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Shadow Kinetic Combat Upcoming Changes


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I have a shadow Kenitic Combat spec now its not completely geared out

I currently have about 1K expertise so I know I'm far from done but I do have a few questions. So I have noticed that I really can't damage anyone much nor can I out tank the damage they are putting out if I'm 1v1 for JG/SW, Merc(no idea which spec) and snipers. Either they burn me down as I vary slowly take their health down or just can't damage them enough to kill a ant before I have 50k worth of damage done to me. So from my understanding I should be able to out tank the amount of damage they are doing while slowly killing them however I just don't see how? I I have a bit of a ways to go before 2018 expertise. Now I have done like 500.000k damage in WZ before but its mostly AoE. So I know I can damage people just not one person at a time dose that make any sense? Not sure I see how that helps the group as a whole if I'm a tank. I just wanted to get people opinion of this. And how I should go about fixing it?



Now the changes that may be made to force breach will it help? I'm not sure this is the right direction for ken shadows as a whole if this problem is much more wide spread wouldn't it be more advantages to make so we have some single target DPS not much just a bit more so we can have a chance to do more damage, I was thinking making the one DoT we have (can't rember the name 3 second cast time) do more damage? Its interruptible so they can stop the damage if can remember to hit the right button. Anyway just wondering if that made more sense to anyone else.

Edited by allexj
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nah it's just practice and that missing 1018 expertise, if i got it correctly. as tank you should kill a bad dps and last long enough to get help with a good one or even a couple/three of them since CDs are quite good(500k damage is a good number for a tank)

obviously FB and ST being aoe helps a lot in doing damage, and a force potencied cascading does decent damage, that paired with stuns and your execute make of you a real danger sometimes.


- build your DR stack at all costs, slowtime, project until you can use cascading and use it!

- place phase walk, inside AHG, out of AHG, near nodes, far from nodes, near med stations depending on what you are doing.

- stealth away dropping guard to heal to full when in danger

-swap that guard

-spam taunt, but on right targets, healers don't count :p

-augment power

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I'm assuming that you have about 1k expertise un-bolstered, but much closer to 2018 with bolster? If you have 1k expertise when bolstered, that would be a big problem.


As a pvp tank, you will probably want fortitude augments (endurance, power). Depending on what gear you have, it may make more sense to play tank spec in dps gear until you can get more of a tank set. So, you would keep your shield offhand and remain in tank stance (and tank discipline), but everything else would have willpower > endurance, power, surge, crit, accuracy, maybe some alacrity. Without an augment in a given piece, I believe that bolster will give you fortitude augments, which is what you will want as a tank, but the advanced fortitude 36 augments will yield slightly better stats than what bolster gives you.


I wouldn't necessarily expect to win a 1v1 as a tank. I wouldn't really worry about that in fact. Your job is to make the opposing team struggle to kill your teammates via taunts, guard, and other abilities that reduce opposing damage output.

Edited by teclado
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I'm assuming that you have about 1k expertise un-bolstered, but much closer to 2018 with bolster? If you have 1k expertise when bolstered, that would be a big problem.


As a pvp tank, you will probably want fortitude augments (endurance, power). Depending on what gear you have, it may make more sense to play tank spec in dps gear until you can get more of a tank set. So, you would keep your shield offhand and remain in tank stance (and tank discipline), but everything else would have willpower > endurance, power, surge, crit, accuracy, maybe some alacrity. Without an augment in a given piece, I believe that bolster will give you fortitude augments, which is what you will want as a tank, but the advanced fortitude 36 augments will yield slightly better stats than what bolster gives you.


I wouldn't necessarily expect to win a 1v1 as a tank. I wouldn't really worry about that in fact. Your job is to make the opposing team struggle to kill your teammates via taunts, guard, and other abilities that reduce opposing damage output.



I have thought about trying to get my willpower up as high as I could to try and augment my dps however my worry is that with the non-ranked gear on I will not have enough absorb to be able to defend myself as I have heard that 40/40/20 is optimal for shadows. If I have enough defense without having to augment it I would love to go willpower on everything/power. But what is the conversation ratio with willpower? Xwp=+?damage as well as the same with power

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Shadow kinetic combat damage is very good. Shadow/sin tanks using dps gear are capable of doing over 2k dps in arena/wz (I've seen as high as 2.1k dps in arena from a tank assassin). Can definitely do 1k in full tank gear, if played well and if the tank shadow doesn't have to switch guard too much. I'm not saying a shadow tank should get those numbers all the time but it can do those numbers. At the moment, depredating volts/cascading debris can crit up to 7-8k a tick (especially with force potency), so a little nerf on its damage is justified in my opinion.


1on1 it is a very good spec as well and should win most fights. You just need to get better at it.

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Shadow kinetic combat damage is very good. Shadow/sin tanks using dps gear are capable of doing over 2k dps in arena/wz (I've seen as high as 2.1k dps in arena from a tank assassin). Can definitely do 1k in full tank gear, if played well and if the tank shadow doesn't have to switch guard too much. I'm not saying a shadow tank should get those numbers all the time but it can do those numbers. At the moment, depredating volts/cascading debris can crit up to 7-8k a tick (especially with force potency), so a little nerf on its damage is justified in my opinion.


1on1 it is a very good spec as well and should win most fights. You just need to get better at it.



Iv played shadow tank from the start of the game left soon after they introduced battle master into the game, and at that time shadows could heal with harnessesed shadows process now that has changed and I'm working on adapting now, I have tried the shadow tank in DPs gear before but I have heard its almost not worth it anymore with 3.0 so I have not tried it yet IP take this into consideration

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