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[SUGGESTION] - How to stop the gold spammers


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Fleet chat is now looking like those public Bulletin Board sites did when the spammers invaded them years ago. 20 spams for one actual relevant post. I do not even turn on Fleet Chat any more, ever. Many people are doing the same.


You've stated that Fleet Chat is important and that is why you included it on our guild ships...


Fair enough, so let's do something about the spammers!


I can understand that perhaps you cannot hire people to police the chat 24 hours a day. Workers cost money and I think most would agree with me that we'd prefer your workforce to be more focused on content than chasing down spammers.


So, put it in the hands of the community on each server. Choose some trusted people. How? Start out with closed beta testers and guild leaders who have not had to be banned or warned about behavior. Who have not been reported for abuse or harassment.


Give them the power to silence a spammer - for 8 hours only. Log it when they do. Have someone review daily. The log should be filled with nothing but gold spammers with their silly names like "zxdffzdx". If you find one of your fleet chat mods abusing their privileges, revoke it.


As an incentive, reward your volunteer mods with a modest Cartel Coin stipend for their help.


This costs Bioware nothing. Solves the spam problem, making happier players. Everyone wins - except the gold spammers, but good riddance to them...

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Myself and several others (from SWG) have all suggested the "Warden System"... Select subscribers with a good history with the game are given "mute" options against accounts that violate the TOS, or more specific violations. The CSRs will monitor the "Wardens" to ensure that their 'power' is not abused.


It some ways it is 'giving the prisoners the keys' as many suggest, but even in prison, there are trustee's who are given a lot of freedom... And, I'm also not inclined to think of myself or the majority of the player-base as CRIMINALS.


Abuse of the abilities will get the player a nice long ban. But reward the player for a good job.


The idea has pitfalls and potential. But getting rid of them will only happen when idiots stop buying credits.

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how about we use the already in place system that does exaclty this. ignore/report. problem solved.


Problem isn't with teh system, its in the cold spammers. They can have 1000 free accounts that as soon as the first one is banned within even a few hours, will immediately start back up. They probably have 10 or 15 on fleet alone just sitting there waiting.


So unless you want a full time in game just trying to silence an infinite amount of players, the current system works just fine.

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While I appreciate the spirit of your suggestion I see a couple of problems.


1. Potential for abuse.

2. Fatigue -- SWG had a similar system, and the wardens just got worn out and many stopped doing it or stopped playing all together.


I do wish there was something that could be done -- maybe the number of ignore requests an account receives in a short period of time could result in an automatic, temporary, CS-reviewed chat suspension.

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It is getting a little out of hand.


Sielle from a SWTOR Reddit Feed suggested this:

Make the ignore list account wide, not per character.

Reporting someone for spam automatically adds them to your ignore list (you can then remove them manually if you really want).


These seem like very doable solutions wiithout adding too much inconvenience to the regular gaming public.


On a personal note, I got fed up with one of the spammers and went to their website. Imagine my malicious joy when I got one of their customer service people on their online help chat. hehehehe

Oh the profanity laced tirade this guy got before he put me on ignore. :rak_03:

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how about we use the already in place system that does exaclty this. Ignore/report. Problem solved.


No, it should *not* automatically /ignore or else our /ignore lists will be at maximum capacity very quickly.


There should be a separate /ignore category for spammers that bypasses the standard /ignore list for something that is limitless and basically acts as a black hole... Call it /spammer or something. I'd rather /ignore people that bother me personally and /spammer the actual spammers so i never have to see them again.


So, i can either manually right-click and "send to spammer void" command or i can right-click and "report spammer" which sends in a report but also puts them into the /spammer list and you never see them again.


This may solve one problem but it creates another if we have to manually one-by-one purge our /ignore lists.

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having to buy a boxed copy of the game with a serial code was the way to go lol .still maybe silencing f2p accounts till they have reached a level cap might help


Nah, lots of f2p people ask questions about the game, interaction is a big part of an mmo.


A simple captcha system for f2p players who haven't reached max level would be fine. A random captcha would show up when a user wants to write a text and if he can't guess it in 3 attempts he will be silenced for a few hours. If he gets silenced like 3 times in a week, his account will be reported.

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