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Cultural differences in Flaspoints?


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I recently rolled a couple of Republic toons on JC to try out leveling post 3.0.


I've got 16 toons on an EU server and sometimes play late night EU so thought it would be interesting to have US toons to play when it's latenight for me and the EU servers go quiet.


The one thing I've noticed and to be honest it really sticks out is the lack of social niceties at the start and end of flashpoints. On my regular server 90% of people say Hi at the start and TY at the finish. On JC I'd say that number was 50% if that. I'm only at 22 and 33 level wise so these are the early FPs but it did strike me as odd at first. If anything I expected a US server to be friendlier since there's less of a language barrier.


So my question is this just the American way of doing things?


Just want to add that I've bumped into a lot of friendly helpful people whilst leveling. I'm not saying JC is full of basement dwelling socially awkward individuals just curious about the silence at the start and end of FPs.

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I haven't leveled a character outside 12xp in over a year, so haven't done any low level flashpoints in as long. I also don't do much group content outside my guild, but when I do folks always initiate a hi and thank you before I can. If it's less than 100% of the time it's not by much.


Maybe a lot of low level F2p with chat restrictons in mid level FPs? I don't really know F2p rules tbh.

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