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is it time to change


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k i know people will recognize my posts of defending this class but i cant do it anymore and realized somthing after playing on a friends account as a powertech. they do just as good dps as a merc and even better in ranked but get more survivability. well i think its time bioware gave all mercs an option to change advanced classes because they seem to not help this class at all i just dont want to level all the way to 60 a new powertech.


i tried so hard to play with merc in ranked and did well won alot but they come no where near their counter part in terms of utility. for those who read my other posts i apologize i got enough balls to admit i was wrong and this merc class needs a buff or just be erased from the game because after playing a powertech in ranked vs a merc there is no contest the pt is 10X better. i dont die like squishy little gummy bear and dont need to worry if a healer or tank can peal for me.


in short bioware please please let me switch advanced classes i dont want to level again and i wont, or better can you change the classes idk why you are not listening to people here whatever is going on you need to be on the forums and give us feedback if you even consider this a issue.

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i dont understand why they dont change it i can understand nerfing our damage a little bit for survivability. the only way the merc class is viable if 8V8 became ranked cause that way merc can thrive and just about any class problem is that since 4V4 are the only ranked they arent that good.
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i dont understand why they dont change it i can understand nerfing our damage a little bit for survivability. the only way the merc class is viable if 8V8 became ranked cause that way merc can thrive and just about any class problem is that since 4V4 are the only ranked they arent that good.


Merc/mando damage doesn't need nerfing. Given equal skill and gear, all classes are going to put up roughly the same damage numbers in PvP. In some cases, those numbers will probably be higher than a mercs.

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all the text.
I applaud your effort to come back and post this after your earlier posts. And you are quite right about the viability. Now powertechs are quite squishy aswell so rerolling to a PT is not the answer really (imo). Still, takes cojones to step up and say what you did. Hats off, and rip merc :(
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i dont understand why they dont change it i can understand nerfing our damage a little bit for survivability. the only way the merc class is viable if 8V8 became ranked cause that way merc can thrive and just about any class problem is that since 4V4 are the only ranked they arent that good.
And let me know when a merc can pull this off http://i.imgur.com/pVctht8.jpg , thats from the class with the largest amount of "good" defensive cooldowns, stealth, teleports etc. You name it, Sins have it.


I dont understand why people, even assassins, want to nerf mercs damage in exchange for defence when they can pull this crap off. I dont care if its fluff, its still 4000 dps that needs to be healed, all the time.

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You know what the problem is with that cartoon?


Every single one of those FOTM players either can out run, leap, or grapple that poor Merc. That last image on the cartoon would never happen because he / she would never even get a chance to run away.

Edited by ForceWelder
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What I would like to see is the Merc / Mando's damage reduction bubble give them immunity to stun.


You still taking 70 - 75% of the focus damage, but it would still give you a chance to use every single heal option you have to maybe get back to 50% before the bubble drops.


Literally, just to survive the initial focus you would practically have to use ever CC you got at your disposal now (not that you have the time to use them all in the split second between stuns). As it stands now Merc / Mando's don't have a fighting chance in 4 v 4. It is not that they don't have options, it is that they don't have the time to use those options when they are initially focused on.

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Commando/Merc forum: The saddest subforum since 1.2


Yes, you can see it everyday in the lack of forum responses or new posts. It truly is sad when your post stays on page one for three days not because others are making comments to it, but because nobody is posting anything new to push it off the page.

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