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How do the stories of the new OPS connect to the Shadow of Revan storyline?(SPOILERS)


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Hello people,


Now, yesterday I've cleared Temple of Sacrifice for the first time, and previous week I already cleared The Ravagers.

Doing so has lead me to several questions storywise, and I was curious wether someone knew the facts behind this,

and what opinions people have on this otherwise. For me it was rather hard to find the connection between the SoR

single player content on Yavin and Rishi and the stories given in the new operations.

Though, I must say I only played the mandatory content on both planets so I might have missed out here and there.

Allow me to elaborate;


First, the Ravagers.

To me it seemed like this was merely somekind of side-branch of the pirate history of Rishi. Nothing wrong with that

ofcourse, but I must say I did miss the extensive continuous storytelling the previous operations had. For example

the entire Dread Masters lore starting out on Belsavis to and through Explosive Conflict, S&V etc. and finally coming

to a climax at the Oricon storyline and finishing with a blast through Dread Fortress and Palace. All together I can

say I really enjoyed that.

Anyway, so to me The Ravagers was more kind of a story to itself, but maybe that's not true and someone can tell

me more about the background. :)


Then, Temple Of Sacrifice.

Okay, of course this connects to all of it, but some things just do not make sense to me. Considering the fact that you have already fought Revan with the coalition at the end of the Yavin content, and the story kind of concluded there

by you finding out Revan's light side spirit has split from his body to a Force apparition, leaving his dark and

revengeful side in his body, causing all of the mess. Then his split sides reunite, becoming one with the force, the

emperor's spirit escapes the temple, and the coalition leaves Yavin 4. This is where I do not understand how the

story of Temple Of Sacrifice falls into place. To me it looks like the solo Revan fight was implemented merely to

make the Revan fight accessible for all players, also the ones that do not play OPS. Can someone explain this?

I could imagine the TOS story taking place earlier then the single player Revan fight, but this also does not

completely make sense. Also to me the fight in the Temple feels way more genuine, though the conclusion of

the single player fight was better in my opinion. What's the use of fighting Revan twice? How could the story continue after being concluded? Did I miss crucial stuff here?


Looking forward to your responses.


Regards, Marco

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You're correct about Ravagers - it's pretty much just a side story.


In terms of the storyline, your character either faces Revan alongside Theron, Lana, Marr, Satele, etc. or faces him with a team that has fought through the Temple of Sacrifice. The raid and the solo mission are two options for how to complete the story the same way you might have the choice to spare or kill an NPC over the course of a mission.


I think Marr or Satele explicitly say to you on Yavin: 'we need to hit Revan, you can either kick the coalition into gear and use their attack as a distraction to take him on yourself, or you can assemble a team and storm the Temple." That's the point where you make the story decision of going with the solo or raid option.

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You're correct about Ravagers - it's pretty much just a side story.


In terms of the storyline, your character either faces Revan alongside Theron, Lana, Marr, Satele, etc. or faces him with a team that has fought through the Temple of Sacrifice.


I thought that too, but when I did the Ops it told me to go do the solo version afterwards.


Apparently it's either A) kill some random commanders and do some dailies or

B) destroy the Sith Artifact in an Ops.


After I destroyed the artifact I reported back to Marr who told me that Revan had retreated from ToS to the Forgotten Terrace and that we would attack him there.


So basically it goes:

_______________Rally Troops ->

Rishi-> Yavin 4 ->_____________________ Enemy Within

_______________Temple of Sacrifice ->

Edited by AshlaBoga
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