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No need for boycott, but I learned my own lesson and will change behavior accordingly


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like some others who have posted on this subject, I feel I have been deceived by BW and refuse to spend more than my subscription until they fix it. I spend most of my disposable income on games and just recently returned to SWTOR a couple months ago. I have easily spent over 500$ but now with the integrity of CM being compromised I refuse to spend another cent on it. The only way to show them we have been wronged is to affect their bottom line. Join me in not spending any more money and boycotting the Cartel Coins until they answer for their "bait and switch" tactics.


EDIT1: No one needs to join me, but this whole incident has taught me not to trust what I am getting on the market. I am still annoyed by this Yavin Arena Item that the game says is in Pilgrim packs but has never dropped. No one has to join, but I have learned my own lesson and will continue to subscribe and play a star wars game I love, but no longer will I spend exorbitant amounts of money on it.


EDIT2: Sorry for the confusion, I did not realize that the forums did not document edits of posts, didn't want to change original post but wanted to show my feeling and how they were changing based on discussion. I changed the title of the post to better fit my feelings and what I am trying to say.


That being said, I am very disappointed to wake up today to nothing by the devs on the forums. It almost felt like Christmas morning, thinking they would posting everywhere try to fix things and presenting fixes. I was sorely disappointed to see that as much is being done today as it did last week on the holiday. I love star wars and I love community based games, so no I will not quit or even go preferred but I still believe spending 13 a month rather than 2 or 3 hundred will have an impact on their revenue. You don't have to join me but remember that the only way to get action is to take action. I am sick of seeing the vocal minority get its way, so I decided to start posting (which you think I would've earlier with a name like King) since that's the only way to get noticed in this game.

Edited by King
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How dare they nerf something after people loudly whined to nerf something! It was all part of their nefarious plot to scam you guys out of your money!


That's not what a bait and switch is, please sit down.

Edited by Djiini
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like some others who have posted on this subject, I feel I have been deceived by BW and refuse to spend more than my subscription until they fix it. I spend most of my disposable income on games and just recently returned to SWTOR a couple months ago. I have easily spent over 500$ but now with the integrity of CM being compromised I refuse to spend another cent on it. The only way to show them we have been wronged is to affect their bottom line. Join me in not spending any more money and boycotting the Cartel Coins until they answer for their "bait and switch" tactics.
I have actually been toying the idea of moving on. My guild which sported 40 people on per day in peak hours before the expac, now averages 10 at any one time. People are leaving, and I dont blame them. Most companies who still charge a monthly fee produce large amounts of content for expansions. This one was very small, and people are getting bored. Not to mention the unprofessional way they have handled things thus far. I am still fuming over my now seven worthless slot machines, and a host of other bumbles on their part.
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I have actually been toying the idea of moving on. My guild which sported 40 people on per day in peak hours before the expac, now averages 10 at any one time. People are leaving, and I dont blame them. Most companies who still charge a monthly fee produce large amounts of content for expansions. This one was very small, and people are getting bored. Not to mention the unprofessional way they have handled things thus far. I am still fuming over my now seven worthless slot machines, and a host of other bumbles on their part.


Hey I am not advocating quitting the game but rather trying to illicit a proper response from BW. I love Star Wars and I am still very bitter that this game caused SWG which was a very unique and polished game to be discontinued. All I ask is that they do a better job with such a big name that is Star Wars because they are the only game we get if we want Star Wars. Never thought I'd miss SOE.

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Hey I am not advocating quitting the game but rather trying to illicit a proper response from BW. I love Star Wars and I am still very bitter that this game caused SWG which was a very unique and polished game to be discontinued. All I ask is that they do a better job with such a big name that is Star Wars because they are the only game we get if we want Star Wars. Never thought I'd miss SOE.


The proper response is what they're doing now, leaving the community to wallow in their own filth because they didn't stand up when the other half of the community was loudly bellyaching about the slot machines being 'too good'.


SWG? Polished?

Can I come to your universe? The only thing I expect out of the Star Wars name is cool fighting and good story. Hey, look at that, TOR has both and SWG had maybe one of those two.


I guess this was secretly a SWG whiner in disguise, not a slot whiner. Tch.

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I think the bumble was buying seven slot machines, and it wasn't on their part.


Came in packs, I didnt buy them on the AH. Also there was no reason to nerf them to worthless. Anybody with a brain could have tweaked the Jawa junk to a reasonable drop rate. Instead every thing including Cartel Market certificates was nerfed to nothing.

Edited by BlackEyeArtistry
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Came in packs, I didnt buy them on the AH. Also there was no reason to nerf them to worthless. Anybody with a brain could have tweaked the Jawa junk to a reasonable drop rate, instead every thing , including Cartel Market certificates was nerfed to nothing.


Because of the huge overreaction by THE COMMUNITY, not BIOWARE. :rolleyes:

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FFS, are people still complaining about slot machines? What about the fact that there was no new PvP content added in SoR, or the fact that class balancing is at its worst since launch, or even that we can't have creature comforts such as cross-server gameplay because technology other games have been using since 2007 is too "technically challenging". I mean really guys, this is a star wars MMO, not a casino simulator. What did you guys do before the slot machines came out? Warzones, Ops, flashpoints. Did these suddenly lose meaning when the slots came out?


Btdubz SWG as of 2011 was god awful. Class balance was worse than this game, the PvE was trivial, PvP was shoddy as a result of class balance, and the only new content for some 3 odd years came from those card pack things.

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Because of the huge overreaction by THE COMMUNITY, not BIOWARE. :rolleyes:


The community didn't ***** about the cents

Shoddy American knockoff bioware released the broken machine

Shoddy American knockoff bioware said they were needing the jawa junk

They than Merced everything added a unfinished and half assed mount and calling it half asked is an insult to half asset effort everywhere. Mad said half assed mont bop not Bol

And after all that they decided to pretend they don't nerf the certs and that mmo's and scifi franchises don't have the type of people who can tell from the code that there lieing




They screwed up

They screwed up again

There ignoring the screw ups

And calling them bioware is an insult to the two studios that have half decent testing and dev teams.

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Right, but people aren't claiming Bioware just overreacted. They continuously are accusing Bioware of pulling a 'bait and switch', that this was a plan to milk money out of people, when it wasn't their intent to nerf it at all.
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Nah, I will not sign up with this.


Fair enough, no one needs to join me, but this whole incident has taught me not to trust what I am getting on the market. I am still annoyed by this Yavin Arena Item that the game says is in Pilgrim packs but has never dropped. No one has to join, but I have learned my own lesson and will continue to subscribe and play a star wars game I love, but no longer will I spend exorbitant amounts of money on it.

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This whole incident taught me to trust my instincts.


Got my Legend Rep, and thus my Revan Mask and Meditation Hoverchair, for a mere 500k credits in total. Never had to buy a slot machine.


I only bought them after seeing the "working as intended" post by BW. I was sure it was screwy and thought that the purples drop rate would be set back significantly, did not expect the nerf that came down. The walker feels cheap too, like I got one from reputation on Yavin. I am an avid collector of mounts and would have still been happy with a new mount like a WAMPA but to give us a recycled 1:100000 drop is pretty cheap. I don't mind sinking credits for a long shot if the long shot is new and rare.

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And what marketing was wrong?


My guess would be the marketing of the slot machines. Stating in a Dev post that it was working as intended I am sure eased enough peoples fears about a broken item that they bought more packs on the cartel market in order to try and obtain the slot machine. I know I did. Then to totally nuke the rewards from the machine was a classic bait and switch.

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