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Incentive to report bugs.....


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I suggest you guys give a small cartel coin bonus to people for finding and reporting bugs. Essentially, the players are debugging your product for you, without any reimbursement, as if it were THEIR responsibility. Reporting bugs may be a moral obligation for some, but others simply don't care, or don't notice, etc. While I do realize this would encourage people to spam report bugs to you, I offer a solution to that as well. Give the first person to report the bug a NICE bonus, then give the next 100 people or so a small bonus. after that, no bonus. See! Incentive to report bugs for you guys to fix, but not worth spamming if its a widely known bug. EVERYONE WINS! Savi? Hell I should get a CC bonus for making the recommendation if you ask me. You could apply bonuses to people who provide superb feedback. Encourage the community! Edited by -Calypso
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What would be the criteria for rewarding coins that would keep people from abusing it?


It can't be an automated system because people would just report massive amounts of bugs that are already known issues or have been reported before in ways that bypass whatever filter they have in place to catch duplicates.

They can't auto-filter credit spammers because of the constantly changing messages so there's no way they could reliably do this.


So that means that each bug report would have to be scrutinized by a human for rewarding coins.

As soon as you add a human to the process, you pull them away from whatever other duties they could be performing such as actually working on bugs if the task is assigned to QA or helping people with actual problems if it's done by CS.

Or they could hire another person to specifically do this but that increases the payroll and HR load which, in turn, affects the bottom line.


Besides, the players aren't debugging the product... they are simply pointing the QA people in the direction of bugs they've found, MOST of which are probably already known anyway.

Just because a player reports a bug doesn't mean it's not already sitting on the bottom of a priority list of bugs that need to be worked on.

Edited by Rankyn
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What would be the point, ive been reporting bugs for YEARS that are still in game.


If they cant even look at and clear out the tickets the game makes when i report a credit seller email, do you really think someone will look at the absolute avalanche of reports getting cc for bug reporting would generate?

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If they implemented something like this, it should only be for filling out a proper bug report, just like a real bug tracking program. No one should be paid for sending out one sentence vague descriptions of things that may or may not be bugs.
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What would be the point, ive been reporting bugs for YEARS that are still in game.


If they cant even look at and clear out the tickets the game makes when i report a credit seller email, do you really think someone will look at the absolute avalanche of reports getting cc for bug reporting would generate?


^ This...


I think some people live in some hope filled rainbow given the ideas tossed out.

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  • 8 months later...
If they implemented something like this, it should only be for filling out a proper bug report, just like a real bug tracking program. No one should be paid for sending out one sentence vague descriptions of things that may or may not be bugs.


I would certainly be inclined to agree. I'm not suggesting that anything like this should be automated at all. I just think it would be nice for BW to publicly recognize the individuals that they feel are contributing towards the cause of the community. This would encourage others to follow suit, I would think.

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My incentive to report a bug is that I want to play a game with fewer flaws. Why should a player need any more incentive to report a bug than that?

Do you think that bugs go unfixed for extended periods of time because BioWare is not aware of them?

I don't think suggestion would do anything to improve the quality of the game.

Edited by JediRelentless
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My incentive to report a bug is that I want to play a game with fewer flaws. Why should a player need any more incentive to report a bug than that?

Do you think that bugs go unfixed for extended periods of time because BioWare is not aware of them?

I don't think suggestion would do anything to improve the quality of the game.


I think BioWare has to sort through a lot of bad suggestions in order to get to the good suggestions. When they find a good suggestion and decide to run with it, shouldn't the person who made the initial suggestion be rewarded for their consideration and time? Essentially, they are providing a better community, and helping Bioware continue to provide a successful product for profit. Everyone benefits from this. I believe this sort of thing warrants recognition. I appreciate it, and so do you from your reply.


You see, I think you may be misunderstanding my point. I am not asking BioWare to reward everyone who reports a Bug. I'm recommending that they recognize people who have the sense to notice and report the initial problem, seeing as even the programmers at BW have overlooked it. Your customers are doing your job for you. That means they are saving you profit by helping you prevent losses from frustrated and unsatisfied customers. A few cartel coins or a cool in game prize is the very LEAST they could do, don't you think?

Edited by -Calypso
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A few cartel coins or a cool in game prize is the very LEAST they could do, don't you think?


Awful idea. Just imagine all the complaints from people who will claim to have "helped BioWare do their job" but didn't get any reward.

If players think that their suggestion or their bug report will result in a Cartel Coin reward, this will only mean that BioWare will get tons more of the same old bug reports and the same old suggestions.

How does that make SWTOR a better game?

Edited by JediRelentless
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Reading bug reports from players who want an improved game is more important and far less time consuming than reading bug reports from players who are desperate to get a reward.


That is the first founded objection I've heard to my suggestion. A very good point.

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