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Those claiming that doing the exploit hurt noone may be wrong


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Look at how much harder it is to get Ultimate comms now,i believe that change was made due to the exploiters so in essence yes you did hurt people with your violation.


I dont think it hurt anyone but those dumb enough to do it


The reason they should be held accountable (and a 24 hour ban and losing schematic is NOT being held accountable, not in the slightest) is THEY WILLINGLY CHEATED.


They knew it was against the rules and did so anyways.


Thats really the only reason why they all should have been treated to much more severe punishments then they did.


24 hour ban nonsense with deleted schematic and no removal of ill gotten gains just means more people will be willing to do the exploit next time (and there will be a next time as there always is in MMORPGs) because EA has stated loud and clearly now they will not hold players to the rules of game and terms of service.


The minimum penalty imo should have started with

Stage one for the least punished

-1 month ban, removal of all gear/schematics/credits from date of exploit done


Stage 2 for the moderate punished

- 2 month ban and Deletion of character used in exploit


Stage 3 for the most severe

- Lifetime ban plus full deletion of account


I know the ones that try to play this down here because they cheated will bad mouth this as to harsh.

I disagree

You do the crime, you do the time


Right now there simply was no lesson learned by anyone over this

You already hear them laughing about the non penalty in game and how they came out ahead and would do it again


As for hurting anyone though

I only worry about myself in that regard and I don't cheat. EVER.

So I was not harmed or injured in anyway by the exploit

The game however, the game going forward was massively hurt (for reasons already explained)


Personally I just laugh at exploiters.

This game ultra easy and you had to cheat in it????

WOW, thats really quite sad to be honest.

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as a new player, my take on the whole situation is that next time an exploit is found, I will definitely be taking full advantage of it to get as much as I can as even if I did get in trouble I would still end out ahead. I don't care how exploits affect others but I can see now that I missed out on a lot of easy gear.


you would be a fool not to do this in future.

Edited by DasRoach
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I dont think it hurt anyone but those dumb enough to do it


The reason they should be held accountable (and a 24 hour ban and losing schematic is NOT being held accountable, not in the slightest) is THEY WILLINGLY CHEATED.


They knew it was against the rules and did so anyways.


Thats really the only reason why they all should have been treated to much more severe punishments then they did.


24 hour ban nonsense with deleted schematic and no removal of ill gotten gains just means more people will be willing to do the exploit next time (and there will be a next time as there always is in MMORPGs) because EA has stated loud and clearly now they will not hold players to the rules of game and terms of service.


The minimum penalty imo should have started with

Stage one for the least punished

-1 month ban, removal of all gear/schematics/credits from date of exploit done


Stage 2 for the moderate punished

- 2 month ban and Deletion of character used in exploit


Stage 3 for the most severe

- Lifetime ban plus full deletion of account


I know the ones that try to play this down here because they cheated will bad mouth this as to harsh.

I disagree

You do the crime, you do the time


Right now there simply was no lesson learned by anyone over this

You already hear them laughing about the non penalty in game and how they came out ahead and would do it again


As for hurting anyone though

I only worry about myself in that regard and I don't cheat. EVER.

So I was not harmed or injured in anyway by the exploit

The game however, the game going forward was massively hurt (for reasons already explained)


Personally I just laugh at exploiters.

This game ultra easy and you had to cheat in it????

WOW, thats really quite sad to be honest.


EA / bioware can not afford to ban anyone. This isnt wow where you can ban hundreds and not even feel it.

Swtor no matter who says what is more of a tax write off. Remember Warhammer Online YEP one mistake one screw up after another and while it could have been a great game EA as always killed it.

Motor City online....Earth and Beyond.... in the 1990s GAMESTORM...all bought and destroyed by EA I was there for it all.

I love swtor game...play it so much. Why we do not have millions vs a couple of hundred thousand AT BEST.

HOW DOES anyone screw up STAR WARS IP with MASSIVE BIOWARE and err well EA...this makes NO SENSE.

YES it is or was in the top 5 sub'd game in 2013 ..

The exploit bans are lame and their ALL eating CODE has removed LEGIT recipes earned and legit gear built.

For the love of JAR JAR get it right...a new movie is coming get this fixed so all thhese lol new poeple the movie will bring do not see this game has junk...

SO sad at what is going on.

OH and ERIC...did you not get my tweet through the UFC for my challenge to a UFC match?

I can resend it but Dana might get peeved at me sending so many challenges through his twitter .

I would win within 3 minutes. Not bad for a near 50 year old man.

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