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Simple solution to the Slot Machine - Make it work like Vegas Slots - 95% payback


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The way the slot machine is now, is perfect. Doesn't need to be changed.


Way to dig up a post that is (was) almost 4 months old and tell them that they're wrong and everything is fine as is. You just brought it to the front page which might get it noticed and discussed again. If you *really* thought that things were "perfect" you would have let this stay buried.

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The way the slot machine is now, is perfect. Doesn't need to be changed.


Unless you have maxed out your rep (which takes no time now).

I guess it's still perfect to look at, it's perfect for taking up a hook.

But for playing/using, no, it's very much not perfect. It sucks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just bought this item because I like to play mini games but there needs to be some kind of reward. Maybe I just don't understand what it's for since I'm a newer player but what is the reputation even for?


Beyond reputation what does this machine reward? I'm kind of puzzled by such an item as it seems to not have any worth. I don't feel like I'm winning and if this were a real game in a casino or saloon I probably wouldn't play it. I'm sure that items like this should have purpose but like I said earlier maybe I just don't understand which is probably the case.


Can anyone help out? I understand if it's meant to be a credit sink but I kind of want something to win or play for even if it's a BOP vanity item or costume type of thing. I really love the costumes in the game so that would be cool for me. If I wanted to just throw credits out the window I'd send them to one character and then delete said character. The slot machine is a really cool item and I enjoy the hutt style crime underworld type thing so I was really excited to find this item on the GTN. Kind of disappointed though.


Thanks for the insight

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Maybe you can help answer my question. Would you mind? Thanks Djiini :)


It's for gaining reputation to special vendors in the cartel market bazaar area of the fleet. There are 2 of them, cartel some er rather vendors ( I can't be bothered googling the proper name ).


And basically once you get certain levels of reputation you can buy specific items they sell for credits or credits and cartel certificates ( that the machine also drops rarely ) which you normally get from buying cartel market packs as a rare drop.


Reputation for these vendors is normally gained by buying packs also and getting reputation trophies from those but for some reason bioware introduced this pack with rep and then never made any more because people cried too much when their money machine needed nerfing.


Otherwise there also a super slim chance it can drop a walker mount ( probably not worth trying to get ) or green/blue/purple jawa junk on rare drops ( again really not worth wasting credits for ) and cartel certificates which are pretty rare but the only way to get them short of cartel packs ( still could be cheaper to just buy packs to try get them since you get items with packs to use/sell as well ).


Think that more or less sums it up.

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It's for gaining reputation to special vendors in the cartel market bazaar area of the fleet. There are 2 of them, cartel some er rather vendors ( I can't be bothered googling the proper name ).


And basically once you get certain levels of reputation you can buy specific items they sell for credits or credits and cartel certificates ( that the machine also drops rarely ) which you normally get from buying cartel market packs as a rare drop.


Reputation for these vendors is normally gained by buying packs also and getting reputation trophies from those but for some reason bioware introduced this pack with rep and then never made any more because people cried too much when their money machine needed nerfing.


Otherwise there also a super slim chance it can drop a walker mount ( probably not worth trying to get ) or green/blue/purple jawa junk on rare drops ( again really not worth wasting credits for ) and cartel certificates which are pretty rare but the only way to get them short of cartel packs ( still could be cheaper to just buy packs to try get them since you get items with packs to use/sell as well ).


Think that more or less sums it up.


Hmm that is interesting. I'll search around for that vendor and see what's for sale. Thanks

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It would be nice (however unlikely it has become by this point) if the machine were revamped to offer something a little more interesting that we could win a little more reliably (understanding of course that whatever prizes they add would have to be bind on pickup / bind to legacy and non-lucrative). But as it is right now the machine is basically just a rep item (and failure) dispenser. Insert token for a 50/50 shot at winning a rep item or losing your token. (Technically you can expect something more like 56.2% of tokens to be lost and 43.1% of tokens to become rep items (and about 0.6% of tokens might turn into Jawa scrap or a Cartel Certificate.))


Someone already explained the rep vendors for you. This slot machine specifically gives the Contraband Resale Corp (or something like that) reputation. Theoretically they had intended to release different machines later on that give the rep for other groups. (Who knows if that's still going to happen.) The vendor in the bazaar that you're looking for will show that name somewhere on them, and the items will list that reputation as a requirement to buy them.


Once reputation is maxed out, all you can do with additional rep items is vendor them. Green rep sells for 500 credits, blue sells for 1000, and purple sells for 2500. It looks like... you can probably expect around 54% of the credits you spend on tokens to return to you when you sell off all of the rep items.


If you were desperate to obtain Jawa scrap and Cartel Certificates without just buying and opening any of the packs, you would have to burn a lot of credits on this machine for them.


Let's see... Among everything else in the packs (which can be 100k-200k apiece on the GTN if it's one of the newest packs, more for an older pack), one of the drops in each pack will be either 15 green Jawa scrap, 10 blue Jawa scrap, 3 purple Jawa scrap, or 1 Cartel Certificate.* (And you might get a few certificates out of a hypercrate (24 packs.)) Meanwhile, you might get one single unit of one of those to drop within about 160 slot machine tokens (initial investment of 120k credits to buy the tokens) or one certificate specifically might drop within about 1600 tokens (initial investment of 1.2 mil credits to buy the tokens).


I guess technically a hypercrate's worth of packs on the GTN would be double the cost of enough tokens to get a fair chance at getting one certificate out of the slot machine (about quadruple of the effective cost after getting some money back from vendoring rep items). But then you're looking at maybe 1 certificate and 9 units of Jawa scrap in total from the slot machine... compared to 1-4 certificates and a couple hundred total units of Jawa scrap plus all sorts of armor, mounts, pets, color crystals, etc. from the hypercrate.


* edit: Or did the certificates replace the pack's rep item when they drop? Either way, they aren't "common" drops in the packs but they don't come across as being nearly impossible to get from packs either.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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The slots will never be the same after the Jawa cry fest from all the high end crafters. Yes a small minority with a strangle hold on the GTN stood up and cried the loudest so it was nerfed. Instead of just removing the grade 11's from the Jawas. Way to tailor the game for a select few that charge 1.5-2.5 mil per pcs.
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The slots will never be the same after the Jawa cry fest from all the high end crafters. Yes a small minority with a strangle hold on the GTN stood up and cried the loudest so it was nerfed. Instead of just removing the grade 11's from the Jawas. Way to tailor the game for a select few that charge 1.5-2.5 mil per pcs.


Cry fest he says with his crying post ;)

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Although the point does dip into a bigger issue that was in play there. People had massive stockpiles of Jawa scrap that they'd been building up from packs and conquest rewards way before the contraband slot machine became available. At the same time that the slot was introduced, the Jawas upgraded their stock to include grade 11 materials. With the exception of one purple grade 11 costing 2 purple scrap and another purple grade 11 costing 3 purple scrap, the Jawa vendors have this silly pricing scheme where 1 unit of scrap is a magic super material that can be transformed into ANYTHING you want, so a stockpile of 1000 purple scrap can become 1000 grade 11 purples just as easily as it can become 1000 grade 1 purples (and of course people opted to turn everything they had into the in-demand high grade materials). The slots only exacerbated the problem by providing a way to very rapidly replenish the Jawa scrap stockpiles as they got transformed into materials.


The problem wasn't just about the slot machine drop rates. The problem is that the Jawa vendors and the Jawa scrap "currency" were poorly thought out to begin with. One would have thought that the sensible approach would have been to introduce them with some sort of tiered pricing scheme. The plan from the start should have been to push the idea of high grades having more "rarity" by making them cost more scrap.


A tiered pricing scheme wouldn't have prevented the slot machine drop rates from becoming a problem, but it would have delayed and dampened the effects. The saved up stockpiles and the new stockpiles being generated wouldn't have been able to purchase high end materials in the same quantities so quickly.


when you say 95 percent that does not mean if you put in $100 you will get $95 back. its over the life of the machine being played is where the odds come from. thousands of pulls have to happen.


And that also takes into account massive jackpots which aren't really a thing in the same way with our video game slot machines. A "jackpot" in our case is a token that can be exchanged for something that we find useful in-game and it doesn't really have a value. A jackpot in real slots would be like a million dollar payout (or huge compared to other prizes at least).


Let's see, throwing a few numbers around a spreadsheet for a hypothetical example here...

Let's say that it's $5 per spin and we're going for 1000 spins with 30% chance to get $1 back, 25% chance to get $3 back, 20% chance to get $5 back, 15% chance to get $7 back, 7% chance to get $9 back, 2.9% chance to get $11 back, and 0.1% chance to get a $750 jackpot. Theoretically (as always, results would vary in practice) over 1000 spins the odds would predict 300, 250, 200, 150, 70, 29, and 1 of each result respectively for a total payout of $4799. It cost $5000 for that number of spins, but $4799 is almost a return of 96%. Without the "jackpot" (supposing we replace that result with some sort of exchange voucher more like in our game that can't easily be assigned a monetary value) that total would have been $4049, which would have been a return of almost 81%.


Anyway, yeah, not everybody is going to put in that kind of cash or time to begin with (maybe a few spins from this person and a dozen spins from that person) and most will not see that jackpot result during their time with the machine. So individually these people could easily see worse returns on their money than the stated 95%. They might put $100 in and get about $80 back. It's over the course of many thousands of spins from however many hundreds of customers that it's expected that about 95% of everything that the machine has ever taken in got paid back out.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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