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Flagship Functionality


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First let me start out by saying that the guild flagships are an amazing idea, however i believe the concept can go further. Its understandable that you do not wish for the Republic and Imperial fleet stations to appear barren, but i do suggest the addition of certain ameneties to the guild flagships. The idea is to allow many of the comforts of the fleet to be available in the guilds flagship. I suggest that as guilds unlock decks and rooms on those decks that they unlock certain useful aspects of the game ( example: unlocking the command deck allows access to PVE mission terminals, the rooms would allow access to target dummies and other PVE oriented utilities ). My guild and others I'm sure have spent countless hours and credits unlocking and upgrading decks, I’m sure many others like my self feel the disappointment every time they have to go to the fleet to grab some flux( a vendor I wouldn’t mind having in my personal stronghold as well ). In short here's an idea that would make having these comforts available to guilds that have worked for and earned it. This should keep the fleets fairly active and make the people who spent massive amounts of credits not feel as though their time was wasted. Hopefully we will see some form of this in game soon I do believe it would help greatly as well for those who don’t enjoy the commotion on the fleet.

Here's a list of how I assumed this could work. Restricting access to certain decks and utilities would be necessary.


Command deck: middle room-mission terminals left room-PVP vendors right room-PVE vendors forward mid room-target dummies


Crew deck: 1st left room- cantina 1st right room- med bay 2nd left 2 rooms-crafting/gathering trainers 2nd right 2 rooms crafting vendor/companion gifts vendor ( if guild leader has it max rep buys the rep vendors for one of these rooms)


Hangar deck: Left hangar gives access to daily planets and the right hangar gives access to gav daragon or to the fleet departures area.


Engineering: Unlocking this room would be crucial for guild on guild flagship battles, housing access tunnels to turrets would allow you to man specific types of artillery to participate in guild on guild or even SF cross content. ( refer to another post in this forum by a guy in game named Twine )


Officer deck: Obviously restricted to the officer rank this deck would allow more convenient access to certain of these utilities ( bartender with stims and possibly mission terminals.


Nope I'm not forgetting the bridge, since it has some pretty decent functionality to it already my only suggestion is to have a bulletin board that my guildies can click and read, something I could possibly post links into. Hope my ideas are considered and everyone who reads this enjoy and support my idea.

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I agree the guild ships need a lot more functionality to them all of these ideas would give them that. Bioware really needs to take some of these ideas and make them a reality. There would still be plenty of need for players to return to the Fleet all of the operations and pvp gear vendors are there not to mention the fact that its a major hub for players to sell there goods and for finding groups to run OPs and que for PVP.


Also I think the Hangar decks should give access to all the OPs to make guild runs easier as well as give functionality to the guild ships. I find that a fair amount of time is wasted trying to get everyone to the various locations all the OPS launch from I understand that's part of the reason u made the Summon Via Guild Flagship but this utitly will still be used for a good deal of the conquest stuff anyways.


Also ADD Practice Dummies to the guild ships!!!!


Going with his idea of the Guild Bulliten board they should have a guild Operations/Activties calander. WOW has in game guild calanders to make it easy for guilds to run raids.

Edited by FrenTwine
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i really like this idea man, it actually gives me a good reason to dump over 500 mil into the guildship. I love love love love love the guildship, some of the best thing ever existed. Thus far, i have dumped about 500 mil to the guildship, yet most of the stuff there are all just there for good looks and there is really nothing really attracting to get people to actually want to STAY on the guildship and call it their home... that would be an awsome idea man.
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