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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Initial 3.1.1 Patch Notes are up...


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Really? Crippling slash now doesn't have to be applied twice it just roots the target. Undying Rage no longer requires a health penalty so it can be used at anytime. The return of the unkillable mara. This is a good change and minimal honestly. I can't wait to play with it.
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Thats it? That's the big sentinel changes? What a bunch of crap! So from all the feedback about how bad the class is now, you come up with GBTF as the only major change. wow......


It's not a bad one, also we pretty much get crippling throw back. Definitely a step in the right direction.

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It's not a bad one, also we pretty much get crippling throw back. Definitely a step in the right direction.


No Its a good change, except the 1 minute extra cd, however its pretty much the only change, I was expecting so big changes as all the specs play like crap now.

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Really? Crippling slash now doesn't have to be applied twice it just roots the target. Undying Rage no longer requires a health penalty so it can be used at anytime. The return of the unkillable mara. This is a good change and minimal honestly. I can't wait to play with it.


3 minute Undying (double the cooldown what it was in patch 2.5) and a reversion of a change that should never have happened? A "step" if you want to call it, although I'm not sure if it's in the right direction, and I'm sure most of us are quite disappointed...


3.1.1 does nothing to fix Sentinels/Maras.

Edited by -Yui-
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6 seconds of force camouflage, 6 seconds of immunity, 25% less damage from aoe, 3% heal on saberward to go with the 50% defense increase and 25% damage reduction to force/tech, extended duration on cloak of pain so it lasts longer between refreshes. There are other viable paths to go as well; the only obvious one will be 6s immunity from heroics, everything else is debatable. One thing that is not debatable I think is maras will be better off with these changes. Just removing the health penalty from one of our big DCDs is huge.

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I blame all the morons that posted anything about fixing GBTF, thanks for giving bioware an ez way out. Bioware took this and ran with it since they knew it wouldn't be game breaking but would appease some, it's crap and will be stunned/rooted though. The new leg slash is nice, but with out a better root/slow break it does little to fix what is ailing this class....
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The changes in and of themselves aren't bad, actually they are pretty good. I think we can all agree that the major problem with this class in pvp is mobility, bioware is afraid that giving another melee class better mobility will shun their ranged classes. Honestly, if they moved both the predation root break and/or the force camo root break to skilfull or masterful levels , that would go a long way. Edited by Evanouss
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Really? Crippling slash now doesn't have to be applied twice it just roots the target. Undying Rage no longer requires a health penalty so it can be used at anytime. The return of the unkillable mara. This is a good change and minimal honestly. I can't wait to play with it.


It's still weaker than Jugg, no h2f, no root immunities whenever you want, Predation still being the most cumbersome speed boost in the game. Undying Rage looks nice, but it won't help poor mara free himself from countless snares, while Jugg still has 5s of fu button in talented Saber Reflect, when he's basically immune to almost every stun and most snares and all the other yellow crap ppl throw at you. Looks like Mara went from the worst melee by far, to "just" the worst melee.

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Underwhelming. The GBTF is a needed fix with an added nerf. Having it drain 25 or even 50% of your health UP FRONT, with no added CD time, would have been fine. It was the drain at the end that made it ridiculous and sentinels a waste of healer time. Making the "new" crippling throw cost us a skill point is complete and total BS. TOTAL BS. UNACCEPTABLE.


This is a feeble step. Hopefully it is just a first stumble until EAWare can pull head from ARSE. These changes only peripherally address the problems the community has raised.

Edited by Dyvim
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I'm no Mara expert, but my first thought when looking at these changes objectively is that there are far too many "must have" utilities in the Heroic tier. I understand the need for players to make "choices", but at the very least the 2 UR utilities should be combined.
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Sorry but, What the actual ****... Is this all that is coming for us? Nothing to make the new operations fair for mDPS at all? Seriously how low of Bioware...


Needless to say that we were already screwed in PvP pre 3.0, now we are even more screwed in 3.0 and also in PvE too...? Wow

Edited by AgustinSarro
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Oh I'm going to be so OP now!

Can't wait to have my first immortal full precision window on a target without having to do seppuku!


Great chances imo


Don't hold your breath, you will still likely be cc'd to high heaven.

Edited by Dyvim
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