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Speaker for the Dead & Grave Robber


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I know that this process is working for the vast majority of people, but here's what I ran into.


I ran around on Yavin and clicked on the first Spirit, got the achievement and the buff, then my client crashed and I had to restart. Since I logged out, I lost the buff. I continued on, getting the next three Spirits. I clicked them all, got the individual achievement for all 4 spirits, yet "Speaker for the Dead" wasn't granted. After getting the third spirit, I picked up one of those Talismans before i re-acquired the Spirit I had before the game crashed. So, I never had all 4 spirits at the same time. In any case, I continued on, eventually getting all four achievements for the 4 talismans, then clicking the Unkown Talisman, getting that achievement, and spawning the boss, who killed me quickly. However, even though I have all five achievements for the individual Talismans, "Grave Robber" was never applied, either.


I was wondering if having all the spirit buffs at the same time was the issue, so I later went through specifically to have all 4 simultaneously. Still nothing. I didn't do the talismans again--I was thinking Speaker for the Dead might be somehow required for the Grave Robber achievement, but when nothing granted after I clicked the 4th spirit, I didn't pursue it any further.


Just wanted to get it out there and see if it had been happening to anyone else.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same issue, got all 4 spirits then all 4 talismans afterward, got the "Speaker for the Dead" achievement, but didn't get the "Grave Robber" achievement. I have all single achievements for every spirit and every talisman. I redid all the steps to get the spirits and talismans several times with different characters with no success.


I also /bug reported twice and sent like 5 tickets in the hopes that a CSR would grant me the Grave Robber achievement but they always tell me to write a bug report (it's probably an automated answer...).


Here's a screeshot showing I have all achievements minus the Grave Robber one: Shining link

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Interesting - I've just noticed I'm in the same position.

I had a lot of trouble getting "Speaker for the Dead". I followed the instructions to the letter - making sure I had all 4 buffs in place, going to each tallisman etc.

However although I was spawning the boss, and dying very quickly, I was not being awarded the achievement. I did this on two seperate characters, one on each faction, and nothing. I bugged it.

About a week ago out of nowhere the achievement suddenly appeared - was just browsing through them and there is suddenly was.

However I am still mssing the "Grave Robber" title.

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Do you have to get the Talisman that's not on Yavin (I think it's Tatooine) for the achievement as well? If yes, and you didn't get it, that might be your problem.


I must admit I didn't get the one on Tatooine as I had no intention of actually fighting the boss once he was spawned - well dying to him was always going to happen.

Maybe I'll try the quest line again with the tallisman on Tat.


Cheers for that idea.

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Do you have to get the Talisman that's not on Yavin (I think it's Tatooine) for the achievement as well? If yes, and you didn't get it, that might be your problem.


Nope. It's not necessary. I'm pretty sure, unless a dev comes here and say: "It *IS* necessary in order to obtain both Grave Robber and Speaker for the Dead achievements."


Even then, the other 3 times I redid all the steps I got the buff from Outlaw's Den as a "just in case" measure and yet, no achievement at all.

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Nope. It's not necessary. I'm pretty sure, unless a dev comes here and say: "It *IS* necessary in order to obtain both Grave Robber and Speaker for the Dead achievements."


Even then, the other 3 times I redid all the steps I got the buff from Outlaw's Den as a "just in case" measure and yet, no achievement at all.


I'm not a dev but.. it's not required.. I got the achievements when they first released the boss/spirits... Worked perfectly


Went to all 4 spirits first, getting the chevos, then all 4 talisman, then spawned entity...


Do you guys for sure not have the title? because I don't remember *Nor can I find the achievement in my legacy...* Speaker for the Dead and Grave Robber being an actual achievement.. just a legacy title. The achievements were just for you hitting all 4 spirits and then all 5 talismans


EDIT: I found the achievement now.. wasn't paying enough attn.. It must be a bug... get all 4 talisman, then go spawn the boss.. try to run away before you die.. hopefully you'll have a few extra s and maybe that will do it? I ran like hell when I spawned it.. hold the line and left.. still died...

Edited by GopherLuV
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I'm not a dev but.. it's not required.. I got the achievements when they first released the boss/spirits... Worked perfectly


Went to all 4 spirits first, getting the chevos, then all 4 talisman, then spawned entity...


Do you guys for sure not have the title? because I don't remember *Nor can I find the achievement in my legacy...* Speaker for the Dead and Grave Robber being an actual achievement.. just a legacy title. The achievements were just for you hitting all 4 spirits and then all 5 talismans


EDIT: I found the achievement now.. wasn't paying enough attn.. It must be a bug... get all 4 talisman, then go spawn the boss.. try to run away before you die.. hopefully you'll have a few extra s and maybe that will do it? I ran like hell when I spawned it.. hold the line and left.. still died...


Yeah, I did the same hehehe, many times..


If you check the link I put in my original post, you'll see that I have everything except Grave Robber, that should be next to the Speaker for the Dead achievement. No matter how many times I redo the steps I'm not getting anything...


Also, I notted that when I click on somebody else achievement (when they link it on chat), it shows me that I'm only missing Mark Ragnos.


I only have the Speaker for the Dead achievement and legacy title but not the Grave Robber one. A friend of mine that plays with me, did everything and got the opposite... she has the Grave Robber achievement and legacy title, but not the Speaker for the Dead.


And unfortunately, as disappointing as it is, the devs always tell me to write a bug report. (I say disappointing because I pay this game since beta.. way back at Dec/2012, I know I am nobody special, but I just wish they had a little more consideration..)

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Have the same issue: i clicked on all 4 spirits (and not only once, repeaded that several times in different days) and all 4 talismans(in different order, first spirits - then talismans, or spirit-talisman etc) but never got Speaker for the Dead title and achievement.

Also never got Grave Robber title and achievement. =((( though as i said - all talismans were clicked and even creature was summoned...


and as far as i know same problem also appears to be for my friend.


made several tickets: never got any answer....

Edited by Katana_Grey
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I'm having the same issue, got all 4 spirits then all 4 talismans afterward, got the "Speaker for the Dead" achievement, but didn't get the "Grave Robber" achievement. I have all single achievements for every spirit and every talisman. I redid all the steps to get the spirits and talismans several times with different characters with no success.


I also /bug reported twice and sent like 5 tickets in the hopes that a CSR would grant me the Grave Robber achievement but they always tell me to write a bug report (it's probably an automated answer...).


Here's a screeshot showing I have all achievements minus the Grave Robber one: Shining link




There are 5 tailsman on Yavin which is required for the achievment. There are the four that are named and there is an unknown one on Yavin around an altar you need to click on for that achievement.

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Yes - the 5th is the "Unknown Tallisman".

However we have all also clicked on this as this is the one that spawns the "ancient threat".

In summary:


Clicked on each of the 4 spirits

Clicked on each of the 4 named tallismans

With the buffs in place clicked on the 5th "Unknown" tallisman - no Grave Robber title.

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Yes - the 5th is the "Unknown Tallisman".

However we have all also clicked on this as this is the one that spawns the "ancient threat".

In summary:


Clicked on each of the 4 spirits

Clicked on each of the 4 named tallismans

With the buffs in place clicked on the 5th "Unknown" tallisman - no Grave Robber title.


EXACTLY. Can't be more especific than that.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Bumping the tread.


Yea tried to take achievement from both sides several times - even though i got all ghosts and all talismans on my trooper, then on sage, then on powertech - nothing happened. still no achievements - Grave Robber and Speaker for the Dead is still missing... =(((

Edited by Katana_Grey
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I do have the Speaker for the Dead title.

However I have now attempted with four characters (twice on two of those) to get the Grave Robber title and still do not have it.

As a post of mine from a few months ago (above) shows, I know I'm doing the correct method, I'm just not being given the title/achievement.


I've put in two tickets for this - both have been closed and I'm still without the title.

Wouldn't mind so much but it obviously isn't a bugged title as plenty of peeople do have it.



In fact - I think I'll raise my third ticket about it right now.

Edited by Stoofa
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Same here got all the ghosts, talismans -> talisman collector (grave robber title) ach, even for pulled boss but don't speaker of the dead. That happened on day 1 yavin because i was in group with someone and that was mistake as many things dont work in groups anyway. So i posted bug repport and in few weeks they told me to post on some other section i waited 6m for that and did finally submit another ticket and got reply to post to bug report that it have to come with patch. Soon new content will arrive and this is still bugged from day 1 and have wasted days on multiple characters for this one. So then i am asking u to please fix it or teach support how to fix it because i would like to get that legacy title.

If by any chance don't know what am talking about dulfy got nice guide for it



Thanks in advance



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  • 4 weeks later...

My tickets on this just get closed.

I've now run through it 4 times, 3 different characters - one of which has attempted to run through it twice.

I don't know why my account/legacy is having issue with this, but the achievement & title appear unavailable to me and as anachievement hunter I'd very much like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well - having a spare 15-10 minutes just now I decided (stupidly) to once again attempt to get this achievement - and guess what? Once again I have completed every single step and once again I have not been awarded the completed achievement or given the title.

I followed the Dulfy guide and I checked and double-checked myself at each stage:


Visited each of the 4 ghosts.

I checked that I had 4 separate "Force Echo" buffs which I did. As I clicked the final ghost of of the buffs had 59:45 to run and the oldest one had 50:06 minutes to run.

With these 4 buffs in place, without logging out, without changing instances, I went and visited each of the 4 Talismans.

After I'd done this I once again checked the buff situation.

I had 4 "Talisman Echo" buffs on my character. The longest had a shade under 2hrs to run, the early one had about 1hr 50mins to run.

With these 4 buffs in place I proceeded to the "Unknown Talisman" located within the pile of skulls.

The skull was clickable (thus confirming I had the 4 talisman buffs in place - something I could only have done by having the 4 ghost buffs initially).

The "Ancient Threat" spawned and proceeded to kill me and my companion quickly - we revived at the closest medical location.


Check in my achievements log - no Talisman Collector and no Grave Robber title.

I have now attempted to get these by running through the full quest with:


Level 60 Sage (Twice)

Level 60 Sorcerer (Twice)

Level 60 Sniper

Level 60 Guardian (latest attempt - failed to give me achievement 15 minutes ago).


Once again I've raised a CS ticket and once again I expect it to be closed nice and quickly but this is now getting both silly and frustrating.

It is not a bugged quest - I'm sure hundreds of people could post right now telling me they have the achievement and title.

It is not a single character and/or faction of mine that is bugged - I've now run through this on 4 separate characters over both factions.

It must be a bug against my account somehow. If I wasn't an achievement hunter it wouldn't really matter, but I am. They introduced achievements far too late, but now they are in the game I like to collect them.

Really don't know what is going on here :(


The only thing I haven't ever done is go to Tatooine and get the Ancient Tome. The Dulfy guide says this is only required if I want to actually fight the Ancient Threat and that is echoed by many other people - they do have the achievement and didn't first get the tome.

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So I opened yet another ticket and this time I didn't get the canned response 12hrs later. In fact the ticket remained open for 7 days and I actually had my hopes up.

Were they looking into the issue?

Would I get the achievement warded to me?


Then, this morning:


Greetings xxxxx,


My name is Florent, from Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


However, to allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bug list which can be found at the top of our Bug Forums here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.We regret that we will be unable to provide you with further updates on this issue directly.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.





Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service.


So no. No fix, no nothing. I've already filled in bug report after bug report to no avail. This is obviously not "a bug" because, as has been said many times, many, many people have completed this achievement without issue. It is my account (and some others) that is bugged. These is something on our accounts that is stopping us from getting the achievement. It is not faction related, it is not class related. It is either each of the 4 characters I've tried to gain this achievement with or my account that is bugged.


I don't mind "that much" when an achievement is bugged. There are many that people have been unable to get because it is "bugged for all". But when something is bugged for only a few you know it will never get fixed and it is the little things like this that are so damn annoying.

I shall fill in more bug reports, but I think it's safe to say this will never be investigated and fixed for us who are having this issue. BW/EA are now concentrating on the next expansion and as they have already heavily indicated/hinted at the current 1-50 being streamlined, they will just cut-out anything that isn't working correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bumping my own thread in the (misguuided) hope someone from the game will pop along and answer.

I STILL do not have this achievement. There is no point my writing exactly what I've done again as it's no different.

I am using the exact same method as many, many other people have done and have been successfully awarded this achievement.

It is bugged for some and it would appear only for a minority of players.

Will you either award us with the achievement we are owed or look into the issue, fix it so the next time I attempt it it'll complete correctly.

I shall continue to raise the tickets and the bug reports - you can close them without response or, at best, the canned response as much as you like.

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