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Disney Canon


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As we all know Disney has already changed up what is cannon. My question is if you could go to them and have them do one thing that is canon, what would it be?


I would want the whole Midi-chlorians things removed from the Star Wars universe. We all love what George Lucas has done over all but he must of been high when he thought of Midi-chlorians.


Honorable mentions.


Make Reven and Mara Jade canon.

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As far as anything in the movie timeline goes, I would make Yoda: Dark Rendezvous canon. It's my favorite Star Wars novel and really develops the relationship between Dooku and Yoda, as well as their own characters. At least, until TCW retconned most of that. But before I start ranting about that...


From the EU, I would make the Thrawn Trilogy canon. It's one of the best written stories out there. Would have been even better if it matched up with the Prequels in the elements they shared. But that can't be helped since the series came out prior to the Prequels, IIRC.

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An entire thing, or just the parts I liked of a subject? :p :p :p


Frankly, I think some of the projects the Empire developed should stay, not the super insane ones mind you. I mean ones like the Dark Trooper project, which started out as cybernetic augmentations for injured storm troopers. Which transformed into indestructible super soldiers near the end of it.


Or perhaps the Vong... Yes! I SAID IT! I would keep the Vong! (SHIELDS UP!) They added a great deal of good things to the galaxy, though the story itself could use a rework! :rolleyes:

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An entire thing, or just the parts I liked of a subject? :p :p :p


Frankly, I think some of the projects the Empire developed should stay, not the super insane ones mind you. I mean ones like the Dark Trooper project, which started out as cybernetic augmentations for injured storm troopers. Which transformed into indestructible super soldiers near the end of it.


Or perhaps the Vong... Yes! I SAID IT! I would keep the Vong! (SHIELDS UP!) They added a great deal of good things to the galaxy, though the story itself could use a rework! :rolleyes:


The only people who dislike the Vong are the ones that can't deal with the fact that for once an enemy doesn't wear black robes and uses red lightsabers.


Personally: Rename Korriban to what it's supposed to be, and make most of the post-ROTJ EU canon again. Only kick out stuff like Dark Empire.

Edited by JeffrenBrek
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I wanna see the Imperial Royal Guard as they are in the old EU, complete bad****. Of course, no doubt they will do as such, but these guys are just *********** awesome. Hopefully also, they just don't stand around next to Palps. I get that's their job and everything, but I wanna see em fight and all that, stop assassination attempts, they were also constantly rotated into their own Stormtrooper units and fought together, so there's plenty of stuff they could do besides standing around and looking pretty. There's like only 2 instances of them fighting and that's against a small army and their last stand, well 3 I suppose if you count flashbacks.


Pretty much all the old stuff in the Galactic Empire I want back in the new EU. Might not happen, but there were a lot of interesting things.


Really all what I want, oh and also the Black Sun and Xizor to be the bestest Underworld Organization in the galaxy again. Thanks, cause Xizor and the Black Sun are awesome.

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The only people who dislike the Vong are the ones that can't deal with the fact that for once an enemy doesn't wear black robes and uses red lightsabers.


Personally: Rename Korriban to what it's supposed to be, and make most of the post-ROTJ EU canon again. Only kick out stuff like Dark Empire.


I didn't like the Vong because they seemed to contradict the whole Midi-chorlian thing. They are not connected to the force at all. That means, if we are to be logically consistent...no Midichlorians. Midichlorians are not just necessary for force sensitivity but for life to exist. Thus the Vong should not exist. Now I get Vector Prime and Episode I both came out in the same year. That Plagueis did not come out until 2012. So maybe my dislike for the Vong is more a symptom of my dislike for Lucas and the lack of care he took in husbanding his IP in favor of making sure he got royalty payments.


As for Canon changes I would agree on the Thrawn books. I would also agree that the Midi-chlorian thing also should go. The introduction of them actually almost made me say "ffff star wars."

Edited by Ghisallo
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I also wouldn't mind seeing actually, since Marvel owns the comic rights. For Marvel to make an alternate universe, similar to the Ultimate Universe they have.


I've always found the Infinities stories to be rather interesting and I feel like they could have really went somewhere, if the stories took off more.


TFU/TFU 2, which I know many don't like, I don't really like it personally at least the main storywise(the things they added for the GE were pretty sweet though). But the Infinities DLC? I thought that was pretty interesting and could have been further expanded on.


There's also The Star Wars bit with the very early drafts of Star Wars came into a short 8 comic series which I found pretty interesting and could have been expanded on.


All in all the Infinities have always peaked my interest and I wonder if Marvel will have a sort of Universe in comics like that similar to the Ultimate one.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No to an alternate Universe. DC is a perfect example as to why not. On a fairly regular basis in order to deal with corners that writers scripted them into, whether it be characters being overpowered or whatever, you end up needing Cosmic level disasters (Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Final Crisis) to reboot and change things. In essence that is what Disney is already doing here though they are doing it simply by fiat "this is canon, this is not". One time is enough. They should just do the 5-6 movies planned (Main trilogy with stand alone films in between are planned), some novels, maybe a trilogy or two to fill in blanks. Then call it a day.


I would rather have a finite series of solid works than a mash up of solid and weak crap, just in the interest of the marketing machine.

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No to an alternate Universe. DC is a perfect example as to why not. On a fairly regular basis in order to deal with corners that writers scripted them into, whether it be characters being overpowered or whatever, you end up needing Cosmic level disasters (Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Final Crisis) to reboot and change things. In essence that is what Disney is already doing here though they are doing it simply by fiat "this is canon, this is not". One time is enough. They should just do the 5-6 movies planned (Main trilogy with stand alone films in between are planned), some novels, maybe a trilogy or two to fill in blanks. Then call it a day.


I would rather have a finite series of solid works than a mash up of solid and weak crap, just in the interest of the marketing machine.


Yeah but Marvel isn't DC and their Ultimate universe did quite well before they ended it.


But just my thoughts, they can expand on the SWU in so many different ways. I don't expect em to create an Infinities Universe, it's just a pipe dream I have really.

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I also wouldn't mind seeing actually, since Marvel owns the comic rights. For Marvel to make an alternate universe, similar to the Ultimate Universe they have.


I've always found the Infinities stories to be rather interesting and I feel like they could have really went somewhere, if the stories took off more.


TFU/TFU 2, which I know many don't like, I don't really like it personally at least the main storywise(the things they added for the GE were pretty sweet though). But the Infinities DLC? I thought that was pretty interesting and could have been further expanded on.


There's also The Star Wars bit with the very early drafts of Star Wars came into a short 8 comic series which I found pretty interesting and could have been expanded on.


All in all the Infinities have always peaked my interest and I wonder if Marvel will have a sort of Universe in comics like that similar to the Ultimate one.

If they did an Ultimate Universe take on SW it should be continuing on with the Legends continuity.


Infinities stories work best in an "Elseworlds" (to use the DC label) setup - self-contained standalone stories, rather than part of any ongoing continuity.


I'd love it, though, if the franchise had three ongoing labels: Canon, Legends, and Infinities (with the individual Infinities stories being unrelated to each other / each in its own continuity).


To OP's question, if they're establishing a new canon then I actually want to see them go all-out and make a clean break in terms of continuity, so I wouldn't want any full book or series transplanted intact into Canon. But I would like it if there was a Canon 'version' of Mara Jade - just as a separate character in the same way that Ultimate Nick Fury is distinct from Marvel-616 Nick Fury.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Yeah but Marvel isn't DC and their Ultimate universe did quite well before they ended it.


But just my thoughts, they can expand on the SWU in so many different ways. I don't expect em to create an Infinities Universe, it's just a pipe dream I have really.


Marvel ended the Ultimates though I believe, in large part, specifically to avoid the pit falls that DC keeps running into as they dissolve, then under popular pressure recreate, only to dissolve again, their multiverse. Heck its not even that the Ultimate Universe is going away. They are DC "Crisis on Infinite Earths like" going to mash up both universes http://www.nerdist.com/2015/01/marvel-announces-the-end-of-the-classic-marvel-universe-the-ultimate-universe-as-part-of-secret-wars/. From things I have read Wolverine will be coming back from the dead, Thor (the actual Odinson) will be Thor again and no chick. So some 616 toons will stay, others will become more like their Ultimate counter parts etc


This is because of the following MASSIVE issue. The entire point of the reboot is so that the Movie Script writers and directors are not shackled. Just look at all the debates on these forums. Even if they can out with an "Else world's" tag for such a series, there would be HUGE cries for..."but I want super duper knocks buildings over with a finger Luke!?!?!".... "No, I want sucks the life out of entire planets heir to the Sith legacy" in the next movie etc. (You know darn well this is what would happen story wise since we have already seen it for the last 30-40 years.) The fans don't care. If they like the else world's Luke better they will buy those books and NOT the Canon books. Then the movie developers feel pressured to make the movie version more and more in the version of the else worlds.


Marvel has always had a tighter grip than DC that ended up with so many alternate realities BUT some Ultimate titles were doing better than 616 titles so you do a mash up to cut lose the underperforming ones (like maybe the Ultimate Spider Man and the Ultimate Captain America supplant the 616 ones (the Capt thing would actually make A LOT of sense because the movie Cap certainly owes more to the Ultimates than it does to the "Classic" Cap.)


Tbh I think Lucas was darn irresponsible with the IP previously. Sometimes less is more but Lucas was more interested in royalties I think than quality. I always point to, as an example of this, Raymond Feist. The first Rift War Saga was great. The Serpent War....not bad but not as good. He should have stopped there, and had Pugh walk off into the sunset. Instead he kept on going. Even he couldn't keep things straight (people we see married in the end of one series being described as "tragic" because they were never married and only lived to serve the Kingdom). In order to top the great dangers of the previous series he needed to go SW Dark Empire like in order to come up with an enemy that would be a legitimate threat to Pugh/Milamber. The same happened in DC comics with Superman (resulting in the John Byrne reboot years ago to get his powers back to a "reasonable" level) the House of M storyline in Marvel's Universe because there were so many mutants you sometimes had to ask "can we really call them rare now?" Etc.


I would like to not return to the mess that was the EU and just saying "Alternate Universe" won't stop it, at least as far as history shows me.

Edited by Ghisallo
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No to an alternate Universe. DC is a perfect example as to why not. On a fairly regular basis in order to deal with corners that writers scripted them into, whether it be characters being overpowered or whatever, you end up needing Cosmic level disasters (Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Final Crisis) to reboot and change things. In essence that is what Disney is already doing here though they are doing it simply by fiat "this is canon, this is not". One time is enough. They should just do the 5-6 movies planned (Main trilogy with stand alone films in between are planned), some novels, maybe a trilogy or two to fill in blanks. Then call it a day.


I would rather have a finite series of solid works than a mash up of solid and weak crap, just in the interest of the marketing machine.


I have heard rumors from the inside that say the same thing will happen with Star Wars. Something on the lines of "The Sith use the Force to reset time, and make it like the post-RotJ EU never happened".

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I have heard rumors from the inside that say the same thing will happen with Star Wars. Something on the lines of "The Sith use the Force to reset time, and make it like the post-RotJ EU never happened".


No need to have that force feat (I assume you are tounge in cheek here BTW). All it honestly takes in the Disney declaration. The vast majority of people going to the movies are likely not familiar with the EU...at best some of the older casual fans read the Zahn books because, tbh, those were the only REALLY well written ones that tried to stay grounded in what we knew from the original trilogy, everything else is basically fanboi land. Makes a fair amount of money on paper back sales, keeps the IP in the public eye, but ultimately most of the money comes from the " casual" who watches it on the screen.


One day at work or school ask people "raise your hand if you saw the star wars movies.". Then ask "keep your hands raised if you know who Darth Caedus, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jagged Feel are." I would be surprised if any stayed up.

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One day at work or school ask people "raise your hand if you saw the star wars movies.". Then ask "keep your hands raised if you know who Darth Caedus, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jagged Feel are." I would be surprised if any stayed up.


The number of times I have had to explain who Thrawn is to some of my friends... *sigh*


I guess there is a reason most of my friends at my high-school regarded me as "the star wars knowledgeable" when they had questions... Too bad I don't know everything star wars. :rolleyes:


Don't worry though, Darth Mickey's feat of resetting the universe has already happened, you just didn't notice... :eek:

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The number of times I have had to explain who Thrawn is to some of my friends... *sigh*


I guess there is a reason most of my friends at my high-school regarded me as "the star wars knowledgeable" when they had questions... Too bad I don't know everything star wars. :rolleyes:


Don't worry though, Darth Mickey's feat of resetting the universe has already happened, you just didn't notice... :eek:


This is not the cannon you are looking for....

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I want the X-Wing books to be made cannon, least up until Issard's Revenge along with the Thrawn Trilogy.


I mean come on. Wraith Squadron. Who didn't love Wraith Squadron?


Some of the best books around.

Edited by TalonVII
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No need to have that force feat (I assume you are tounge in cheek here BTW). All it honestly takes in the Disney declaration. The vast majority of people going to the movies are likely not familiar with the EU...at best some of the older casual fans read the Zahn books because, tbh, those were the only REALLY well written ones that tried to stay grounded in what we knew from the original trilogy, everything else is basically fanboi land. Makes a fair amount of money on paper back sales, keeps the IP in the public eye, but ultimately most of the money comes from the " casual" who watches it on the screen.


One day at work or school ask people "raise your hand if you saw the star wars movies.". Then ask "keep your hands raised if you know who Darth Caedus, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jagged Feel are." I would be surprised if any stayed up.

I have to agree with you on the grounded part (my personal opinion) and even looking at the prequel movies I see them as more fanboi stuff than the original. With all the unlikely duels and people starting threads on who is the most powerful of them all. I like the Thrawn trilogy but must say I am a bit sceptical to parts of it.

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I have to agree with you on the grounded part (my personal opinion) and even looking at the prequel movies I see them as more fanboi stuff than the original. With all the unlikely duels and people starting threads on who is the most powerful of them all. I like the Thrawn trilogy but must say I am a bit sceptical to parts of it.


I could of swore I read once a LONG time ago right after The Last Command came out that GL said if he had a chance to make 7-9, he was going to use the Zahn books.

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I'll go into a different tack, and have this fear that with Disney handling the franchise now, what could possibly stop them from remaking the whole franchise from Episodes 1-6? It's a fearful thought, and they now have every right to do it without GL's interference. So if they decide to reboot the whole thing, what's there to stop them?
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I'll go into a different tack, and have this fear that with Disney handling the franchise now, what could possibly stop them from remaking the whole franchise from Episodes 1-6? It's a fearful thought, and they now have every right to do it without GL's interference. So if they decide to reboot the whole thing, what's there to stop them?


Why would they want to reboot them?


There literally is no need for them to do so.


But then again....they didn't need to reboot Robocop which yes I know Disney didn't do that film, but still.


Eh.....I really doubt they will do it, it's not needed.

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Why would they want to reboot them?


Well, what I'm thinking is something along the lines of, "Heck, what can we do to make the SW franchise totally our own?" Best way to is to reboot it, make a new/rewrite the story that would fit in more to the Disney vision of things. Nothing there to stop them. It's not needed of course from a fan perspective, but it might not be the same perspective that Disney has.

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Well, what I'm thinking is something along the lines of, "Heck, what can we do to make the SW franchise totally our own?" Best way to is to reboot it, make a new/rewrite the story that would fit in more to the Disney vision of things. Nothing there to stop them. It's not needed of course from a fan perspective, but it might not be the same perspective that Disney has.


I kinda doubt they would, considering the gigantic impact that SW has had on pop culture. Doing so, would probably receive massive backlash from people.

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I kinda doubt they would, considering the gigantic impact that SW has had on pop culture.


Well I hope they wouldn't as well, but it's Disney. And once one owns something, one can do whatever one pleases. Well hopefully they would realize it's not worth rebooting it.

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Well I hope they wouldn't as well, but it's Disney. And once one owns something, one can do whatever one pleases. Well hopefully they would realize it's not worth rebooting it.


Disney doesn't want to commit suicide. Even they are not that stupid. There are just certain things you do not reboot. The original Star Wars is just one of those things you do not touch without a MAJOR whip lash against it.


It's one thing to do prequils or movies after the fact. It's a much different ballgame to remake something so beloved.


Trust me, Disney doesn't even want to touch that minefield.

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