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Leveling a Powertech what Spec is best


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Hey Guys,

I was wondering I have never played a Powertech, and I was wondering would it be better to quest in tank spec so that i can do all the heroic quests by myself with my comp or go Pyro and do pure DPS. I am really thinking of tanking FP's and eventually Ops. But right now I am trying to figure out if it would be worth going around questing in tank spec or stay in Pyro spec. Also should I get Treek out or stay with Mako? I would be grateful for any help you can give me guys. :confused:

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I'd say as a Powertech:


Until level 40, go tank spec. AP needs TD (level 41) to really do any damage at all, while Pyro needs Superheated Flamethrower (level 40)


Mobs once you get to that level hit like a truck, so much so that when I got to Hoth, I bought treek on my most recent vanguard, despite swearing I'd save up for HK. In the end, I gave up on HK.

That was simply because of the gear sharing thing.


Mako should be fine as a healer though for the entire game, just make sure she's geared up properly.


Once you get to 40-41, its entirely up to you which spec you want. Tanks stop being a DPS spec because tank gear finally starts showing up. And DPS specs can finally start DPSing because they have most of the tools they need (Pyro still needs Flame Barrage for resource management, and AP still needs Power Loaders in order to have burst damage). Though 41 was when I swapped to full time tanking for leveling because I couldn't deal with a pair of silvers without tank gear + healer companion.


It gets better at Rishi though.

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I found that once I got to Voss, stuff hit me like a Mack truck. While Advanced Prototype/Pyrotech definitely killed stuff faster, I had to wait and regenerate health every pull, even with Mako out. In the end, I went Shield Tech to limit downtime between pulls. I'd rather spend a few more seconds fighting stuff every pull than sit around regenerating health between pulls. Personal preference.


Once I got into the 50's and got Shoulder Cannon it solidified the Shield Tech as my favorite spec, simply because you have two abilities off the global cooldown, making gameplay much more fluid. The game suffers from a horribly long global cooldown, and playing anything without off-GCD skills feels slow and clunky once you've tried Shield Tech.


Also, Shield Tech gets access to some mad AOE with Flame Engine and Firestorm at level 57. Leveling becomes a breeze at that point, and being a tank spec, you can tank most of the Flashpoints on the side, even with DPS gear.


So far, Shield Tech Powertech, or Shield Specialist Vanguard, is my favorite class in the game. Great mobility with Grapple, Jet Charge, and Hydraulic Overrides; good survivability from running a tank spec, excellent AOE damage, and a surprisingly good damage output once you get Shoulder Cannon, Firestorm, and Explosive Fuel.


Plus a bunch of fun tools at your disposal. You're not limited to mashing one button forever to kill stuff - it keeps the gameplay interesting.

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Tank until 40? Nonsense.


With Mako, and Flame Sweep+Pyro, I could do heroics and flashpoints on my own (I did Hammer and Athiss anyways, while only a couple levels above them), up until the late 30s, early 40s. Then I went AP.


Plasma ammo does a huge amount of damage. I could burn through one spawn after another without slowing down, auto-applying it with flame sweep, and the flame sweep utilities. Nothing beats that for levelling.


Heroic 4s stopped being practical around Belsavis. But kiting, loss and burn tick damage can do a lot more than most anticipate.

Edited by clearsighted
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Tank until 40? Nonsense.


With Mako, and Flame Sweep+Pyro, I could do heroics and flashpoints on my own (I did Hammer and Athiss anyways, while only a couple levels above them), up until the late 30s, early 40s. Then I went AP.


Plasma ammo does a huge amount of damage. I could burn through one spawn after another without slowing down, auto-applying it with flame sweep, and the flame sweep utilities. Nothing beats that for levelling.


Heroic 4s stopped being practical around Belsavis. But kiting, loss and burn tick damage can do a lot more than most anticipate.


To be fair, until 3.1.1 (when pyro became a spec solely for dealing with low health enemies AKA Leveling, dailies, trash mobs), the talent for Combustible Gas Cylinder to be applied with flame sweep was bugged, and it chose a single random enemy instead of applying it to everything.

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To be fair, until 3.1.1 (when pyro became a spec solely for dealing with low health enemies AKA Leveling, dailies, trash mobs), the talent for Combustible Gas Cylinder to be applied with flame sweep was bugged, and it chose a single random enemy instead of applying it to everything.


That makes sense. My vanguard was levelled years ago, and my powertech only in the last 1-2 weeks.

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