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I feel like I've been swindled


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prior to 3.0, bw was taking great strides.

we had:



12x xp


Post 3.0 it seems to be a complete and utter catastrophe

we had:

3.0 released with massive bugs, revan bug, underwhelming, small amount of content

ability lag

ripped off early access players out of millions for training costs

turning off the lights during the holidays and refusal to fix the ravagers exploit

throwing gas on the fire for the ravagers exploit

ultimate comm reduction

the bait and switch slot machine


our outlook?

still no information regarding the ravagers exploiters

still no outlook on ability lag fixes

still no fixes for operations bugs

more forum flame wars for 1 or 2 hot topics

still no information on pvp updates

still no information on broken classes


great job, bioware!


Well.. according to Linkedin.....the person (Matthew Hemby) who was Development Director for the RoTHC and GSF is no longer in charge... He left EA/Bioware. I'm not quite sure who was responsible for this latest xpac.


And on that note.. there has been quite a bit of movement in staff at Bioware over the last year from what I can glean from LinkedIn. That appears to include Grant McDaniel (used to be Eric's boss). So I get the impression that they are somewhat unstable organizationally at the moment inside Austin.

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considering I dont have reddit Id be very interested in what my apparent name is!


Yeah you got me Dunderwaste

Im just such a EA fanboi who gushes and gushes and gushes over EA and never says a bad word about them

I been found out

Oh the horror and shame of it all


Reading comprehension really is not your strong suit is it?


Lol, and no I don't think it is their strong suit.


But you can tell me your reddit name Kalf, I can keep a secret ;)

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Just out of curiosity, but are you really saying that at no point did you think that this slot machine was simply too good to be true?


I didn't...


Why? Because I saw the difference between 3.0 and 2.0, I saw the 168 gear and 297 basic comms handed out at the start of Rishi and the 178 gear handed out at the end of Rishi. I saw the complete ease with gearing up in 3.0 that didn't exist in 2.0.


I took that to mean that Bioware wanted to remove "gear" as a reason people don't take part in end game ops, this way it would be much easier for people to get good gear, 186 rated... Relics, 186 can only be obtained by crafting for example, and the decent Mk-2 ears and implants are crafting only. Enhancements? crafted are much better. Augments? Crafted only.


The prices were high, this was the way I saw Bioware taking the prices down to reasonable normal person levels.




So no, I didn't think it would get nerfed, I thought it was a new direction for the game, starting with the launch of 3.0.

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So I see that these Slot Machines are a good way to gather resources along with Cartel Certs so I buy 3 hypercrates with Cartel Coins to finally get one. They then decide to make a mass overhaul to them effectively changing the item all together. So since this is nothing like what I got with my hypercrates, what are the options for getting my money back? Pretty sure they saw a great opportunity to get people to buy up crates and then once that slowed down, they change the most wanted item and claim it's due to customer feedback. Yeah, I don't buy it.


Tell ya what BioWare, if I file a ticket, can you guys just take all the garbage items from these packs that are in my banks and refund my purchases? I can't see how this can be seen as anything other than completely ripping off the consumer.


And yeah I know there are a lot of these threads and there needs to be more. This kind of stuff can't continue to happen. They need to stop baiting people into buying stuff then throwing the hammer at it. I know I wasn't forced into buying it, but I did because of the appeal and the fact that it sounded like Musco earlier said that they were working as intended and not being changed. At least not to this degree.


Did you really think a machine that replaces a profession was going to stay in game?

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