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Sorcs deserve equal treatment, not hate


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The history of the sorc.


When sorcs first entered PVP, they were judged and hated immediately. The intensely uber lightning graphics and sounds created immediate disdain and jealousy in many of the other classes, particularly their mirrored brethren sages. While sorcs cast bolts of powerful lightning down upon their enemies, sages cast pebbled rocks, or as some called it "kitty litter" at their foes.


I felt pity for the sages, but, alas if they wanted to control lightning and not kitty litter, they easily could have become sorcs. No one forced their hand there!


The fact is though, this envied ability really was nothing but eye-candy. useless in pvp and pve. It just looked good. Really, sorcs were the envy for no good reason... But, this hatred and envy only grew over time.


A few years later, sorcs finally were given actual use for their ridiculously useless ability that is called force storm. An iconic ability, it needed a buff! A buff it was given, and, now it actually serves a purpose in pve and pvp.


Now, this iconic ability that drew so much hate from all the other SWTOR classes particularly the cat litter throwing sages not only looks good, it actually is useful for damage!


As a result, the forumquesting haters have created an actual witch hunt, demanding that this ability be reverted back to how it was before. Which was useless. It's not because the ability is too powerful. It's because of the history of the sorc being persecuted, and this hatred has only grown stronger over time!


Once 3.0 came, and sorcs were given some balance in their damage compared to other classes, it became a problem for the other classes! The other classes did not like this shift in power, from where they had ALL of it to now where sorcs are sharing in that said power!


Basically, this whole witch hunt is nothing more than old hatred of the sorcs which was never well-founded in the first place. Simple envy blossomed into hatred, and that's all you see now on these forums regarding the sorc and force storm.

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Yea I remember that insanity:) I raged a lot when I had to use 20 buttons on my gunslinger, and mercs facerolled everything with 1. Especially when I had no CD's available and they actually could kill me with only 1 button WITH THAT OLD SOUND. Anyways, tracer missile is a single target so it wasn't completely broken.

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Sorcs are fine. There is nothing broken with them (COUGH COUGH)

they are paper (COUGH COUCH)

one on one ANYONE can take a sorc (COUGH, DEATH)


wait... all of the above is exactly the opposite of reality.


ok i agree... I don' t mean nerf them EXACTLY but things like no cooldown bubble, can heal while running at mach 3 after doting you to oblivion is kinda... STUPID. i was gonna say silly but it wasn't strong enough for the situation

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Sorcs are fine. There is nothing broken with them (COUGH COUGH)

they are paper (COUGH COUCH)

one on one ANYONE can take a sorc (COUGH, DEATH)


wait... all of the above is exactly the opposite of reality.


ok i agree... I don' t mean nerf them EXACTLY but things like no cooldown bubble, can heal while running at mach 3 after doting you to oblivion is kinda... STUPID. i was gonna say silly but it wasn't strong enough for the situation


Bubble has a lockout debuff.


I actually agree with OP to an extent. Sorcs are getting a lot of flack over one ability. Can you do 4k dps while just using force storm? Yes. Realistically there is no reason that ability should do so much damage. Lightnings' s purpose is single target burst, not aoe. If they reduced force storm damage by 50%, which is what is realistically needed, it would not hinder the class. Chain lightning is still there for a little aoe flavour.


Aside from that, sorcs are in a good spot. With the changes to sins and pts, even something like corrupted barrier isn't over the top. Sorcs are easy to shut down, and once force storm and the glitch to thundering blast are addressed, moving classes in line with the state of sorcs is not a bad idea. Buff snipers/mercs/maras/ops to their level, bring juggs/pts/sins down to their level. Snipers are going to need a lot of work.

Edited by Nekrall
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Many people from the Sorc Hater Committee obviously are a part of the forum community, and are very vocal in trying to spread the hate with an unhealthy dose of exaggeration. I mean, "using 1 ability only for dps" is humorous.


If a sorceror only uses force storm, they will not do more damage than one who uses other attack abilities. This idea that all you do is spam force storm is LOL funny. In fact, you should be happy if the sorc is so bad that's all they do.


If sorcerors are so OP'd, how come no one complains about sages force quake? It's the exact mirror of force storm, so theoretically there should be a substantial number of whine threads complaining about sages, right? But, there is not.


This is proof alone that many people suffer from Lightning Envy, and it's this prejudiced viewpoint that skews reality into fantasy... That a perfectly normal AE ability sorcs have is somehow UBER POWERFUL when it's actually, not.

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Many people from the Sorc Hater Committee obviously are a part of the forum community, and are very vocal in trying to spread the hate with an unhealthy dose of exaggeration. I mean, "using 1 ability only for dps" is humorous.


If a sorceror only uses force storm, they will not do more damage than one who uses other attack abilities. This idea that all you do is spam force storm is LOL funny. In fact, you should be happy if the sorc is so bad that's all they do.


If sorcerors are so OP'd, how come no one complains about sages force quake? It's the exact mirror of force storm, so theoretically there should be a substantial number of whine threads complaining about sages, right? But, there is not.


This is proof alone that many people suffer from Lightning Envy, and it's this prejudiced viewpoint that skews reality into fantasy... That a perfectly normal AE ability sorcs have is somehow UBER POWERFUL when it's actually, not.


And there goes any credibility you had.


At least most people will think you're trolling.

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Two comments:


1) I do think that the damage of force storm should be tweaked downward a little. It's a no cooldown, huge AOE area, significant damage dealing ability. Also, who plays dps sorc and does not take the +25% FS damage utility point? Muwahahaha.


2) Overall, I don't think that sorcs are really all that OP. It's just that there are so many of them, they can make life miserable for the melee classes. Lightning burst and mobility is pretty good, but not as good as PT. They still die really fast when focused, save for the temporary delay with force barrier. Their heals may be a tad strong as a dps spec.

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Force Storm/Quake does too much damage with the two talents that buff it. Change both of those talents to buff Disturbance/LS or some other ST power available to all Sorcs/Sages and you fix a few problems at once.


I've not seen any legitimate argument for any other nerf of the class.

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Bold printing by me :


When sorcs first entered PVP, they were judged and hated immediately. The intensely uber lightning graphics and sounds created immediate disdain and jealousy in many of the other classes, particularly their mirrored brethren sages. While sorcs cast bolts of powerful lightning down upon their enemies, sages cast pebbled rocks, or as some called it "kitty litter" at their foes.




Now, this iconic ability that drew so much hate from all the other SWTOR classes particularly the cat litter throwing sages not only looks good, it actually is useful for damage!


There appears to be another source of hate from Sages :


Bugs that existed on the Sage side ONLY.


The newest example :


Sages, old 4-piece doesnt work. Sorcs, its the set bonus you want cause its so damn powerful
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Force Storm/Quake does too much damage with the two talents that buff it. Change both of those talents to buff Disturbance/LS or some other ST power available to all Sorcs/Sages and you fix a few problems at once.


I've not seen any legitimate argument for any other nerf of the class.


I disagree, it only does too much damage when you have 8 lemmings huddled together letting the 6 second channel take full duration on top of them. Yeah, then it probably gives some nice fat numbers. But, after 1-2 clicks of the storm most players know who needs to die, and also what not to do, which is to huddle en masse for AE attacks.

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And there goes any credibility you had.


At least most people will think you're trolling.


You do not have much expertise in writing. You cannot even distinguish between "trolling" and "using exaggeration as an stylistic device to transport message in a specific way".


I just love it when people who are so good in PvP have serious problems realising that there do exist things like "stylistic devices" in writing. As if only devices in PvP mattered.

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I disagree, it only does too much damage when you have 8 lemmings huddled together letting the 6 second channel take full duration on top of them. Yeah, then it probably gives some nice fat numbers. But, after 1-2 clicks of the storm most players know who needs to die, and also what not to do, which is to huddle en masse for AE attacks.


After all this nerf whining and because I am an unrepentant altoholic, I recently started a Lightning Sorc and happily spam Force Storm all over Warzones and Flashpoints. No lie, NPCs have been smarter than the average player in getting out of the AoE.


It has given me quite a bit of perspective on these complaints. That said, the power is just silly good now. I could probably go through the game using just that and Chain Lightning if I wanted.

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If sorcerors are so OP'd, how come no one complains about sages force quake?


Simply because it IS AN EXACT MIRROR coupled with the fact that there are twice as many or more imp players vs republic. Whats the point of repeating the same issue twice when EVERYONE who plays this game knows its the exact same thing?


Think for half a millisecond about what you are posting before pressing send please.


Oh and:

I disagree, it only does too much damage when you have 8 lemmings huddled together letting the 6 second channel take full duration on top of them...


You can disagree if you want to... we cant make you be right. Eventually once you know some real facts and understand whats actually happening you may be able to make an informed decision. Even if people know to get out of it not everyone can at all times. Guess you've never heard of Crowd Control and having other players teaming it up to get the best and most out of the team.


Getting stunned in it or any aoe or any ability or aoe slowing enemies in an aoe prevents them from being able to escape, resulting in this over-damaging ability to actually do the damage the sorc was trying to do in the first place.

The fact still stands that they STILL do more damage with this ability than any other class can do with any other ability they have. And they have no cooldown on it. Guess you missed the fact that it also slows on its own resulting i a reduced chance to get out of it as quickly as you want to. And if also fighting someone else when in the middle of its 30m range its most likely to do all of its damage.

Do you do any research at all?

Edited by AvatarNL
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The force storm ability always makes me laugh when I see sorcs on the other team spam it. Even though my team isn't bunched up. As a Sorc I have stopped using it in single target and have actually done better that way. Going for the other abilities actually does better DPS wise. Can it be said Force Storm plays a role in dealing with the enemy when they bunch up? Sure. Should it be used to single target DPS? No. But until Bioware figures out how to best deal with it while still making sure Sorcs in general do not go back to what they were pre-3.0 lightning wise, people should just role Hatred Sins.


I for one am quite glad lightning FINALLY got buffs. And find it hilarious how people are complaining about force storming sorcs that can still somewhat be shut down when they better be glad people are running sorcs a lot instead of assassins.

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You do not have much expertise in writing. You cannot even distinguish between "trolling" and "using exaggeration as an stylistic device to transport message in a specific way".


I just love it when people who are so good in PvP have serious problems realising that there do exist things like "stylistic devices" in writing. As if only devices in PvP mattered.




He stated that force storm does not do too much damage, and that these complaints are coming from people who don't like lightning because they don't complain about force quake.


People don't state that force quake does more damage because the majority of players are on imp side.


Force storm can tick for 4k as an instant channeled aoe that slows, and has no cooldown.


Interesting how you think someone who sounds like an esl student, and has horrendous grammar has "expertise in writing". The content of, and the writing itself makes no sense.

Edited by Nekrall
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Many people from the Sorc Hater Committee obviously are a part of the forum community, and are very vocal in trying to spread the hate with an unhealthy dose of exaggeration. I mean, "using 1 ability only for dps" is humorous.


If a sorceror only uses force storm, they will not do more damage than one who uses other attack abilities. This idea that all you do is spam force storm is LOL funny. In fact, you should be happy if the sorc is so bad that's all they do.

If sorcerors are so OP'd, how come no one complains about sages force quake? It's the exact mirror of force storm, so theoretically there should be a substantial number of whine threads complaining about sages, right? But, there is not.


This is proof alone that many people suffer from Lightning Envy, and it's this prejudiced viewpoint that skews reality into fantasy... That a perfectly normal AE ability sorcs have is somehow UBER POWERFUL when it's actually, not.

I never noticed that...


I guess the prejudice is real.

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Yes let's all run away from the aoe and let the imp range dps and heals stand in the middle of it and free cast. You are forced to stand in it. It needs a cd is all dmg is fine.

Also pubs have a mailbox in the combat area?

Edited by magnashear
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Yes let's all run away from the aoe and let the imp range dps and heals stand in the middle of it and free cast. You are forced to stand in it. It needs a cd is all dmg is fine.

Also pubs have a mailbox in the combat area?


Wait, what? You are standing in force storm and complaining it does too much damage for an ability with no cooldown? I could be wrong here but I really think that most people MOVE out of it to avoid taking damage and dying. I never get people just standing their and taking it when I spam force storm on my sorc in pvp. And if you are talking about being in melee range with them, there is this thing called interupts.

Edited by Iona_Var
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Two comments:


1) I do think that the damage of force storm should be tweaked downward a little. It's a no cooldown, huge AOE area, significant damage dealing ability. Also, who plays dps sorc and does not take the +25% FS damage utility point? Muwahahaha.


Or they should just make chain lightning proc force storm and only then will it do the damage it does today to those who got struck by chain lightning. If it attacks other people without the overwhelmed debuff, they take less damage.


It seems like a lot of people tend to forget that sorcs have to spend a utility point and use force storm on enemies with the overwhelmed debuff they get from chain lightning in order to do maximum damage with fs. I just laugh when I see a sorc trying to do spam force storm, it's so pathetic and I usually kill it off fast as well.

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