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Please Fix Mara


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Not sure if you are trolling or not or maybe you just don't visit the PTS forums. Changes are coming in 3.1.1 to Mara's/Sent's. Really nice changes!

I'm not dismissing your ideas, but it seems like the ability to lock down a target from 10 meters isn't going to help.


The problem with Sentinels/Marauders is that we're FAR too easily locked down, and have too few tools to deal with it.


When that happens to a melee class, it is rendered nearly useless because the target uptime it needs to do its one and only job just goes up in smoke.


What we really need is root/snare/physics immunity during Transcendence/Predation.


Additionally, several things (such as Defensive Forms and building Fury/Centering with Channel Hatred/Introspection) really need to be class baselines as opposed to utilities.


EDIT: Removing the health penalty from Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage was a perfect DCD fix. Couldn't agree with you more!

Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Please fix marauader not one is playing the class in PVP it is completely broken atm. What if any are you doing to fix the class? Stop buffing juggernaut and fix our class.


sorry to say but juggs aren't that buffed these days. we are more like a yardstick class in terms of balance.

any classes that do better than juggs, OP

any classes that do worse than juggs, Underpowered


we got new skills after 3.0 but I don't see much impact juggs can deliver these days.

we have no burst. great sustained damages but we aren't anywhere near sorcs. PTs, Sins, and hell even marauder in terms of damage. Marauders in my guild have some insane damages when i put them on guard (regs, not ranked). even in 1 vs 1 duel practices, marauders in my guild easily burns me thru in full ranked dps and tank gears. Marauders are pretty damn good in 1 vs 1 situation. just needs more of defensive cooldowns to allow them be more sustainable throughout the matches.

Well maybe that anni spec rotation fix would be nice too... i wish it played a bit more like vengeance jugg with series of heavier hits and dots...

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