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Reflexive Shield / Energy Rebounder - The HEROIC Utility


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Why it needs to be reworked to be useful.


We've all seen the threads about the lack of viability of Merc / Mando in Ranked PvP. We've all seen the comments from every other class who doesn't want to see our class given anything to combat being the primary focus in Ranked Arenas.


This isn't the topic for that, go post in one of those topics if you have nothing constructive to add to this.


The SW:TOR Combat Team probably has a lot of metric data they can look at, including looking at how many DPS Mercs / Mando players use these Heroic Utility points.




  1. How many DPS Mercs / Mandos spec into Reflexive Shield / Energy Rebounder Utility?
  2. How many DPS Mercs / Mandos use those Utility Points in other abilities such as;

  • Overclock / Power Overrides
  • Shock Absorbers / Stabilized Armor
  • Forced March / Thrill Of The Hunt


Due to the RNG nature of Reflexive Shield / Energy Rebounder, it isn't an ability that our class can rely on for damage reduction. It certainly isn't an ability that would help our DPS classes survive in a PvP environment properly, or more importantly allow our class that tool we require to force a switch in focus.




If this is to be a true Heroic Utility, it really needs to be looked at and reworked to provide Mercs / Mandos with that much requested "new ability".


  1. When taking damage have a 100% chance to emit an Energy Redoubt that absorbs a low amount of damage.
  2. Energy Redoubts stack 3 times within the initial 6 seconds to a maximum damage reduction of 100% and each stack refreshes the 6 second timer. This effect cannot occur more than once every 180 seconds once the maximum number of stacks is reached.
  3. Remove the ability for it to reduce the CD on Reactive Shield / Energy Shield (or increase the effect time for this to 3 seconds or more.)


DPS Mercs / Mandos will have to decide to choose between very different Heroic Utilities, however spending a Utility point in this would effectively reduce our DPS output by eliminating either Overclock / Power Overrides or Forced March / Thrill Of The Hunt. Equally, we can still be stunned while this ability is active further reducing any potential DPS output gained from this.


What it does however give is the chance for DPS Mercs / Mandos the chance to force a hard switch, too little dps on us and the timer isn't put on CD, too much and it gives 6 seconds of either being the "punchbag" or being left alone to do a moderate amount of damage and perhaps make the class feel useful in Ranked Arenas. It should however make other classes decide if we are to be the primary focus target, knowing that if they do then they're opening themselves up to the rest of the team and leaving themselves vulnerable for up to 6 seconds.


Essentially, it would give us nothing more than most DPS classes already have. The initial Energy Redoubts can be tweaked in damage reduction percentages to not be too overpowered if the full ability isn't activated.


That's my suggestion on how to resolve our issues, I may be overlooking something (I've mained Merc for 2+ years, so it's possible :D). Either way, I'm unsubbed as from tomorrow until the combat team decide to give our class that much needed TLC it needs to become viable.


Good luck to you all. :cool:

Edited by Transcendent
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This is awful, they'd just make the tank auto attack you for a few times to trigger the cooldown and once it's down same story as before.


Not to mention that ER is fine as it is. 40sec cd on Energy Shield? Yes please.


So, essentially similar as forcing a Sorc to bubble... but with no heal to full and you can carry right on and do some DPS as there isn't a GCD to waste on it.


Which would mean you shouldn't be the primary focus straight out of the gate. As for losing the extra CD on Energy Shield? How often do you get to use it if in an Ranked Arena? Not often is my guess.

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So, essentially similar as forcing a Sorc to bubble... but with no heal to full and you can carry right on and do some DPS as there isn't a GCD to waste on it.


Which would mean you shouldn't be the primary focus straight out of the gate. As for losing the extra CD on Energy Shield? How often do you get to use it if in an Ranked Arena? Not often is my guess.


Not really, you actually have to burst a Sorc down to force a bubble. Let's say they have a jugg tank, he does charge->sunndering assault->assault and the cooldown is already triggered and you are at like 95%. They wait a few second and you are still dead.

And I'm not doing ranked arena, but ER is still pretty good.


If you want to give Mercs an "oh ****" button then there are other ways to do that, Chaff Flare for example.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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I would like to use ER, but i cant really justify loosing either Stabilized armor or Thrill of the Hunt/Double power surge no matter the spec. Now if ER was a masterful level instead then i would be interested.


And off topic, sorcs can get a masterful utility that makes their aggro drop (45 sec cooldown) give them 6 seconds of 25% dmg mitigation, wich essentially make their utility defence stronger then our main defensive cooldown (more uptime)

Edited by Nightkin
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