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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion and class stories continued.


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Companions and story are what this game did well at launch, and it seems you abandoned them at level 50. No new storyline for the companions, no new intrigue or character development for them since launch. Also the class stories seemed to have concluded at level fifty as well and now every class shares the same plot for fifty and up. That is unfortunate. Perhaps you could combine new companion and class stories together in the next expansion. Expand in that area a bit. Edited by Pcolapat
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Something I agree with again. Just because you have maxed out your affection with a companion shouldn't mean the story with that companion has ended. IMO companion stories should evolve even beyond max affection, and certainly as well beyond lvl 50. I agree--what made this game interesting in part is because of the story that goes with your companion. I hope that we will get more in terms of storyline in the next expansions.
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I'd love this. I think it would be wonderful to have more class story and also to expand and continue the companion stories. I can't stress how much i would love to see this happen. I feel like there are so many loose ends with the companions and also with the class stories. Wrapping up old things, and giving us new stuff to look forward to, would be most welcome.



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I think it'd be cool if companion characters gave out some kind of radiant daily/weekly quests. Their stories could continue the stories of planets we've been to before such as Alderaan, Nar Shadaa and Voss.


Gotta make it interesting though. Randomized Stronghold Decoration drops would do the trick.


But what would be really cool is if a rare drop for these quests, or a reward for doing some kind of "achievement mode" on a quest boss, would be an item that dished out a class quest. Maybe one that's repeatable from the console where we picked up SoR.


Rather than just dishing out stories that we burn through quickly, make them apart of the endgame gameplay.


But at this point, any kind of story is appreciated.

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I wonder how many other players already canceled their subscription due to the lack of updates in this area.

For me at least the character specific plot ond companion interaction were the reason to play the game, and since Bioware/EA decided to not further develop these areas, I don't see any reason to continue to spend money on this game.

Anyway I will keep an eye open and come back, if the game update philosophy should change.

If they did, it would certainly once again be one of the most enjoyble mmorpg's out there.

Edited by nroejb
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Problem with this idea is that EA seems to not really care about this game anymore. Most of the expansions for this game have been kind of a joke. They seem to be more focused on the cartel market and less on game content. IMHO Bioware needs to dump EA and find a gaming company that is Fantasy based, instead of Sports based.
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