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3.1.1 Suggestions for the devs


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Hey devs maras n sents,


Imma let y'all finish but not b4 i throw my 3 dollas fiddy cents worth of opinion into the mix.


Let me start by prefacing these suggested changes by acknowledging the fact that I am a middle of the road mara. I parse decent numbers, nothing outstanding, and I'm a lowly tier 3 pvper solo ranked. In other words, I'm pretty representative of the bulk of mara/sents playing the game right now.


The proposed changes to utilities for 3.1.1 are good. Please keep them.


The game itself is really good. I love it. All things considered I think BW deliver a pretty satisfying product with SW:TOR.


Pre 3.0 I was confidently playing all 3 specs and enjoying them. Since 3.0 I've pretty much only played Carnage because it was always my fav and probably will remain so. For SM/HM PvE content it's been pretty viable so far in 3.0 for me personally. That said, I believe I'm working harder than ever to retain my dps spot in my team as opposed to my ranged dps counterparts and PT/Jugg/Sin melee brothers and sisters. Overall balance is a bit out for the mara/sent and I think a few further utilities/passive abilities tweaks could rectify that in both PvE and PvP situations.


Please consider the following additional changes:


1. Defensive Forms as a baseline passive for the entire class

2. In place of Defensive Forms create a utility that grants an armor rating boost for x seconds if you are successively stunned by more than 2 opponents

3. Swap out Strangulate with Overwhelm and give the Masterful Overwhelm a 2 or 3% boost to Ravage damage (the loss of the damage boost from the old set bonus is really significant)

4. Make Dual Wield Mastery from Carnage Discipline a baseline passive for the entire class. In it's place for Carnage you could create a passive Accuracy or Surge bonus to allow for higher gear optimization to slightly increase our overall damage output via Power, Alacrity, or Crit

6. Keep Predation on the Fury system but add some level of immunity to subsequent movement-impairing effects for the caster for it's duration if they have Unbound

7. Please do not change Gore to a charge system. I know this idea has it's merits, but I'd rather try to execute my Gore window fluidly despite how difficult that can be in ranked PvP arenas


I'm aware that these changes could make the mara/sent OP if not handled correctly and are probably too much to ask for but I'm putting them out there anyway. Additionally, if the plan going forward is to nerf quite a few of the other ACs/specs in the game in order to achieve greater balance for mara/sentinel, then the proposed changes will probably be enough.


Thank you for your time

Peace yo

Edited by Skettitangles
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My thoughts in blue.


1. Defensive Forms as a baseline passive for the entire class.

Totally agree.


2. In place of Defensive Forms create a utility that grants an armor rating boost for x seconds if you are successively stunned by more than 2 opponents.

Keep the 2 charges of Zen/Fury built per attack, and add a 30-second cooldown reduction for Resolute/Unleash.


3. Swap out Strangulate with Overwhelm and give the Masterful Overwhelm a 2 or 3% boost to Ravage damage (the loss of the damage boost from the old set bonus is really significant).

I'd be okay with that.


4. Make Dual Wield Mastery from Carnage Discipline a baseline passive for the entire class. In it's place for Carnage you could create a passive Accuracy or Surge bonus to allow for higher gear optimization to slightly increase our overall damage output via Power, Alacrity, or Crit.

That too.


6. Keep Predation on the Fury system but add some level of immunity to subsequent movement-impairing effects for the caster for it's duration if they have Unbound.

Spot on. I'd make Sentinels/Marauders immune to movement-impairing effects for the duration of Predation/Transcendence. Just like Guardians/Juggernauts. We actually need the mobility more than they do since our passive defenses aren't nearly as good.


7. Please do not change Gore to a charge system. I know this idea has it's merits, but I'd rather try to execute my Gore window fluidly despite how difficult that can be in ranked PvP arenas.

I wouldn't mind a charge system, but in place of that I think the original 4.5 second Precision/Gore window would be better balanced than it is right now.

And while we're at it, Blood Ward/Zealous Ward really should be buffed to at least 5% health per tick.


And the building of Fury/Centering while using Channel Hatred/Introspection really SHOULD be baseline for the class. I think the Brooding/Contemplation talent should reduce the cooldown of Awe/Intimidating Roar by 15 seconds and root the targets for 2 seconds if they break early from damage.


Giving the Utilities an overhaul like this would go a LONG way to fixing the class without having to tinker with the individual specs too much. ;)

Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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2. In place of Defensive Forms...

Keep the 2 charges of Zen/Fury built per attack, and add a 30-second cooldown reduction for Resolute/Unleash.


This is a much better idea, cheers!


My problem with that is that again, it's not a situational utility, it's something you'd pick under pretty much every circumstance. Why not just keep it baseline?

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Please consider the following additional changes:


1. Defensive Forms as a baseline passive for the entire class

Should have been that way from Day 1 of 3.0

2. In place of Defensive Forms create a utility that grants an armor rating boost for x seconds if you are successively stunned by more than 2 opponents.

Useless, give us 30s off the CD of our Stun Breaker and 10% HP regen when using it, aka Payback talent from Juggernauts

3. Swap out Strangulate with Overwhelm and give the Masterful Overwhelm a 2 or 3% boost to Ravage damage (the loss of the damage boost from the old set bonus is really significant)

Great idea, except that would force people to take Overwhelm to deal max damage.

4. Make Dual Wield Mastery from Carnage Discipline a baseline passive for the entire class. In it's place for Carnage you could create a passive Accuracy or Surge bonus to allow for higher gear optimization to slightly increase our overall damage output via Power, Alacrity, or Crit

Yes, Yes, and MORE YES.

6. Keep Predation on the Fury system but add some level of immunity to subsequent movement-impairing effects for the caster for it's duration if they have Unbound

Do this, give predation a 25s CD, and off Fury, it would be 100% Ideal.

7. Please do not change Gore to a charge system. I know this idea has it's merits, but I'd rather try to execute my Gore window fluidly despite how difficult that can be in ranked PvP arenas

Meh, dont care really Fury has more pressing issues (like defences) I would say change Furious Defence to increase Damage Reduction by 10% for 10s before changing Gore for Carnage.



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Pretty much agree with the feedback on this thread so far. With regards to Defensive Forms, my original thoughts were to transfer the entire utility in its current state to a baseline passive including the fury the building. I like the idea of the CD reduction for our CC break as a replacement for Defensive Forms. Regarding Gore for Carnage, I'm in favor of leaving it alone for now and focusing on Annihilation and Fury discipline issues. Yes, 3 seconds of Gore does suck and was a nerf to the pre 3.0 version of the spec, but with the changes to alacrity I feel that 4.5 seconds would make Carnage burst ridiculously OP and exceed any burst the Fury discipline could generate which would undermine the intended class structure itself. (If there's anyone out there currently playing both Carnage and Fury specs please add your thoughts and knowledge here as I lack 3.0 Fury discipline experience)


One of the reasons I started this thread was to try and get away from the trend that has started where a lot of us are bringing changes to Marauder/Sentinel Utilities ideas to the table that are carbon copies from the Juggernaut/Guardian class. I think this is a mistake on our part. I do have those "I wish I could have this on my mara" moments when I'm playing my jugg sure, but I like the fact that playing a mara requires faster decision making and has perilous consequences for making poor choices compared to playing my jugg. Our raw dps output should be slightly better than Jugg/Guards which atm does not appear to be the case, and our mobility and mobility related tools should be as good if not better which is definitely not the case right now.

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i kinda aggree with most of these, as for my thoughts most the def stuff leave it alone as we are not tanks more to the point make us pure unadlatered dps (such as more boost to DW) wich would counter balance the fact that we have little to no def ive played alot of rpg/mmorpg and this is the first one ive played where a tank can just aboubt out dps me yet i cant even begin to tank with them. i havent played the pvp side of this yet as i was really hestiant to play this for fear of being disappointed. so far all in all i love the game a rauder/carn if cant out dps someone it really irks me. as to making the class op itd be pretty hard to do that as to so many other class can do so much more dps much easier wich does no balance out at all.
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1) Searing Saber has been nerfed from 30% Surge bonus to 5%. Return it to its original 30%.

2) Bring back Cauterize on 15 sec CD, 6 second duration and the old Mind Sear (Slash, Merciless Slash, Dispatch can reset the CD on Cauterize).

3) Change Force Melt to a shorter duration (say 6-9 seconds) and give it a 12-15 second CD.

4) Bring back Precision SLASH with a 4.5 second window.

5) Increase Blade Rush's damage to bring Combat in line with other specs.

6) Increase Heightened Power from 5% to 9%.

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the developers are so clueless of the mara class that they gave cc immunity during forcecammo. what the @#$%@$#% do we need cc immunity during fcamo that ends when we attack, devs?the whole purpose of needing ccimmunity is so that we will be kitted less and can damage our enemy with a liitle less interuptions , having it during fcammo is useless . since u only know whow to forcespam with your sorcs, heed our oppinions. for once in this games life

in any case


-gore needs 1 sec more duraton OR turn gore into charges .3 charges normaly and 4 if used under berserk.some -people dont want the charges ,but it will solve a lot a problems,make maras harder to get locked out of the fight during the gore window and then having them running like chickens until the next gore window /also ravage should consume 2 charge of gore

-ignore fcammo and give us some desent cc immunity ,like getting it from predation for 4 seconds available every 2-3 minutes

(i have no suggestions for anni since i rather unnistall the game than play anni

Edited by xvlasis
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the developers are so clueless of the mara class that they gave cc immunity during forcecammo. what the @#$%@$#% do we need cc immunity during fcamo that ends when we attack, devs?the whole purpose of needing ccimmunity is so that we will be kitted less and can damage our enemy with a liitle less interuptions , having it during fcammo is useless . since u only know whow to forcespam with your sorcs, heed our oppinions. for once in this games life

in any case


-gore needs 1 sec more duraton OR turn gore into charges .3 charges normaly and 4 if used under berserk.some -people dont want the charges ,but it will solve a lot a problems,make maras harder to get locked out of the fight during the gore window and then having them running like chickens until the next gore window

-ignore fcammo and give us some desent cc immunity ,like getting it from predation for 4 seconds available every 2-3 minutes

(i have no suggestions for anni since i rather unnistall the game than play anni)


Force Camo CC Immunity is AMAZING, You can't tell me that while you've been in Force Camo that you've never been hit with a stray AOE CC? Cause it's happened to me PLENTY of times, more than i can count on my hands and toes. and 30s off the CD of our CC Breaker is a great start, now give us a CC breaker on Undying Rage or Cloak of Pain in Masterful tier utilities and Marauders will be perfectly fine.

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having cc immunity during camo and having ccimmunity during pred might be too much ,and i ll preffer ccimmunity while being able to hit,thuss i d preffer during pred .

also i eddited my original post,regarding ravage ,should consume 2 charges of gore ,so that we can have ravage+forcescream and forcescream,vicius throw,massacre for the next gore window ,as it used to be,and 1 more xtra gore attack during berserk ( i say forcescream cause i realy dislike the new skill that shall not be named)

Edited by xvlasis
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