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this class is a joke in pvp


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charge and i get knocked off my target by most classes slowed an kited till i die every fight ends the same! this was the only class i have never lvled and i can see why, they suck! no defense at all! kited and stunned the whole game! and every spec is crap! even the utility points are crap! is it just me? :mad: Edited by ousmokeit
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Roll a Guardian.....they play like Sents used to play until the community demanded nerfs followed because they had l2play issues. Still nowadays 5 out of 6 Shadows loose to the seldom present Sent in 1v1 Situations. Seriously guys use your purge when you get dotted before stealthing. Shadows loosing to a Sent should delete their Char or demand Sentinel nerfs^^
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During the brief times when I pvped past launch, it was as a scoundrel healer. I played very casually, so there's no way I was playing correctly, but during much of this time a mara on me would just smash me for 40% of my life, so in any warzone if two lept to me I would get globalled.


I don't care what the "right" way to play was: obviously if I had stuck with it I would have found it (at this time scoundrel healers were considered very powerful, so the problem wasn't with class balance, it was at my end).


....but it wasn't *completely* at my end. As a player who wasn't positioning and casting properly, I was getting absolutely FACED with unforgivable damage by what looked like (based on the numbers) a reasonably fotm option.



So I think what we are seeing is a situation where the devs aren't sure where the line needs to be drawn. It's possible that they are sacrificing top end pvp viability because they are worried about the plebs in pvp or something, or it's possible that they changed how they value certain tools in pvp, such that they are really overcharging the class for the powers it still has. I think they have a hard time balancing the design of the class (or at least they THINK they do), and that's a damned shame.

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So I think what we are seeing is a situation where the devs aren't sure where the line needs to be drawn. It's possible that they are sacrificing top end pvp viability because they are worried about the plebs in pvp or something, or it's possible that they changed how they value certain tools in pvp, such that they are really overcharging the class for the powers it still has. I think they have a hard time balancing the design of the class (or at least they THINK they do), and that's a damned shame.


I'm only getting into the marauder scene, having mained an operative and the BH ACs, some sin, but my early experience (to 31) is I can see this ^ being the case. Even in midbies I'm a murder-machine. Even with a dozen deaths (if not getting heals) my dps is right up at the top of the charts. That doesn't happen on any of my other toons every other class a death contributes to massive dps loss. not on my mara. Buff their defenses much more and they'll be unstoppable, it''s a really fine balance.


Mara may be a joke at 60, I'll wait and see. But it's massive fun in the meantime.

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Marauders are in a rough spot for PVP right now, but you're also clearly suffering from learn-to-play issues. Do not open on an enemy with force charge unless you absolutely have to. Save it for when your target knocks you back or stuns you to escape. You should also note that marauders are a SUPPORT class. You should help others focus down their targets instead of trying to be a solo kill hero. If you want to be a solo kill hero, run solo PVE quests.
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I'm only getting into the marauder scene, having mained an operative and the BH ACs, some sin, but my early experience (to 31) is I can see this ^ being the case. Even in midbies I'm a murder-machine. Even with a dozen deaths (if not getting heals) my dps is right up at the top of the charts. That doesn't happen on any of my other toons every other class a death contributes to massive dps loss. not on my mara. Buff their defenses much more and they'll be unstoppable, it''s a really fine balance.


Mara may be a joke at 60, I'll wait and see. But it's massive fun in the meantime.


The issue most have with mara/sent in PVP, is not causing damage when they finally are close enough to, it is the getting there in this cc-fest of a game. Everyone and their grandma has more ways to cc, and especially to break them, than the mara/sent has. So often, the mara/stunned is stunned, slowed, and rooted, all while being burnt down. Now, maybe lowbies don't realize this, but high level players know quite well how to shut down the class.

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