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Please change it so one has to subscribe to use /general, /pvp and /trade on fleet


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I really like this idea, but the image I have is the amount of just random crap being said in said chats. I mean, not all of the comments are coming from F2P/Pref accounts, as there's really no way to tell. But I'm sure, if implemented, that would cut down on that as well. But yeah, something really needs to be done about the gold spam.. It's more than real..
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Not all preferred or f2p are gold sellers. Advocating their blanket removal from the community Bioware are actively trying to promote on the fleet, is just silly. They were already worried about fleet population dropping to a ghost town when strongholds were introduced.


You can already hide away in your guild chat or custom channels. Spammers and the 'great unwashed' don't have access to those. Just don't let on where you fine gentlemen are partaking in enlightened discussion and smoking cigars.

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I suppose we'll be recieving the spam messages via whisper if we do this... trust me they wont stop just because you close the main chats for them...


The only ways would be if they add a URL blocker, that stops any message, whisper, or mail from being sent if it includes any line with http or "www" or .com, .net. etc. along with any other way to post them such as adding spaces between letters or such.

That way the credit spammers wont be able to announce their websites along their messages, that way they wont be recieving clients as they have been doing, so that maybe wont erradicate them but at least will place more tabs on them. so the credit selling spam is reduced.


Other options could be:

- That Bioware adds their own credit market so that it takes all the clients from the spammers.

- That they add more actual attention to the customer service and start banning accounts that are constantly recieving spam reports.

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Here's some ways they could mitigate the credit spam problem without significantly harming the F2P experience.


- Restrict F2P chat to local/group only on the starter planets and fleet. Once they move past the fleet, they can use other chat channels.


- Give us the option to block whispers and email from F2P accounts. That won't block their access, but it'll give us the option to opt out of receiving them. Maybe give an option to take it a step further and block all communication from F2P accounts under X level for the people that really want to be antisocial.


- Prevent F2P accounts from sending the same message twice within a 10 minute period. It won't stop the spam, but it'll at least force them to vary their message.


Preferred accounts wouldn't be subject to these restrictions because they've paid some money at some point.

That won't stop the spammers from paying $5 to circumvent them, but anything that cuts into their business will slow them down.

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The only ways would be if they add a URL blocker, that stops any message, whisper, or mail from being sent if it includes any line with http or "www" or .com, .net. etc. along with any other way to post them such as adding spaces between letters or such.

That way the credit spammers wont be able to announce their websites along their messages, that way they wont be recieving clients as they have been doing, so that maybe wont erradicate them but at least will place more tabs on them. so the credit selling spam is reduced.


So they should develop some sort of magical catch all filter that somehow doesn't affect people trying to post helpful websites related to the game etc, but still awesomely blocks just gold seller websites. No matter how they format their text. Why has no one thought of this!?


Other options could be:

- That Bioware adds their own credit market so that it takes all the clients from the spammers.


Advocation for an official pay to win service, I think its a great idea. They should hire Merlin to stop any credit farmers undercutting the official exchange rate, too. So simple!

Edited by PorkdishSWOR
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Global filters are always a bad idea because people will be tripping false positives.


What if they just add a new report feature called "Report Credit Spammer" or something.


Would work like this:

-See a spammer in chat. Right click on name > Report > Report Credit Spam

-"Report Credit Spam" is a 2 in 1 action. After reporting, the seller is automatically ignored (assuming the player's ignore list isn't full.)

-Whenever someone uses "Report Credit Spam" any reported F2P accounts will gain 1 point.

-For every point they earn past, say, 10, their allowed chat message frequency would gradually be reduced. So, for example, at 10 points, they would only be allowed to type a message every 15 seconds or something. For every additional point, that 15 seconds would be delayed longer and longer.

-If the F2P spammer's point amount reaches a certain threshold (to be decided by some dev moderation team) their messages would simply be muted so no other player is able to see them.

-Subscribers would be immune to this sort of regulation. Meaning, spammers who are subscribed would be unable to be regulated using this method.


Basically, the point allocations need to be low enough to ensure quick actions against spammers, but high enough so that it's hard to 'bully' any non-spamming player. Regulations should be put in place to prevent "bullying" of other players. For example, a moderation team should be made to authenticate that all reported players are, in fact, actually spamming. Players who receive excessive amounts of reports but aren't actual spammers would obviously get their privileges returned, and all players who wrongly reported them would have some sort of action taken against their account.

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1 solution = WORD FILTER
And then they change their message to get around your word filter so you have to add another one until they change it again and you add another one and then they change it again and you add another one and then another site comes along and you have to start all over.
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1 solution = WORD FILTER

when some1 says a word that we dont like to watch, we add it to our ignore word list

so the cred seller says '' cheap creds at http://www.cheapcreds.com only 4$'' we can add the cheapcreds.com as an ignore word.


then they only mail us, which is the hard part for solution


Nice idea. Also, you could add a world filter for mail as well if possible, because I'm getting annoyed of getting mails from these guys.

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Here's some ways they could mitigate the credit spam problem without significantly harming the F2P experience.


- Give us the option to block whispers and email from F2P accounts. That won't block their access, but it'll give us the option to opt out of receiving them. Maybe give an option to take it a step further and block all communication from F2P accounts under X level for the people that really want to be antisocial.


- Prevent F2P accounts from sending the same message twice within a 10 minute period. It won't stop the spam, but it'll at least force them to vary their message.


Preferred accounts wouldn't be subject to these restrictions because they've paid some money at some point.

That won't stop the spammers from paying $5 to circumvent them, but anything that cuts into their business will slow them down.


I'm all in favor of these thoughtful ideas.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I have a very simple solution.


See credit spammer -> click their name -> add to ignore list -> click their name again -> report spam -> done.


That takes like five seconds, it's not difficult.



I think you missed a few steps. Click name -> pick report spam -> wait a bit -> get a pop up that blocks out everything else on your screen -> click ok -> scroll the chat window to find the name again or wait for it to appear once more -> click name and pick ignore -> click to scroll chat window position.


If the spammer is on a different instance or something? The UI makes you navigate through 3 nested menus just to reach report spam, which is located between reporting death threats or suicides, inappropriate names and other such gems. You then get the screen blocking pop up.... and then you have to navigate 3 nested menus AGAIN to pick 'ignore'.

Edited by PorkdishSWOR
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