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10 Good
  1. It's not as fun as having it in-game, but really you could just make threads on your server forums and/or advertize in public chat. Require a screen shot of the kill or something. I remember people doing this to some success back when the game first came out. I agree that having an actual quest-like function would be potentially cool, but it will never happen. Also, I think that if any pvp bounty system did ever come about, that the Bounty Hunter class should really be integrally involved somehow.
  2. What about if force abilities simply converted to the mirrored versions from the opposing faction? So like, for example, a full light side Sith Sorcerer would have that rock-throw thing instead of lightning, and dark side Jedi would get lightning, etc. I guess the problem with this is that it doesn't do much for the non-force users. Its not as if a Sniper is going to swap abilities with a Gunslinger...
  3. Has there been any dev response on this issue in the last two years? I'm curious as to what their stance is. It's obvious that this is one of the issues thats really hurting the game at this point.
  4. I agree. I would love to be given more reasons to revisit some of the existing planets, but in a whole new context. New zones on existing planets wouldn't have to have the same exact design aesthetic or feel as the previous iterations, so it wouldn't have to be stale. Not saying they shouldn't make new worlds, but this feels like a missed opportunity.
  5. I love this game. I LOVE it. But I do agree that it could use some improvement in this area. The game needs more non-static npc's. Cities need more life. Too many npc's aren't even clickable, and there are too many copy&pasted npc's (several with the EXACT same models just standing around next to one another). Also, I wouldn't be opposed to doing away with the instancing system when outside of major hubs like the fleets. Seeing more players running around would add a lot of life to these planets, and usually there still wouldn't be enough to cause major performance issues.
  6. No, you won't rely on cover as a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel. As I understand it (I'm DF, but only lv 26), you will be focusing more on damage over time abilities than the scrapper, who uses burst damage. I haven't closely examined the Scrapper skill tree, but with DF you have lots of aoe and snare/slow options and powerful dots.
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