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Companion Skill AI toggle?


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I know that you can toggle certain skills for your companion to on or off. But is there a way for that to persist through resummoning them?


Here is my problem, as a sage, I am trying to use Tharan Cedrax as a DPS companion. However he has a number of healing skills which he keeps using instead of doing damage. SO I deactivate those skills and he focuses on doing damage. Great. But if I dismiss him for whatever reason and resummon him, all his skills come back as being active again and I have to retoggle them everytime.


Might not seem to big a deal, but then you realize that they get auto dismissed and auto summoned every time you mount/dismount. Its getting quite annoying moving around Tatooine, toggling 3 skills for him, killing a bunch of enemies, then riding to the next camp and having to do the toggle thing all over again.


Any setting that I'm missing?

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This is BY FAR the most annoying bug in the game for me right now. Once you have your speeder and are out in an open world, it is INSANELY annoying to have to expand my companion bar and disable an ability EVERY SINGLE TIME that I get on and off my speeder. Add to that the fact that you can't move companion abilities around on their bars and it becomes even more frustrating. At least if I could move the abilities I want to disable every time over to those first 4 quick-slots, I would be able to toggle them off without having to expand the bar.
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At least if I could move the abilities I want to disable every time over to those first 4 quick-slots, I would be able to toggle them off without having to expand the bar.


Agreed even if this is a crappy solution.


Basically the companion behavior tells me that BioWare thinks we're all stupid and would screw up our companions if we could dink with their abilities. I somewhat agree, based on public chat in-game, that there are a ton of stupid people playing this and all MMORPGs. But I'm not stupid, and I want to be able to control my companions without monumental hassle.

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Your companions are designed to do what they do. I get what you want, and it is a bug that they don't persist I am sure.


But you need to realize a companion who is designed to be a healer is going to heal. A companion who is designed to DPS is going to DPS. A tank companion tanks.


That is why you have 5 of them. So you have several types...


So when you complain about having a healing companion heal, I kinda laugh and wonder why you're not just using a pure DPS companion who is better at that role anyway.


I hope you get your problem resolved, but until then I think you're a fool not to take the obvious solution and just use the appropriate companion for the job instead of trying to mix things up like that.


And if you only HAVE one companion its too early in the game for it to matter. The game doesn't even become remotely challenging (as in, requiring individual skill level to advance beyond the basics) until level 30 or so. Basics are things like shoot the enemy faster than he shoots you, heal if you are low on health, etc.

Edited by Skouros
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Your companions are designed to do what they do. I get what you want, and it is a bug that they don't persist I am sure.


But you need to realize a companion who is designed to be a healer is going to heal. A companion who is designed to DPS is going to DPS. A tank companion tanks.


That is why you have 5 of them. So you have several types...


So when you complain about having a healing companion heal, I kinda laugh and wonder why you're not just using a pure DPS companion who is better at that role anyway.


I hope you get your problem resolved, but until then I think you're a fool not to take the obvious solution and just use the appropriate companion for the job instead of trying to mix things up like that.


And if you only HAVE one companion its too early in the game for it to matter. The game doesn't even become remotely challenging (as in, requiring individual skill level to advance beyond the basics) until level 30 or so. Basics are things like shoot the enemy faster than he shoots you, heal if you are low on health, etc.


I don't quite think you understand the issue here... It's not just about having a healer not heal.


I play as a healer... so the most appropriate companion for me is a tank. The two of us make a great team, and we can solo a lot of areas that would be difficult otherwise. Since I am restricted to using only light armor, I am terrible at taking hits. This means that in a large encounter where there are multiple elite mobs, I have to use crowd control (CC). Basically, I have 1 skill that has a minute long cooldown that allows me to freeze a single foe and fight the rest of the enemies while he is suspended. After the rest of the mobs are clear, I can fight him one on one (or one on two as the case may be). The problem comes in in that, my tank companion has an Area of Effect skill (AoE) that hits the CC mob and breaks his stun. This means that either my companion has to go, or my CC skill does. Seeing as how both of these things save my life... ALL THE TIME... It is hard to pick which one to ditch.


The game developers gave me 1 CC skill, which helps me out of a bind when I pull too many mobs or an elite patrol decides to join in. I can only use it once every 60 seconds, so it is not the kind of thing I can just reapply when my companion breaks it. My companion is a tank... His job is not necessarily to use AoE skills and heal himself. I'm a healer... That's my job. They did add the feature to toggle off the skill, which means that I CAN use my companion to tank without AoE.


The problem arises that, (as an above poster mentioned) There are very large maps to traverse in the game. We are provided transportation skills to use, in order to get around faster. However, using a speeder (leaving an area, logging out, conversations, etc...) resets my companion's toggles to the default values (which I have changed... but they do not stay). This means if I am riding along and get attacked by a surprise group of invisible enemies who are buried underground, I am now in combat completely unprepared. I want to CC the biggest mob so I can fight him under less pressure... However, now I also have to go into my pet skills and disable his AoE before I can CC the elite. This is extremely difficult to accomplish when there are 6 mobs including 3 standard, 2 strong, and an elite all pounding on me... Not even considering that I have to do all this while trying to damage and heal.


It is almost not worth riding the speeder... Now, I have to chose between my speeder and CC, or my companion. This is why people end up using healers and needing them to just dps... for example.


To anyone with the power to fix this issue... Please Help! This is not the only toggle setting that resets from the stored values. What is the use of toggles if they just flip themselves on again. If I had a light switch that turned itself on every time I walked out the door... I would throw it out and get a new one. Please fix the toggles, so that my options are not strictly illusory.

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Oh boy, how many times i sweared when my stupid droid pulled one of the mobs out of the group i am AOEing. And how many millions of times i disabled it. Just because of this i dont want to mount up most of the time.


How something like this passes QA, is beyond my imagination. Companions are like %80 of this game, i love them but pls fix this simple thing that generates a biiig annoyance.

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