just eliminate PTs, Sins, and Sorcs from the game. If BW removes these classes, all the other classes become viable and fun to play again!


Just ask anyone who is not a PT, Sin, or Sorc... They will agree this would totally fix not only ranked, but regs too. So what if you lose 3 classes from the game? At least then, that enables 5 other classes to flourish!


As it stands, only 3 classes enjoy themselves. Time to put an end to this favoritism given to such a small number of classes, let the other 5 classes have some fun!


If it is determined this is too harsh, there is another solution. Simply do not allow PTs, Sins, and Sorcs to queue for pvp. I think most could live with that.


Even if you had to see them in PVE, that would be more tolerable than running into entire packs of them in warzones. As it stands now, these 3 classes are destroying PVP. This insanity needs to end. Now.


I really hope this is just a troll and you're not really serious... I lack the patience to explain why removing 3 classes ( 6 if you include pud side counterparts) from the game would be a terrible idea. However, I agree it is sickening to walk into a ranked arena or just pvp match in general and find all assassins, sorcs, and powertechs. However this issue isn't the classes and removing them from the game would not help. It is the imbalance of three specs Hatred, Lightning, and Advanced Prototype. If you look at the ranked leaderboards you will see that these three classes faceroll. However, almost all of them play the three specs above. With that said, it is a clear indication that the combat team needs to relook at these three specs and tone them down a bit.

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Hey some of us played sorcs before they were FOTM (1.2 gutting every healer except scouperatives, anyone?). Just 18 months ago the community was in an uproar because when asked by the duly elected sorc Class Representative (who was really respected and big into ranked, I might add), Bioware replied with "You must play defensively and make them pay for trying to kill you" and "sorcerers, unlike marauders and snipers, can heal to full." :rolleyes:


Only at the time we really didn't have the toolkit to do that (now we do, and those of us who endured the h2f era and got good before FOTM buffs do well for ourselves now, I'll admit, but that's because we played/mained the class at its weakest point and we were forced to l2p and get better).


Yes we need a rebalance (madness sorcs got way too many consecutive buffs between h2f and 3.0 while bioware ignored corruption and lightning during that time so madness has a head start over our other specs, then when bioware finally looked at the other two specs with 3.0 they realized they were so broken for arena before that I'd hardly fault them for overshooting a little) but complete removal is overkill. How long were we sorcs forced to endure three smashtards leapin' and smashin' at the same time back when smash was flavor of two years?

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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I do not like the idea of eliminating any class. To balance the classes is a good idea. Though difficult, I feel like the biggest problem with ranked is the fact that Solo ques have been ruined by premade teams. If we had cross server warzones premade teams in solo que will be a thing of the past. As far as some classes being OP, that is why most people I know have many toons, I am fine with playing the flavor of the month. I am not fine with premade teams in solo que.

Another problem with ranked warzones is the que system. Forcing somebody with a 1400 rating to play with teammates well under 1200 makes for nothing more then frustration. Frustration I do not need. This is why I no longer play the game. Waiting for warzone ques to be fixed.

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