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Shadowlands 3.0+ PvE DPS Leaderboard


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Just a quick poll, Aelanis mentioned an old standard of using just calculated DPS from TTK. Would people rather see this method used, where I will use the TTK time down to 1/1000th of a second, or are you fine with how things are now? In either case, submission requirements will be the same, rules will be the same, the only difference will be the final numbers on the board.
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Just a quick poll, Aelanis mentioned an old standard of using just calculated DPS from TTK. Would people rather see this method used, where I will use the TTK time down to 1/1000th of a second, or are you fine with how things are now? In either case, submission requirements will be the same, rules will be the same, the only difference will be the final numbers on the board.


I also usually tend to go for calculated DPS from TTK like Ellendra suggested so I'm all for.

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I highly suggest we use this site, if it doesn't collapse. It's got a very clean interface, nice tools, is really easy to use, and is all sorts of nice. It also, unlike TORParse at the moment, works. As a heads up, the site is going to change in the (near?) future, so we'll have to go find it again, but if the parser sticks around, I think it could be a really good tool for running a leaderboard.


Well, I wanted to post my Deception parse's TORParse link as well, but I guess that won't work because TORParse is not agreeing with me. Going by old world leaderboard standards (1.5 mil damage/TTK = DPS):


Theraton - Deception Assassin - 5:42.393 - 4380.93 DPS - Parsely link.

4453 Willpower, 164 Strength (missing the Rishi datacrons b/c lazy), 1868 Power, 163 Critical Rating, 763 Accuracy (which I found funny, that it was exactly 600 more than my crit), 240 Surge and Alacrity. 192 MH hilt, 198 OH armoring. 198 SA, 192 FR relics. Still need a few pieces, but I don't think I'll parse much more until I get some more stuff.


Theraton - Hatred Assassin - 5:22.625 - 4649.36 DPS - Parsely link

Same gear as in Deception.

Edited by Aelanis
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Thalamir - Sentinel - Watchman: TTK 5:17.929s >>> 4718 dps (Calculated) and 4722 dps (Parsely)


1738 Power - 847 Accuracy Rating (Transitioning from 7 to 6 pieces, so it's high atm) - 133 Crit Rating - 222 Surge Rating

120 Alacrity Rating - 13 x Might Augments - 1 x Accuracy Augment - Old 4-piece and new 2 piece set bonus - 1 x Ruusan Relic (SA) - 1 x Revanite Relic (FR) - 1x Resurrected Ear - 1 x Revanite Implant - 1 x Resurrected Implant


Tiberus - Commando - Assault Specialist: TTK 5:42.138s >>> 4384 dps (Calculated and Parsely)


1311 Power - 768 Accuracy Rating - 494 Crit Rating - 231 Surge Rating

111 Alacrity Rating - 12 x Reflex Augments - New 6-piece set bonus - 1 x Resurrected Relic (FR) - 1 x Ruusan Relics (SA) - 1 x Resurrected Ear - 1 x Resurrected Implant


Jibra'el - Vanguard - Plasmatech: TTK 6:10.563 >>> 4048 dps (Calculated) and 4066 dps (Parsely)


1046 Power - 777 Accuracy Rating - 434 Crit Rating - 222 Surge Rating

120 Alacrity Rating - 12 x Reflex Augments - No set bonuses - 2 x Ruusan Relics (SA + FR) - 2 x Resurrected Implants

Edited by Dage
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Here's my latest batch of best runs for both Assassin disciplines.


Brief gear description: all datacrons and companion buffs, mix of 192 & 198 gear, 763 Accuracy (1 augment), mainstat augments (x13), everything else Willpower & Power except where noted below, 6 Piece Set Bonus, purple anodyne stim, reusable nano-infused adrenals x2.


Ayix - Deception Assassin - 05:34.589 TTK | 4498 DPS

480 Surge, 243 Critical Rating


Ayix - Hatred Assassin - 05:11.976 TTK | 4808 DPS

240 Surge, 240 Alacrity, 162 Critical Rating

Edited by Hellhog
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Working to update the boards as of this moment, apologies for the delay, I have been busy this week.

I see mention of Parsely, and I am looking into it. By the current looks of it, Parsely may prove a good option for this thread, however I still want to investigate it further as I am still finding difficulty viewing the logs themselves. I will let everyone know if I make any change to submitting guidelines.

As another note, this update will switch rankings to be based upon TTK given by the combat log.


Again apologies once again for the delay of update.

Edited by the_collective_
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Well, I don't have the patience to sit there and try to beat a parse with 62% Death Field crits, so kudos to you.


Here's a new Deception one, though, as a one-off. DPS from TTK is 4418.86. WTB better crit rates and for these Operations to not hate melee so I don't feel bad about playing my Assassin any more :(


Yea, it was about as lucky as I could get for Hatred. I average 4600 when I parse Hatred so I won't even touch trying to get a high parse again until I get a lot more hardmode gear. Didn't take that many tries to get though.


Also, parsed Deception again with different gear. I edited my post above, 4498, would have maybe beat 4500 if I realized how much health was left and burned force cloak instead of waiting a few second for blackout. Those extra charges would have done wonders. Decided to swap a Crit/Alac & Pow/Alac enhancements for 2x Cit/Surge. Big improvement on my Deception parse average. Went up easily 100-200 dps. I'll probably swap out those pieces for Underlurker on hardmode, Hatred is just too squishy and spikey with all that AoE plus melee damage from the adds. Not to mention a slow build up on the adds.


I keep worrying that Nightmare mode will be the death of melee.

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This is an old parse from like a week or 2 ago. Don't even know where it would be in my logs so I will wait til I get a better one for a Parsely link. If this is acceptable though then it will do for now til I stop being lazy and parse some more.


1.5 mil Dummy

Powertech - Pyrotech - Exit Area - 5:06.532 (Didn't calculate by TTK)



Edited by M_o_s_e_s
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This is an old parse from like a week or 2 ago. Don't even know where it would be in my logs so I will wait til I get a better one for a Parsely link. If this is acceptable though then it will do for now til I stop being lazy and parse some more.


1.5 mil Dummy

Powertech - Pyrotech - Exit Area - 5:06.532 (Didn't calculate by TTK)




Nice - and grats on 5/5 HM Rav :D

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Nice - and grats on 5/5 HM Rav :D


Thank You and Thank You :-)




1.5 mil Dummy

Sesom - Powertech - Pyrotech - Exit Area - 5:05.800




Wasn't a big improvement but the crit gods don't like me this morning....




Nevermind with my last 2 adrenals I decided to try one more after taking a break for a bit.


1.5 mil Dummy

Sesom - Powertech - Pyrotech - Exit Area - 5:03.310



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As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have been looking into Parsely for use in this thread. While I was very pleased with my initial encounter with the site, there were a few things I wanted to make sure of before I implemented its use, one of which being the site's permanence. After hearing back from the owner, I have learned that the site, at this time, will continue to be available and in the event of an address change, the old address and links to any parses will continue to work. This is very good news.

When this thread was started, TORparse was really the only such site available at the time that offered similar features. Many of you, myself included, may have had reservations to its use due to the sites state of functionality. However, after much thought, I decided it still remained the best option for this thread as I believed what appeared to be the next best option (the use of a text file upload site) would deter many people from participating. With the emergence of Parsely, this thread now has a suitable avenue for submitting parses in a manner that is easy and accessible to all.

With this in mind, I will be making some changes to the threads submission guidelines. Submissions prior to the coming update to this thread that have used TORparse, as was requested, will still be honored so long as they remain on the board. However, once I update the submission guidelines for the thread, any parses submitted using TORparse afterword will not be. For those of you unfamiliar yet with the new site we will be using for uploading parses, here is a link to Parsely so that you may familiarize yourself with it.


In another note, game update 3.1 is almost upon us. The original post details that in the event of major class changes, rankings may be cleared in order that these leaderboards might remain a current representation of what an A.C. is capable of. With this in mind, I will be taking into account the changes of game update 3.1 and clearing rankings as needed. If you find that parses for an A.C. have not been cleared but believe they should be, please let me know and provide reason as to why.


I look forward to seeing the progress made by everyone as we compete to parse higher and higher. For those of you pushing close to killing Revan and grabbing that 198 MH, try not to put us all to shame when you get one. Good luck everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated the rankings. If there are any errors let me know. Ros-tam, don't get too cozy up there, I am determined to beat you.


Also have a question for everyone. The rules state no pre-proc'ing, and I think it is important to keep it as such because it does not allow for people to gain proc's that can only be gained during combat, i.e. Annihilator and Juyo stacks. However there are a couple classes that are able to pre-proc by using abilities without entering combat. In particular I am talking about Powertechs/Vangaurds and Sins/Shadows. For the PT and its mirror, they are able to use their AOE ability to build stacks for their flame thrower, and Sins are able to use Lacerate to build Voltage and Induction stacks without entering combat.

My question for you is, should this be allowed? There is an argument that it should be since it could be considered normal to do so before a boss pull, and therefore should be normal to do before a parse that is supposed to be representative of a boss fight and would fall into the same category of fury building for Maras. However, the argument can also be made that doing so is different than the Mara/Sent Fury/Centering(?) building because you must consume resource to do so, where as Maras/Sents do not. For now, both the PT/Vangaurd parses include this and I have accepted both as legitimate, but I would like to know everyone's opinion on the matter and will make changes once a consensus is reached.

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Also have a question for everyone. The rules state no pre-proc'ing, and I think it is important to keep it as such because it does not allow for people to gain proc's that can only be gained during combat, i.e. Annihilator and Juyo stacks. However there are a couple classes that are able to pre-proc by using abilities without entering combat. In particular I am talking about Powertechs/Vangaurds and Sins/Shadows. For the PT and its mirror, they are able to use their AOE ability to build stacks for their flame thrower, and Sins are able to use Lacerate to build Voltage and Induction stacks without entering combat.

My question for you is, should this be allowed? There is an argument that it should be since it could be considered normal to do so before a boss pull, and therefore should be normal to do before a parse that is supposed to be representative of a boss fight and would fall into the same category of fury building for Maras. However, the argument can also be made that doing so is different than the Mara/Sent Fury/Centering(?) building because you must consume resource to do so, where as Maras/Sents do not. For now, both the PT/Vangaurd parses include this and I have accepted both as legitimate, but I would like to know everyone's opinion on the matter and will make changes once a consensus is reached.


It's fine as it is, if it can be done prior to a boss fight, then it is allowed. Building centering on a Mara, spamming aoe to build stacks on a VG, etc. What is not allowed is building focus by hitting the dummy, waiting for combat to drop and then reengaging with full focus, for example.

Edited by Dage
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It's fine as it is, if it can be done prior to a boss fight, then it is allowed. Building centering on a Mara, spamming aoe to build stacks on a VG, etc. What is not allowed is building focus by hitting the dummy, waiting for combat to drop and then reengaging with full focus, for example.


I agree with Thal, if it can be done prior to a boss fight it should be allowed.

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Updated the rankings. If there are any errors let me know. Ros-tam, don't get too cozy up there, I am determined to beat you.


Also have a question for everyone. The rules state no pre-proc'ing, and I think it is important to keep it as such because it does not allow for people to gain proc's that can only be gained during combat, i.e. Annihilator and Juyo stacks. However there are a couple classes that are able to pre-proc by using abilities without entering combat. In particular I am talking about Powertechs/Vangaurds and Sins/Shadows. For the PT and its mirror, they are able to use their AOE ability to build stacks for their flame thrower, and Sins are able to use Lacerate to build Voltage and Induction stacks without entering combat.

My question for you is, should this be allowed? There is an argument that it should be since it could be considered normal to do so before a boss pull, and therefore should be normal to do before a parse that is supposed to be representative of a boss fight and would fall into the same category of fury building for Maras. However, the argument can also be made that doing so is different than the Mara/Sent Fury/Centering(?) building because you must consume resource to do so, where as Maras/Sents do not. For now, both the PT/Vangaurd parses include this and I have accepted both as legitimate, but I would like to know everyone's opinion on the matter and will make changes once a consensus is reached.


Yes, it should be allowed. If it's reasonable to do before a boss pull, then it should be allowed. More classes than just Assassins and PTs can do it, and PTs can do it in both specs (1 extra heat free Rail Shot). You can very easily build 2 stacks of Voltage/Induction and be at full Force with 12+ seconds to spare on the buff, and the same holds for any spec that can stack buffs outside of combat. Sorcs can Force Storm for a free beginning Chain Lightning, if they want. So basically what Thal and Galen said.

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