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No post from EA on Merc/Commando class forum since April 3rd 2014


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Eric, someone, please....I saw a post on the Maurader thread letting them know you understand they need some help.


Do we have any defensive help coming to make this class viable for ranked???


Thanks in advance


We are the forgotten class, which is really odd considering the popularity in lore etc...

I figure the only way to get it fixed is to keep running ranked till the rest of the ranked community get so pissed at losing every time they get a merc that they demand they fix us for us.

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Eric, someone, please....I saw a post on the Maurader thread letting them know you understand they need some help.


Do we have any defensive help coming to make this class viable for ranked???


Thanks in advance


This forum is invisible to the devs, hence they can't see the posts or respond in any of the threads. Someone took away their privileges after the last great nerf that left the class "wanting", probably the dev that did the nerf, so we never get buffed ever again. :p


You know I'm right :D

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Let me tell you a story. We use to have a very valuable attack when this game first launched. It was called tracer missile I believe and it is not the one you use today. Back then it was one of the strongest attacks in the game and super easy to use. It was on the level of a Jedi Master Strike only fast without the cool down. It was so powerful everyone complained about it even though there were very few bounty hunters. After so long they finally nerfed it into what you see today. Since that day the bounty hunter has never been the same.


The point of the story is they don't care about this class because it is one of the least played classes even though it has an awesome story line. I would love someone to build a good PvP version of the BH but I don't think it will ever happen.

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Let me tell you a story. We use to have a very valuable attack when this game first launched. It was called tracer missile I believe and it is not the one you use today. Back then it was one of the strongest attacks in the game and super easy to use. It was on the level of a Jedi Master Strike only fast without the cool down. It was so powerful everyone complained about it even though there were very few bounty hunters. After so long they finally nerfed it into what you see today. Since that day the bounty hunter has never been the same.


The point of the story is they don't care about this class because it is one of the least played classes even though it has an awesome story line. I would love someone to build a good PvP version of the BH but I don't think it will ever happen.



The thing is that Tracer Missile was never over-powered. It was just a really really really dumb mechanic and all you had to do was spam that one ability. It was easily interrupted and countered... people just complained because of how BH's that didn't know how to play the class would just sit their and spam the ability. Once again, it wasn't overpowered... That's just how the class was played and it was boring.

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