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What do role players do?.


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I thought if I asked here I would get an answer more serious than "stand around in cantinas talking all day" that I got on gen chat, or start a flame war.


So seriously what sort of things do you roleplay?.


I am just curious, I am on constantly off-line, I mean harbinger, and was thinking of transferring, and just wonder what sort of RP stuff happens on this server.

Edited by AussieAlan
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Our guild has kept our forum roleplays going for the past 3-4 years. You will find some here. We follow some of our stories online as we don't believe in using the story line (word for word) that every person can use on the game. We try to be a bit creative but some of us do use bits and pieces of it.


We are blessed to have some very talented roleplayers and some talented writers in our guild.



Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Ok, so I see allot of story writing stuff, but what about stuff people do in game.




As Scarlet mentioned we used our stories we have written in the game somewhat. What that means for me is my character (which is a smuggler) would act like she would in the story. I am not a normal smuggler as mine tends to work with the republic instead of being out for herself. There are times that we try to incorporate some of our roleplay between the Republic and Sith (Republic Explorers and Divine Vengenace) into the game and work out something we can have a confrontation.


With that said, we do not always expect even those to end up in a pvp battle as some of our members do not pvp and we take that into consideration. Those that do want to that do but we normally do those in an out of way place, so we don't have to deal with those just wanting to interfere with what is going on.


We also at times in our flashpoints or dailies will act like our characters would. There been times we have used the area (such as black hole) as a basis of an assignment we are sent to deal with and then report back to our leaders.


In addition, our guild is not subject to the Jedi Order rules as we are an independent organizations though we have some jedi in our organization. The ones that leads us is a General and his wife, who has left the order and she is also from Corellia so her views are a bit different than some of the others.


This may not work for everyone, but it works for us and we have fun with it.


I hope this help somewhat to your question.

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I typically see 2 types of role players. The first ones are fairly serious most of the time taking on the persona of their actual character in game and even take to creating stories around their characters or create characters themselves. They seconds ones RP when they choose to and do it from time to time for fun.


-Serious Role Players - Now I only call them this because they tend to take there RP to forums or write stories or make videos. They will typically act as their character in game as well outside the game content they like to create. Some people will break character and some never will. I know some people who never will and others who only role play when they feel like it. So say you are having a conversation with a RP. Chances are they are going to have that conversation as if they are in fact their character. Some will even plan out events or actions that take place in the game and they will fill the roles as their characters. This can be done via voice chat or in game. Role players that talk to you in text form while in their groups can be pretty fun sometimes.


-Casual Role Players - I myself would fall into this category. However, I don't feel I ever did enough RP to be called a role player. Theses folks RP when they want and will sometimes do it at set up events. They generally only take on the persona of their character from time to time or whoever else they want to pretend to be. I think a lot of people are casual role players. Many people don't want to always be role playing.


My take on role playing is that some people take it too seriously or aren't welcoming of those who aren't hardcore about it. Or rather they don't let them get away with half way role playing haha. I'm sure there are some great welcoming folks out there who would like others to join them. However, people like me like it from time to time, but I'm also there to play the game more than RP. That's not to say role players don't play the game.


Anyone who wants to get try it should try it for a short bit. Be as serious or not as you want. If someone has a problem with that they aren't worth your time. When I did it I would do it for a short bit with some friends of mine and they'd clearly know when I went back to my normal self. Sometimes they'd keep RPing and change it up even after I stopped. Could be pretty funny sometimes. Outside of that I'm a writer and like to write for anyone who wants to read so I will do that from time to time, but only if people want to read it and maybe give feedback as I'm always trying to be a better writer. However, in this game I haven't found the right people to do any of this with.


My advice, try it out in small amounts and do it if you like it. Other than that play the game the way you enjoy it.

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I see, sort of seems like if your imp your bad, pub good, but that can't be right, other wise would be a bit limited.


No reason you should limit yourself to that. Much like in the game you can be LS or DS. Just like any story you got good guys, bad guys, and those in the middle. Technically you have tons of options and possibilities when it comes to characters you want to portray. Your character can be as complex as you want them to be.

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OK well thanks for the read, yes I did read all of it, was an interesting perspective.


It seems to me though bc is opposite of harbinger, I found the imp side to be more mature and friendly on Harbinger and pub side full of idiots, bc seems to be better on pub side.

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OK well thanks for the read, yes I did read all of it, was an interesting perspective.


It seems to me though bc is opposite of harbinger, I found the imp side to be more mature and friendly on Harbinger and pub side full of idiots, bc seems to be better on pub side.


It's a matter of who is the loudest minority on either side. 90% of the stupid banter you see in chat are idiots and the same ones too. The majority of decent people don't speak much or don't feel the need to annoy the rest of the server. Most of them prefer to stay off of global channels and stick to group or guild chat.

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Amongst a wide array of other activities, <THE JEDl ORDER> hosts 2 weekly Initiates' Ceremonies - Saturday's isn't so big, but the Sunday one is typically huge. Asides from providing would-be RP'ers with an in-character manner in which to have joined our sect of the Order (JEDl's Council and Headmaster are a *sect* of the Jedi; we still answer to the High Grandmaster and the High Jedi Council), these weekly ceremonies are a chance to see who is coming into the Order, and often a chance for would-be masters to spot RP-talented padawans. However....


There are also tons of independent RP-events that are hosted, usually in-conjunction with the "classes" that our members must attend and go through, before gaining Guild-ranks. PvE, PvP, or RP class-attendance is required within our RP community, as to not dictate your area of interest. The RP classes are usually player-imagined events, that can range from mundane (yours truly has hosted dozens of 'Jedi Panels' over time) to the truly-innovative (i.e. some of our anniversary celebrations concocted giant 'race tracks', and the original founder recently completed a video for the website with many voice-overs and a mini-story within the SWTOR setting).


*SOME* of the RP communities have in-character guild-chats, but JEDl does not. We experimented with it, a few times, and in a few different guilds (we are 7 guilds total - 6 factional and 1 jedi-alts). However, being Jedi, the whole cantina-drinking thing isn't too common with the main community guild, though <Republic SpecForce> and <Republic Privateers> do have many events in different cantinas, across the galaxy.


Also, the RP guilds can usually be counted upon to have a rich and well-developed Guild-Rank Advancement system of requirements.




Overall, what we RP'ers "do" is provide additional, often refreshing material for the members of our community asides from the themepark content the game itself provides. Character appearance is nice and all, but it's good to have another creative outlet, in SWTOR.




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