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Hottie's 3.0 Guide to Scoundrel PvP Healing: How to be a better healer


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Updated 5/28/15, big thanks to DomiSotto


STREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/kissingaiur





Hi guys, I am Hottie from Harbinger. I wanted to make a guide helping Scoundrel healers who are frustrated or just want to more advice how to improve healing in PvP. When I first started healing on my Scoundrel I wouldn't be where I am if not for the help from a team of skilled players. I know some of you don't have that support so I decided to make a guide to help out those who are seeking improvement. This guide assumes you know a little bit already about the Scoundrel class.


My Average HPS (good game): 3.3-4.8k~

My Average Healing: 2mil+


First off, before I jump into this I want to state as a healer the biggest indicator of sustained healing is going to be looking at your HPS every match. This can be viewed by hovering over your healing done in the match. Keep track of HPS during every match because it is the best indicator of how you are improving overall.


How much healing is show at the end of the warzone is not a good indicator because for example, you might come into a match late or the warzone ended fast. You might have some like 1.5mil healing which doesn't seem much but your HPS was could be 4k which is very impressive.


In a good game you should be averaging about 2.5k-3.3k+ HPS as a scoundrel healer. Anything above that you probably won't need to look at this guide .


3.3 Patch Update


What is new?


1) PvE 2 piece set bonus is no longer BiS go for all PVP Dark Reaver (172~ HPS increase)


2) Diagnostic Scan on the move... whoo. Really isn't as good as it sounds because of the minimal healing it does and you don't really need to use it unless you are constantly cast healing.


3) Decreased the Energy when using Cloud and Probe.


4) Increase the burst healing of Infusion and Injection (Kolto Pack and Underwood Medicine). It's slight but somewhat notable in Solo ranked.







Power/Surge > Alacrity > Crit


6/28/2015 Update: Currently running 3 pieces of power/alacrity, 3 power/surge, 3 crit/surge, 1 piece of power/crit/surge. This will give you around 25%+~ buffed and proc crit in a warzone, close to soft cap to your surge (75%) as well as 4%~ alacrity which makes your abilities smooth as well as making everything tick faster.


6/28/2015 Update: Right now my stats are (unbuffed with full Dark Reaver)*:


73.03%~ Surge

20.44%~ Crit

4.32% Alacrity

3354 Cunning, 3347 Endurance, 1148-1200 Power, 250-300 Critical Rating, 334 Alacrity


*This will vary depending on how many datacons you have and if you maxed out your companions affections. Both datacons and maxing out your companions affections give your character passive increase to stats such as +3 cunning datacon or maxing Vector's affection which gives your character +1% Surge.


Datacon guide: http://www.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-t...cron_Locations


Companions Affection Guide: http://dulfy.net/2012/04/22/companio...nuses-for-1-2/




Advanced Skill Augment 36: +52 CUN +34 END


Why? Cunning is your main stat and gives you Crit as well as Tech Bonuses which goes directly to your bonus healing.


*Alternative Gearing Strategies (by Breaktobuild)*:


Raw Stats: Cunning: 3645, Power: 1310, Critical Rating: 189 (Critical Chance: 23.01), Surge Rating: 753 (Crit Mult: 76.66%), Alacrity Rating: 79.


As far as I'm aware, the curve on Critical Rating hasn't changed since 3.0 was introduced. Where the game is at currently with increased damage output, and classes that have had buffs to burst damage (AP PT, MM sniper), I'd suggest that crit is still very important. DoT damage is strong enough to warrant having an increased crit rate. Although mentioned power as being a priority, I'd still state the obvious here that Advanced Artful (63 power) OR Keen (63 Crit) Mod's 33X are the way to go towards min/maxing.


There seems to be some debate flying around regarding main stat vs. power augments for most if not all classes. A lot of people are running main stat under the premise of the 'bonus' critical and Mark of Power buff. I'm not mathematician or a numbers nerd, but I thought I'd quickly provide these numbers based on my operative for your consideration:


Each unit of power is contributing 0.17 to my bonus healing whereas each unit of cunning is only continuing 0.13.


If you ran 14 cunning augs (728 cunning) you would receive 94.64 bonus healing and 0.15% towards crticial chance. Mark of Power 5% main stat buff: provides an extra 36.40 cunning (relative to 728 x14 augs) an additional 4.73 bonus healing. So, in total that’s 94.64 + 4.73 = 99.37 bonus healing inclusive of Mark of Power buff.


If you ran 14 power augs (728 power) you would receive 123.73 bonus healing and obviously 0% crit from this. That’s a difference 29.09 bonus healing in favour of power augments at the expense of 0.15% critical chance. Seems nor here nor there but this is the important part:


Each unit of cunning is contributing 0.002% to my overall critical chance whereas each unit of critical rating (contained in mods/enhancements) contributes FAR more at 0.017 per unit. Conclusion: It seems to be a little better to run power augments, supplementing in Critical Rating into gear in place of what you would gain from cunning, to gain greater bang for your buck! Honestly though, the difference seems to be minimal.




Get one relic that increases your Primary stat and that increases your Power (Relics of Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution).


[7/25/2015] [Removed PvE two set information because it's not BiS anymore]











-Nanotech Suit/Smuggled Get-up: Reducing all area of effects damage taken by 30%.

-Chemical Resistant Inlays/Scar Tissue: Increases damage reduction by 3%.

-Slip away/Dirty Escape: Lowers the cooldown on Debilitate by 15 seconds.

5/28/15 Update: - Flash Powder/Flash Powder: Reduces the targets accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds after Flash Grenade ends. (I added this because it works wonders in group/solo ranked. It can be a life saver. I also tend to run it in regs as well because I use flash a lot in every match. For safety I run Slip away/Dirty Escape and Flash Powder and I recommend it if you tend to play a CC style.)



-Med Shield/Med Screen: Your Shield Probe/Defense Screen heals you for 5% of your maximum health.


- Advanced Cloaking/Flee the scene: Reduces the cooldown of Disappearing Act by 30 seconds and Sneak by 15 seconds. In addition, activating Disappearing Act increases movement speed by 50% for x seconds.

-Endorphin Rush/Keep Cool: Adrenalin Probe/Cool Head now immediately restores 15 additional energy.


-Evasive Imperative/Scramble – Every time you get attacked, the active cooldown of your Evasion/Dodge is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more often than every 1.5 seconds.

- Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses – Reduces the cooldown on Escape by 30 seconds, Shield Probe/Defense Screen by 5 seconds, and Scamper/Infiltrate by 60 seconds.


*Alternative Utility Selection (by Breaktobuild)*:


Revitalisers/Surprise Comeback is really good utility, worth mentioning here as an alternative to Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses. I'd prefer to run Revitalisers/Surprise Comeback for solo ranked but would take Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses for group ranked. Revitalisers/Surprise Comeback: 20% damage reduction over 15 seconds and restores 15% of your health over the duration is nice if you get opened on hard in solo ranked. In some situations, if I have three decent players open on me and don't white bar me straight away, riding out damage with extra mitigation is needed in the climate of AP PT's and Hatred Sins running around.




Important Tips to How to Go from "good" to GREAT


1) How and when to use your defensive abilities and cooldowns:



Evasion/Dodge: Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 100% for 3.0 seconds. Does not break stealth.


Evasion/Dodge is by far one of the best cooldowns you have as an Operative/Scoundrel healer. It cleanses all dots, roots and slows on you as well as allows you to dodge all white damage for this duration. That means you dodge auto attacks (melee/ranged) and abilities from Mercenaries and Snipers or Juggernauts/Marauders Ravage for its duration. This is an ability that you should think about before popping to get the most benefit from its cleanse/damage mitigation.


Shield Probe/Defense Screen: Summons a probe that projects a shield around the Agent, absorbing a moderate amount of incoming damage for 15.0 seconds. Does not break stealth.


Should be popping this ability whenever you are taking damage. For example, if you notice someone is doing a burst rotation (a Powertech throws his bombs on you) try to time your Shield Probe/Defense Screen to reduce the burst.


Cloaking Screen/Disappearing Act: Overloads your stealth generator, immediately exiting combat and entering stealth mode. For 10 seconds, you become virtually undetectable.


Kind of self-explanatory. When you are about to drop pop this cooldown then if you have your Evasion/Dodge up, pop that as well. It will allow you to escape without having your stealth break from dot damage.


Tip: When you use Disappearing Act/Cloaking Screen it puts you out of combat. Use your Warzone Medpac as a cooldown way before popping Disappearing Act/Cloaking Screen. Since you get out of combat when you combat stealth out it refreshes your Warzone Medpac (you can only use it once per combat round unlike your Adrenal) so you can pop it again to heal yourself or save it when you go back into combat.


Scamper/Infiltrate: Roll forward a short distance. Upon use, grants a charge that allows a second Scamper/Infiltrate to be used. If this charge is consumed, Scamper/Infiltrate is put on a 10 second CD.


This ability lets you roll two times as well as give you 30% chance to dodge melee/range attacks which is OP. One tip I would give is that when you are kiting a melee, do not double roll away if you can avoid it. For example, if you are fighting a Marauder or Assassin, roll once. It will bait them to use Force Speed/Leap to catch up. Then you can roll the second time, so you create distance.



2) Knowing when to stunbreak:



Knowing when to break a stun is something that is incredibly important when playing a healing class. Something that might be a force of habit is to break the first time you are stunned but you have to try to never break your first stun. The only time you should break your first stun is if you are 100% certain you are about to die or when you want to save a friend. In a warzone I never break to save a random player unless it is a tank or a healer.


Why not break your first stun? Simple, good players will stun-lock and kill you. I would say 70% of the time I die is when I am being stunned and my stunbreak isn't up. Stuns are what can kill healers, so be careful when you use your break. It will increase your survivability if you are patient with it. Awareness is also very important with stun breaking. Knowing who is attacking you and if you can survive the damage without stun breaking takes practice.


Normally a good healer will use break when they are completely white-barred. Meaning, they are immune to stuns for a short time as well as no one can stunlock them. Right now since I have been participating in group ranked I even wait and survey the situation before I break even if I'm white-barred. There is no point to break a stun unless, I will repeat, you are 100% about to die or to save someone who will die if you don't heal them.


Tip: Please don't break first stun over one DPS. For example, if a shadow popped out of stealth, stunned you and started a burst rotation, don't freak out and break that stun. Let him burst you then break the second stun and stun him, heal up and roll away. If, for example, two shadows open on you, they could and will probably kill you before your stun breaks so quickly break and stealth out, then use Evasion/Dodge so you don't break stealth. Even while stealthed dots can break your stealth and force you back into combat. By using Evasion/Dodge it will cleanse any dots as well as help you get away without putting you back into combat.



3) Positioning:


Positioning is extremely important, but is overlooked by a lot of Operative/Scoundrel healers. Learning good positioning could be life or death of a healer and has to be in the back of your mind whenever you enter a warzone. This really is one of the facts that separates good and great healers. The good healers have awareness as well as use their environment to their advantage.


You should always be near something to line of sight (LoS) ranged (could be a box or a pillar) and far enough back where you aren't in the mess of enemies. If you are in the middle of a field healing someone, you are out of position. Always be around a structure you can dance around and make a DPS life a living hell. Try to keep as far back from the action as you can while still in range of healing your targets. Anyone who over-extends to kill you is a target for your team to peel easily in your back-line. If someone doesn't peel for you, kite back and stun the DPS, then double roll back to heal.


4) Energy management:



Remember: 75+ ------- 50% ------- 25%

Energy management is important in 3.0 because of the new changes to abilities such as Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe having an energy requirement. Instead of before when we’ve never had energy issues, now we have to pay attention more often. Try to keep your energy at 75%+ that is where you will receive the highest energy regeneration speed. The next drop off is 50% where energy regeneration decreases again. If your energy drops to 50%, just use Diagnostic Scan between heals to keep it in a good range. If you have a good rotation of managing your HoTs and using Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe you shouldn't have issues with energy unless you need to cast-heal often. If you start to cast-heal a lot be aware of your energy percentage.


If you are constantly low energy as an operative healer, you are doing something wrong. Look back in your rotation and adjust.



5) Cleanse:



3.0 did some big changes to how you cleanse. Cleanse (Triage/Toxin Scan) is now on a longer cooldown and you are now unable to cleanse debuffs off of friendly targets but now can cleanse stuns, roots and slows. Triage/Toxin Scan cleanses tech, physical and mental. Cleanse is a little bugged right now (not able to cleanse Awe or Intimating Roar 100% of the time) but from what I can tell it cleanses stuns, slows, and roots from Mercenaries, Powertechs, Snipers and Scoundrels.


5/28/15 Update: With the new patch games on 5/26/15 cleanse is now working as intended. I haven't tested all of it myself but from what we can now cleanse call stuns/mezes/slows/roots but not Whirlwind. It is still a little buggy and sometimes will not cleanse a stun for example I heard cleansing Flash is iffy to cleanse.



6) Healing with a GUARD



What is Guard? Guard is an ability all SWTOR tanks have that means: Juggernuts/Guardian, Power techs/Vanguards, Assassins/Shadows. When a tank uses this ability on your character the animation looks like a blue bubble. When you take damage you will see a stream of energy going from you to your tank.


What does Guard do?


Guard: While active, the guarded player takes 50% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, so long as [your tank] remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to [your tank].


Playing with a tank verse playing solo is something that a healer needs to adjust to. While guarded and in range, you will receive 50% less damage taken. In PvP that is huge. This is how close you need to stand:




In this screenshot I am standing roughly 16~ meters away from my tank (Staves) and his guard (currently out of guard range). You can visually see the distance that you will have to be to stay in "guard range" for the damaged reduction to work property. You will noticed it is not that large of a distance, so if you are guarded you need to be aware of where your tank is so you can stay guarded when in combat.


Orange icon: You are being guarded by a player.

Note: Even if the tank is all the way across the map you will still see the guard animation you as well as the icon. This does not mean that if you get attacked the damage reduction is working. So keep that in mind.


Blue icon: You have guard but it's out of range of your tank, and you will not get the 50% damage decrease.


Playing with guard is something that is situation and how you adjust your play style depends on multiple factors. These might include:

A) If know the tank and his/her capabilities

B) If it's a random player

C) If you are in voice chat where you can communicate

D) If that player is good or bad at tanking in PvP

E) How much gear the tank has


What makes a good tank? A geared tank that switches guard consistently from player to player to mitigate the most damage in your raid group. Important quote that I heard a while back that I will pass on, "healers are there to mitigated damage while tanks are there to mitigate burst damage". The better the tank in your group, the better your HPS because it's the tank job to keep the damage in your group sustained so you as the healer can effectively heal everyone back up.



Quick Tips:


-Make sure to stay in guard range which is 15 meters. Try to make it a habit if you are being guarded, to look where your tank is and your icons. Remember, just because you see a pretty blue bubble around your character does not always mean you are getting any damage reduction.


-If there are multiple tanks in your group keep track of who has guard on you. If Tank A decides to run off to the other side of the map and still has their guard on you, click it off. Why? So Tank B can rotate their guard on you. If you have a guard on, regardless of where the tank is, another tank cannot put their guard on you.


-MAKE SURE YOU HEAL YOUR TANK. I can't stress this enough. Don't forget where most of your damage is going to. He/she is taking your damage to help you survive. Please priorities keep HoTs and single target healing on them.


-Start to understand and know your tanks defensive cooldowns as well as abilities. I make it a habit to tell my tanks to communicate if they are running out of defensives ,so I can rotate my healing more effectively. If you are not in voice chat you should still try to pay attention to their abilities that benefit you. For example, Riot Gas/Oil Slick decrease accuracy of an enemies within the AoE by 30% and movement speed by 70%. If you are getting attacked and your tank throws that on top of you.. don't run way. lol


-If you are in voice chat with you tank call out when you need help. Call out if you are out of range or are stunned. This helps both of you rotate your cooldowns better as well as protect each other with stuns/mezes on dps. As a healer is a good habit of calling out everything (if you are ever in voice chat with me I call out everything). Trust me it helps!



[6/17/2015 Update:] 7) How to Survive being Electro Net



Electro Net: Fires an electro net that ensnares the target, reducing its movement speed by 50% and dealing 4863 energy damage over 9 seconds. While affected, a target that moves takes 20% more damage from electro net, and this effect can stack up to 10 times on enemy players or 5 times on any other target. Additionally , the electro net hinders the target, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes such as charges, vanishes, and speed boosts. Lasts 9 seconds.


Looks like this:



Note: If the attack is a Mercenary (Imperial) it will look the same but in gold. Main icon stays the same.


Electro Net is a Mercenary/Commando ability. Being Netted is the of the worst abilities which can be casted on you in combat for an Operative/Scoundrel healer. It inhibits you from kiting because of the slow, use life saving abilities such as your roll and combat stealthing. It also penalizes you from moving with the damage increase if you move during the abilities duration.


Having good awareness of being when your Netted is going to save your life.


First step is... NOTICE THAT YOU HAVE NET ON YOU and stop walking/kiting/running. If it hits for around 5k~ over 9 seconds, that is 555 damage per second. It can stack up to 10 times if you keep moving it could be close to 5k damage per tick. That's crazy damage. SO STOP MOVING.


From here assess your situation. Here are your options:


1) Stand still. Keep up heals and rotate cooldowns. If no one else is attacking you, you can out heal his damage. If you have guard you can probably just stand there for the duration of the net. This really depends how much damage is going out and if you feel safe not moving.


2) If you are close to pillar, wall, tree or any structure LoSing (Line of Sight) the Merc, take a few steps to LoS his damage. Continue to heal and rotate cooldowns as needed. This is where having good positioning really helps.


3) Use your Escape. A lot of healers and players forgot that breaking the Net is an option. By breaking it enable you to once again combat stealth as well as use your roll.


Here are two Options you can do when you Break:


A) Use Escape on the Net, stealth out and stand still. This will stop whoever is focusing you momentarily and having some breathing time to let the Net duration go a little bit before you are forced to move. This will also allow you to keep in stealth without the dot breaking it.


B) Use Escape on the Net, stealth out and roll away. This will stop whoever is focusing you and allow you to create distance, reposition or find a place to LoS. The dot will pop you out of stealth and start stacking damage but at least you will be able to kite once again.


I only use Option B as a last resort if I am in a terrible position and I know I will die.


Don't be afraid to use your break on Nets. It's smart but don't break it unless you need to. This is all about situational awareness. I will also recommend if you are in voice chat server to call out to your team mates that you are netted. If you are playing with friends they should know when their healer is netted so they can give you assistance till the duration of net is move (since you'll be a sitting duck).





8) Fake Casting:



Fake casting is when you go to casts a single target healing ability such as Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion or Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection after a second step forward to cancel the cast in hopes of baiting an interrupt from your opponent. If successful, the opponent interrupts you after your cast was canceled, so you would be free then to freely cast your single target heal without interruption.

To make this successful you need to be aware of what every class’ interrupt sounds like. You can test this out in warzones or, even better, in duels.


Fake casting was explained to me as a “mind game”. You need to know how long to cast your single target ability to cancel it before the player interrupts it. There are many times I have waited too long to cancel or canceled my cast and then did another cast a second later which was interrupted because I didn’t wait long enough between recasting. It all comes down to awareness of the situation and you and your opponent’s reaction time. If done successfully, it could save your life or a teammate’s life.


I also wanted to stress that Fake casting is all about manipulation of combat. By doing this you are setting up your opponent to react in a certain way that is predictable. Use this to your advantage and it will give you an upper hand when fighting groups of people or in 4 v 4s.


Note: Keep in mind there are other ways your opponent can interrupt your cast such as a stun or knockback.




[6/30/2015: UPDATED]

9) How to survive 1v1s verse all classes TIPS:





10) Key binding and Naga mouse:


I strongly urge those who are struggling in PvP as a healer (if you haven’t done so already) to keybind every ability and purchase a Naga mouse. I wouldn’t recommend this unless it has changed my own gaming experience.


As a healer you need incredibly quick reaction time to pop live saving abilities and cooldowns which can only be enhanced with keybinding over clicking the ability. I had a friend help me with my keybinding by looking at a screenshot of his healing set-up. I then went from there and keybinded what I felt was more comfortable for me.


Here is my keybinds set-up: http://imgur.com/AxrQ3Jx


Note: some of my abilities are under numlock. I did this purposely because I was able to modify (very easy to do) Naga's 1-2/shift 1-2 to be different then 1-2 keys on the keyboard.



11) Making your buffs light up:



Are you ever confused in a warzone what HoTs are yours and which is the other scoundrel healers? You can chance that Options -> Interface Editor -> Click "Player Buff Tray" -> Scroll down and click the box "Highlight Effects". To make it show on the other player you are targeting, click on their portrait then scroll down and click "Highlight Effects".


It will show up like this: http://imgur.com/udLDBrt







Now let's talk about healing. Your job as a healing Operative/Scoundrel is to mitigate constantly the steady damage to your group. That does not mean you are tunnel-healing your targets one by one to 100%. No, you are healing everyone little by little with your AoEs, HoTs, instant heals and some single heals to mitigate burst. One of the videos that really helped me understand the mindset of pvp healing was ItchyEye's video.




This is before 3.0 but it's a good example of keeping everyone's hp steadily by refreshing your HoTs, using your AoE and instant heals to keep four people up. Something to note is your Surgical Probe/ Emergency Medpac now also refreshes your HoTs (if you stacked 2) on the target. So instead of spending your time on manually refreshing your HoTs, now you have time to use your new AoE heal or trying to sneak in a cast-heal.


Healing Over Time:


Keeping HoTs up on four (4) targets is one of the foundations of being an Scoundrel/Operative healer and is your greatest healing in warzones.


Focus on keeping two (2) stacks of Slow-release Medpac/Kolto Probe on four (4) targets. That means you have to be aware of when your HoTs are about to drop on a target and refresh them. My strategy is to try to keep one stack on yourself and if you have a tank make sure you keep a stack on him. As a healer you will be receiving the most focus fire and your tank should be taking damage constantly because he is guarding a target(s) who is being bursted. If your four HoTed targets are taking damage use Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe because it not only refreshes HoTs but also uses five (5) points of energy less than casting Slow-release Medpac/Kolto Probe.


Keeping four (4) HoTs on your party is your goal because the better you are at managing refreshing, the less energy you waste by restacking HoTs, and the more likely you are to max out on your HPS output.


5/28/15 Update: Good tip I learned is to refresh two (2) with Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe , and the other two (2) people with Slow-release Medpac/Kolto Probe. It will maintain your energy as well as saves some Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe for emergencies.

Your heal priority should be: HoTs on 4 targets > Cloud > Wave/single target heal depending on situtation.


Your second best heal is your Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech. This is your instant cast AoE heal that has a short cooldown. To maximum your HPS make sure to always toss it on an area where your party is grouped up. In 3.0 this became a "smart heal" so it will target the players who have the lowest HP. Use this ability on Cooldown, it's too amazing not to.


Slow-release Medpac/Kolto Probe and Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech together are good for procing Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage. The more you have these ticking on your team, the more you'll have stacks to use Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe, for refreshing your HoTs, healing and maxing out your HPS capacity.


Note: Even while dueling was I was told to use Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech because it increases your chances of getting a Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage to heal yourself instantly.


Your third best heal is going to be your Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe (could be Kolto Waves if it's a heavy AoE battle). It is pretty self-explanatory because you are using it constantly to heal your group as well as prioritizing it when refreshing your HoTs on allies.


Your next biggest heal would be the new ability introduced in 3.0: Kolto Waves. Many think that this new ability is worthless but it is not. Currently in 3.0 there has been an increase of AoE casting, so this ability is for mitigating group burst pressure. Kolto Waves, I have also noticed, crits a lot more than expected. My parses state it crits for around 30%-50% (my crit is 19%). That might be related to how many people are positioned within it, but it is still very useful in mitigating AoE damage that is going out. Be aware that the radius of this heal is really large, so try to place it in an area where your group is clustered.


5/28/15 Update: As bad as this is going to sound you should try to use your Kolto Waves to bait an interrupt(s) if someone is in need for an emergency single target cast heal. Why? It is on a low cooldown and even if it is interrupted you still at least get a tick off. It is perfect for controlling the battle the way you want it to play out.


Note: Don't forget about your new 3.0 ability Stack the Deck/Tactical Superiority which increases your raids crit chance by 10% for 10 seconds. I pop this ability when going into combat to help my group. After that, if there is intense battle, I time it with my Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech/Kolto Waves for high HPS. I try to use Stack the Deck/Tactical Superiority off cooldown.


Single target healing:


Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion: Exploits Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage, healing a friendly target for Z. Requires and consumes Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage. This is the heal the one I use the most in warzones because of its short cast time. It also gives the player Resistant/Healing Hand which gives 45 second resistance to 3% elemental and internal damage which is great fighting against Assassins, Powertechs, Pyro Mercenaries, Scoundrel DPS.


Keep in mind that it does need an Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage proc to use so be aware of that if you need to cast it.


5/28/15 Update: Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion before the group runs into combat you should at least throw one Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion on an alley who you know will probably take damage first. This is for the 3% elemental and internal damage decrease. Why not buff them on the way into battle? I try to put it on myself or melee (preferably a tank). This is important as well if you are interested in solo/group rank and you should be aware of who as your buff or not. Everything adds up at the end. Every little bit helps!


Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection: Heals a friendly target for Z. When you need a big heal cast this ability is perfect and fully geared it will heal for 10-12k.


Note: Try to use a Surgical Probe/Emergency Med-Pack right after Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection because if it crits with hots it all adds up for a great burst heal. If it all crits that's 10k +5k +3k = 18k+ heal.


5/28/15 Update: Good tip I learned from Poisonberry (Lukewarm Tauntauns) is to start casting Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection when someone is at 70-75%. This doesn't seem like much but it helps you stay ahead of the damage output since 3.0 Operatives/Scoundrel currently lack single target burst.


Note: When you get your Exhumed Gear / Dark Reaver 2 piece you will have a bonus that gives you instant Proc to crit heal with Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion or Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection. Looks like a purple icon on your bar. If your tank or someone needs to be healed up you are a free crit to heal them up fast so be aware when it procs!


Tip: When I go into battle my play style is to try to avoid using casting heals as much as possible, till I need to burst heal someone up. I normally can keep people up without using Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection and tend to use more Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion because of its short cast time. If I do need to heal someone up fast I try to always pop Pugnacity/Stim Boost which increases your Alacrity by 10% so you can cast heal faster.






You are uncomfortable at this point to use some damage abilities in between healing I would not recommend it. I have been healing for a while so I know when I can go and do some damage but as a healer your main focus should be healing 95% of the time.


The other 5% helping throw some damage on low targets and stunning/mezzing DPS and healers.




Dirty Kick/Debilitate: The is your hardstun, meaning a stun that doesn't break on damage. One of the most useful abilities I have to repel damage and to mess up healers when I have the chance. I use it mostly for defensive for peeling off a DPS but if I have the opportunity I will run up to a healer and CC them if they are close.


Tendon Blast/Sever Tendon: This is your slow. Use this ability to kite melee and help your group (if in range) catch a runner.


Thermal Grenade/Fragmentation Grenade: This is your main AoE damage attack. Its best use is to stop caps.


*Back Blast/Backstab: This is one of your biggest damaging abilities. I love to kill players with this when I have the opportunity and it's pretty aesthetic. It also can crit for 6-9k so it is worth using on a target that is about to die. You have to be behind the target to attack them with this ability.


*Blaster Whip/Shiv: This is a decent damage ability that is instant cast. If you speced into the utility that gives you a speed boost when doing this ability I'm sure you will be using it more often while kiting. Normally I like to use this in combination with Black Blast you can easily hit someone for a good 7-10k.


*Quick Shot/Overload Shot: If I need more dps to help finish off a target I use this ability which is an instant damage blast from you gun.


*Vital Shot/Corrosive Dart: This is an instant cast dot. I use this ability when I see someone needs help with a class that can stealth. By keeping a dot on them the enemy if they defensively stealth they will pop right back out because of the dot ticking on them.


*Optional and very situational.





Advanced Healers:


My mini-guide on Solo Rank healing






Thanks All and hope this helps some of you! I apologize for all the spelling errors, I'm dyslexic and can't catch them all, haha. If you ever need any advice or have any questions please ask me on here or in game. Cheers!






Guilds -Sick Innuendo/ Black Jack / Lukewarm Tauntauns

Niss - Healing mentor <33

Aprilla - Supporting me with my struggles in ranked.

My'name - For being my sugardaddy.

Matt'hani - For giving me a reason to keep my numbers up.

Edited by kissingaiur
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I barely know where to begin, explaining all that is wrong with your guide. But suffice it to say, your use of cds is backwards. Your concern with running out of energy on a scoundrel even in 3.0+ is a laughable indicator you shouldn't be sharing your tips. The need to cast fake heals to draw interrupts, went away with the release of 3.0, due to the way the current scoundrel heals work. Etc. I'm tired of responding already, and I'm only skimming your post. lol.
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I barely know where to begin, explaining all that is wrong with your guide. But suffice it to say, your use of cds is backwards. Your concern with running out of energy on a scoundrel even in 3.0+ is a laughable indicator you shouldn't be sharing your tips. The need to cast fake heals to draw interrupts, went away with the release of 3.0, due to the way the current scoundrel heals work. Etc. I'm tired of responding already, and I'm only skimming your post. lol.


Hey! Thanks for your input (it's like I need an arm and a leg for a comment, urg). I don't want to claim i know everything but still learning! I posted the energy management because in group ranked/regs when i cast heal/do AOE rotation I do need to watch my energy especially when I'm the only healer. Not sure what you mean by backwards on my CDs I would like to know what you mean (don't mind revising ;D). I do fake cast at times in group ranked/regs because I want to get off a 10k+ crit heal. I don't find it at all worthless in any situation.


This is a grouping of advice from friends, guildies and people who are better then me and It has been working for me so I would truly like to know if there are flaws :).




@Armory - Instead of wasting your precious pre-season time on forums you should be spending all that time trying to make dps scoundrel viable in ranked. I'm sure you are good enough to make it work, keep at it bud.

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First off, thanks for taking the time to write this guide. Forums junkies will cry at any opportunity but I thought I'd provide some input to further help people interested in learning.


How much healing is show at the end of the warzone is not a good indicator because for example, you might come into a match late or the warzone ended fast. You might have some like 1.5mil healing which doesn't seem much but your HPS was could be 4k which is very impressive.


HPS is obviously and important factor and easily the first thing we look at the end of a game. I'd just also acknowledge here that awareness, positioning and healing priorities are also things that people should be actively considering as they seek to get better. An old guildy made an excellent tutorial video on these things:

I've played with/against you and seen you do these things, but just forgot to note that here.


Power/Surge > Alacrity > Crit

Right now I am running three pieces of Power/Alacrity and everything else is Power/Surge.Currently from what I heard Crit isn't worth the investment but I have seen high level players sometimes run with one piece of Crit/Surge. I haven't had any issues with a Power/Surge/Alacrity set up that is why I'm not changing.

Right now my stats are*:

73.13%~ Surge

19.13%~ Crit

3.30%~ Alacrity

Are these stats buffed/unbuffed? It's worth adding in here your raw stats to help avoid confusion. My stats were: Cunning: 3645, Power: 1310, Critical Rating: 189 (Critical Chance: 23.01), Surge Rating: 753 (Crit Mult: 76.66%), Alacrity Rating: 79. As far as I'm aware, the curve on Critical Rating hasn't changed since 3.0 was introduced. Where the game is at currently with increased damage output, and classes that have had buffs to burst damage (AP PT, MM sniper), I'd suggest that crit is still very important. DoT damage is strong enough to warrant having an increased crit rate. Although mentioned power as being a priority, I'd still state the obvious here that Advanced Artful (63 power) OR Keen (63 Crit) Mod's 33X are the way to go towards min/maxing.



....companions affections give your character passive increase to stats such as +3 cunning datacon or maxing Vector's affection which gives your character +1% Surge. [/i]

Datacrons are either +4 or +2? Only small. Worth mentioning all the companion affection bonuses.

Cunning/Endurance (Advanced Skill Augment 36: +34 CUN +52 END)Why? Cunning is your main stat and gives you Crit as well as Tech Bonuses which goes directly to your bonus healing.

Advanced Skill Augment 36: +52 CUN +34END (other way around). Errors happen.


There seems to be some debate flying around regarding main stat vs. power augs for most if not all classes. A lot of people are running main stat under the premise of the 'bonus' crit and Mark of Power buff. I'm not mathematician or a numbers nerd, but I thought I'd quickly provide these numbers based on my operative for your consideration:


Each unit of power is contributing 0.17 to my bonus healing whereas each unit of cunning is only continuing 0.13.


]If you ran 14 cunning augs (728 cunning) you would receive 94.64 bonus healing and 0.15% towards crticial chance. Mark of Power 5% main stat buff: provides an extra 36.40 cunning (relative to 728 x14 augs) an additional 4.73 bonus healing. So, in total that’s 94.64 + 4.73 = 99.37 bonus healing inclusive of Mark of Power buff.


If you ran 14 power augs (728 power) you would receive 123.73 bonus healing and obviously 0% crit from this. That’s a difference 29.09 bonus healing in favour of power augs at the expense of 0.15% critical chance. Seems nor here nor there but this is the important part:


Each unit of cunning is contributing 0.002% to my overall critical chance whereas each unit of critical rating (contained in mods/enhancements) contributes FAR more at 0.017 per unit. Conclusion: It seems to be a little better to run power augs, supplementing in Critical Rating into gear in place of what you would gain from cunning, to gain greater bang for your buck! Honestly though, the difference seems to be minimal. I thought I'd provide this out of interest.


(Optional) Two set PvE Healing Bonus:


Why? 15% increase to your Kolto Cloud just think about that. Kolto Cloud is one of the best healing abilities you have and I can't stress how useful it will be your PvP matches. With this PvE two piece bonus you will gain at least 500 HPS.

I know you can still get this set bonus at 174 item rating. I'm not sure it can still be obtained for a lower item rating that bolsters decently?




-Nanotech Suit/Smuggled Get-up.: Reducing all area of effects damage taken by 30%.

-Chemical Resistant Inlays/Scar Tissue: Increases damage reduction by 3%.

-Slip away/Dirty Escape: Lowers the cooldown to on Debilitate by 15 seconds.


- Med Shield/Med Screen: Your shield probe heals you for your maximum health when it collapses.

-Endorphin Rush/Keep Cool: Adrenalin Probe now immediately restores 15 additional energy.


-Evasive Imperative/Scramble – Every time you get attacked, the active cooldown of your Evasion is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more often than every 1.5 seconds.

- Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses – Reduces the cooldown on Escape by 30 seconds, Shield Probe by 5 seconds, and Infiltrate by 60 seconds.

Chemical Resistant Inlays is 5% damage reduct.


Revitalisers is really good utility, worth mentioning here as an alternative to Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses. I'd prefer to run Revitalisers for solo ranked but would take Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses for group ranked. Revitalisers: 20% damage reduction over 15 seconds and restores 15% of your health over the duration is nice if you get opened on hard in solo ranked. In some situations, if I have three decent players open on me and don't white bar me straight away, riding out damage with extra mitigation is needed in the climate of AP PT's and Hatred Sins running around.



Shield Probe: Summons a probe that projects a shield around the Agent, absorbing a moderate amount of incoming damage for 15.0 seconds. Does not break stealth.


Should be popping then whenever you are taking damage. There are times if you notice someone is doing a burst rotation for example a Powertech throws his bombs on you try to time your shield probe to reduce the burst.

Hmmm, Shield Probe had a shorter CD pre 3.0. I felt like I could basically pop it whenever I was taking damage without thinking twice. I not that you take 5 second reduced CD on this via the Escape Plan/Smuggled Defenses utility, but I'd still use this selectively somewhat. For example, I wouldn't use this if I was white barred and felt I could keep myself alive with heals. However, if I had people on me, was at half health and my resolve was about to run out, I'd pop this in anticipation of being stun locked. It's situational, but I sometimes die when I felt that Shield Probe may have saved me.

Disappearing Act: Overloads your stealth generator, immediately exiting combat and entering stealth mode. For 10 seconds, you become virtually undetectable.

I think people were confused because this was listed as the second defensive CD when I think you mentioned you'd be discussing them in order. Just worth stating the obvious here as your biggest CD and therefore priortised last.

5) Cleanse:

3.0 Did some big changes in how you cleanse. Cleanse is now on a longer cooldown and you are now unable to cleanse debuffs off of friendly targets but now can cleanse stuns, roots and slows.

I haven't played much since 3.0 but I think I cleansed the diversion debuff? I could be wrong....


6) Fake Casting:


Fake casting is when you go to casts a single target healing ability such as Kolto Pack or Underworld Medicine after a second step forward to cancel the cast in hopes of baiting an interrupt from your opponent. If successful the your opponent interrupts you after your cast is canceled so you would be free then to freely cast your single target heal without interruption.


To make this successful you need to be aware of what every classes interrupt sounds like. You can test this out in warzones or even better in duels.


Fake casting was explained to me as a “mind game”. You need to know how long to cast your single target ability to cancel it before the player interrupts it. There are many times I have waited too long to cancel or canceled my cast and then did another cast a second later which was interrupted because I didn’t wait long enough between recasting. It all comes down to awareness of the situation and you and your opponents reaction time. If done successfully it could save your life or a teammates life.


I also wanted to stress that Fake casting is all about manipulation of combat. By doing this you are setting up your opponent to react in a certain way that is predictable. Use this to your advantage and it will give you an upper hand when fighting groups of people or in 4 v 4s.

Note: Keep in mind there are other ways your opponent can interrupt your cast such as a stun or knockback.

Success rates in 'bating' an interrupt is far too variable to make it worthwhile. Every time you bait unsuccessfully, you lose out on time doing healing (1.5 second GCD and however long you spend casting something before cutting it short). As you said, there are many times when it didn't pan out for you. With three casted abilities (excluding Diagnostic Scan), it's pretty easy to simply use another ability if one is interrupted. Not to mention instant two instant heals.


Single target healing:


Kolto Pack - Exploits Upper Hand, healing a friendly target for Z. Requires and consumes Upper Hand.

This is the heal the one I use the most in warzones because of its short cast time. It also gives the player Healing Hand which gives 45 second resistance to 3% elemental and internal damage which is great fighting against Assassins, Powertechs, Pyro Mercenaries, Scoundrel DPS.


In solo ranked, I like to use Kolto Infusion on two targets before engaging in combat. I normally apply it to who I think will be tunneled to apply the 45 second resistance. I also do the same with Recuperative Nano tech for the healing buff. With short CD's, it's not really an issue doing this if you allow enough time before engaging.


From a rotation perspective, it's worth mentioning the 3% increased healing dealt buff that you get from Surgical Probe. This lasts 6 seconds and can be refreshed. Worth keeping up at all times and basically means you should be using Surgical Probe every 3-4 GCDs.


I'm sure I've probably missed something that forum junkies will continue to cry about. I've provided this input to further help those interested in learning.

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Is the pre-3.0 pve set still available? If so, which vendor sells the pieces?


Sorry, for replying so late. Yes, it is. For IMP or PUB Side?


Pub side (outer bottom location) /IMP side (outer top) in the Supply sector ( Token Exchange vendor).


Good Luck!

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I personally go with a slightly different utility setup, getting the movement speed buff instead of the stun cooldown, and getting the stealth escape instead of extra energy. That way i can at least go the same speed as the people i kite, and the stealth escape helps a lot to break "agro" real quick for annoying DPS.


I think the energy drops are at 60%, 40%, and 20% also.


Couple things i would also like to add for new operative healers is USE YOUR HOTS. I see new operative healers (at level 60) just spam their hard cast since it gives instant healing. HOTs won't heal the target for a ton right away, but they will reduce the amount of DPS the target is taking and it makes the target die slower, if that makes any sense. After you have 3 hots on them, THEN you can spam heals like Kolto Injection and Surgical Probe.


Also it's a good idea to use Surgical Probe immediately after Kolto Injection for higher burst healing, and better energy management.

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I personally go with a slightly different utility setup, getting the movement speed buff instead of the stun cooldown, and getting the stealth escape instead of extra energy. That way i can at least go the same speed as the people i kite, and the stealth escape helps a lot to break "agro" real quick for annoying DPS.


I think the energy drops are at 60%, 40%, and 20% also.


Couple things i would also like to add for new operative healers is USE YOUR HOTS. I see new operative healers (at level 60) just spam their hard cast since it gives instant healing. HOTs won't heal the target for a ton right away, but they will reduce the amount of DPS the target is taking and it makes the target die slower, if that makes any sense. After you have 3 hots on them, THEN you can spam heals like Kolto Injection and Surgical Probe.


Also it's a good idea to use Surgical Probe immediately after Kolto Injection for higher burst healing, and better energy management.


I'll comment on the speed boost vs. the hardstun decreased cooldown:


The only situation I found find that speed boost is "decent" is in regs but in arenas as well as solo ranked/group ranked decrease cool down on hardstun is completely better. In my opinion, I feel like the survivability you get from hardstun outweighs a speedboost.

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Im new to the game, and i started playing with mainly pvp in mind. I play healers in many games almost exclusively, but im a noob when it comes to SWTOR. For what i read Operatives are the least mobile healers now, and ppl say they also lack burst heals.


Do you guys think its worth lvling one, in its current state? I like mobility, and instacasts on healers, but on the other hand im also decent at fake casting, and most of the time im able to facetank long enough for peel to arrive.. but then its all experience from different games. My question stays. I just dont want to get dissapointed, so be honest please ;)

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Lots of topteams sport a operative, they`re still very viable


I would agree with this. All around Operatives/Scoundrels still are amazing healers, from what I heard they are still the best choice verse double madness in team ranked.


Sage > Operative > Merc

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I just found an old set of Battlemaster Field Medic PVP armor. It has the same 2 piece bonus as the pve armor. Debating whether of not to use the two pieces (which loses 36 expertise) or forget about the bonus and keep 2018 expertise. Any thoughts?
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I just found an old set of Battlemaster Field Medic PVP armor. It has the same 2 piece bonus as the pve armor. Debating whether of not to use the two pieces (which loses 36 expertise) or forget about the bonus and keep 2018 expertise. Any thoughts?


Playing with -38 Expertise is a bit risky... I would say no. If it was me I don't think I would do it. Just because you are also losing a lot of stats at the same time. You can try it and parse the numbers see if it would be worth it. I'm sure it would be fine for regs (15% Kolto cloud would still be a nice number fluffer), strongly wouldn't recommend for solo/group though.


The best situtation is to use the Arkanian gear with the blue mod in it you only lose 10 expertise with bolster. It's my main set for regs, solo/group ranked (if there is a tank) verse aoe dot spread dps.


If you are interested In solo rank (1 healer 3 dps) I would suggest am using full Dark Reaver min/maxed. Because you cannot assume everyone will be stacked up enough for the 15% kolto cloud to be effective so I rather go for the extra end/cunning for survivability.


Hope that helps.

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Does anyone have any tips in terms of survivability? I find that even using my cooldowns staggared and correctly, one or two people can focus me hard enough that i am quickly out of options.


The biggest problem i find is that its very hard to kite away with more than 1 person on me because of the prevelance of roots lately, expecially force based ones. I simply can't roll if a jugg roots me with leap, assassins can root with one of their DOTS, sorcs can spec into root on knockback, etc. I find that i am CONSTANTLY rooted.


Would love some tips - I'm new to healing and the operative style is by far my favourite (played all 3) but i just can't seem to "keep up" with the damage and CC that comes my way (and to my team)

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Does anyone have any tips in terms of survivability? I find that even using my cooldowns staggared and correctly, one or two people can focus me hard enough that i am quickly out of options.


The biggest problem i find is that its very hard to kite away with more than 1 person on me because of the prevelance of roots lately, expecially force based ones. I simply can't roll if a jugg roots me with leap, assassins can root with one of their DOTS, sorcs can spec into root on knockback, etc. I find that i am CONSTANTLY rooted.


Would love some tips - I'm new to healing and the operative style is by far my favourite (played all 3) but i just can't seem to "keep up" with the damage and CC that comes my way (and to my team)




So as any healer (all classes) you aren't suppose to survive verse 2+ people on you. You need peels or a guard. Once you rotate through your cooldowns you will die. If you see 4 people jump you, Evasion -> stealth out, get into a good position and unstealth. The only tip I could give is be more effective with your cooldowns to mitigate as much as you can before having to stealth out. Aka using Evasion when a PT rail shots and be using your hardstun (Dirty Kick) and your Flash to create distance.


Btw you mentioned the Sorc knockback root... you shouldn't be that close to a Sorc where he is knocking you back. As a healer you need to be at a close place to LoS behind a wall or object and far away from battle. This means the enemy has to go way out of their way to kill you which puts THEM out of position and a easy kill for your team.


If a jug jumps on you can CC them with your hardstun if they are Focus. If they are Vengeance they get something called "Unstoppable" ( which makes then immune to cc for a couple seconds when they leap. Look for the cooldown on their bar once it's off cc them). So a good jug would push you, jump to you then Ravage or Master Strike, watch their cooldown on their bar and cc them. Then you can roll away.


If you are really struggling you *can* get the Utility that gives your Surrender (I think that is what that ability is called) that cleanses all roots, even force ones. Your Evasion also will cleanse all roots if you really need it which is on a short cooldown. If its a tech slow or root, you can cleanse that off yourself.


Good Luck!

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Thansk for the tips - i think i do most of that, but its good to know that i am "supposed" to not be able to handle focus from multiple competent DPS. I definitely can be better at using my stuns.


How do you handle the arena matches that are 3dps+1 heal on each team where the other team tunnels you and your team isn't great at peeling? Are those just unfortunately going to be losses? Not sure if you "yolo" queue or only team queue.


Thanks for the help, seriously nice to see a good community on these forums!

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Thansk for the tips - i think i do most of that, but its good to know that i am "supposed" to not be able to handle focus from multiple competent DPS. I definitely can be better at using my stuns.


How do you handle the arena matches that are 3dps+1 heal on each team where the other team tunnels you and your team isn't great at peeling? Are those just unfortunately going to be losses? Not sure if you "yolo" queue or only team queue.


Thanks for the help, seriously nice to see a good community on these forums!


It depends what the classes are. I normally try to stay in stealth as long as possible and watch for the enemy dps to open on someone. I try to keep max distance if i can or get a good position while stealthed. In Yolo is all about when you use your CC break (don't get stunlocked at the wrong time) and get the Pugnacity dcd Utility for tunnel.

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Thank you for putting this together, I'm new to SWTOR and new to PvP healing so I needed this kind of advice. I'm on the Harbinger as well, so maybe I'll see you around once I get to 60.


If wanna talk to me just hit me up. I'm mostly on imp side right now and stay on the fleet. :)

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