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Contraband Slot Machine


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ive spent probably over 500k (loss) on tokens for my slot machine since the nerf and the only thing useful ive received is 1 cartel market certificate. I understand the economic concerns, but please add some fun rewards that have no impact as such. These machines are now a great waste of time.
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ive spent probably over 500k (loss) on tokens for my slot machine since the nerf and the only thing useful ive received is 1 cartel market certificate. I understand the economic concerns, but please add some fun rewards that have no impact as such. These machines are now a great waste of time.


Well considering that 1 cartel market certificate is a rare drop in a cartel pack, not such a waste of time. If the average pack cost 200-300k and you might get 1 to drop about 20% of the time.........how is the machine worthless again?


Just because it used to drop certificates at an insane rate (literally got 3 certificates in 10 rolls more than a couple times) doesn't mean the new drop rate is worthless. The slot machine drop rate was out of balance, mats and certificates...right now it's perfect if you look at the entire game and how you obtain these items.

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Well considering that 1 cartel market certificate is a rare drop in a cartel pack, not such a waste of time. If the average pack cost 200-300k and you might get 1 to drop about 20% of the time.........how is the machine worthless again?


Just because it used to drop certificates at an insane rate (literally got 3 certificates in 10 rolls more than a couple times) doesn't mean the new drop rate is worthless. The slot machine drop rate was out of balance, mats and certificates...right now it's perfect if you look at the entire game and how you obtain these items.


The machine isnt worthless, just boring...what I said was, they are a waste of time (and yes my sentence was poorly worded and unclear). In retrospect, by this I mean not a fun waste of time. I got 1 cert in 1250 or so rolls, and nothing else interesting. If they added some other entertaining loot, it would be fun to use in between pvp rounds or something. maybe some randoms from cartel packs etc. As it is taking 1000+ rolls at times to get something even remotely fun or rewarding warrants some kind of update in my opinion.

Edited by andrewlicious
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Like rare, super rare? Some clearly don't have them, or don't appear to, like the stronghold packs.


Any pack that has a reputation associated with it has the certificate. When the certificate drops it will take the place of a reputation drop.




If they added some other entertaining loot, it would be fun to use in between pvp rounds or something. maybe some randoms from cartel packs etc. As it is taking 1000+ rolls at times to get something even remotely fun or rewarding warrants some kind of update in my opinion.


Yeah. It's understandable that they have to be cautious about it, of course. There will be those that binge-watch a series on another screen while mindlessly clicking away at the slot and there will be those who will try to cheat the system by setting up bots to click non-stop for them while they aren't even at the computer. So unfortunately they have to balance drops against that kind of use, not the more sane sounding "a bit here and there to pass some time while in a queue" type of use. But if players feel like they're never getting anything worthwhile (which everybody seems to agree that rep items are NOT worthwhile prizes and they are NOT worthy of all the fanfare of a jackpot prize, they're a consolation prize, a nice way to lose) out of the machine when they use it, they'll have no incentive to use it at all.


The machine would need a pretty serious overhaul at this point to establish a model that would manage to seem rewarding enough without going overboard. And it wouldn't just be the machine itself that would need to be rethought. They'd have to account for a few different features and the way that those features interact. The big one is that the Jawa vendors are too generous with their flat pricing scheme. (One unit of scrap should be treated as a currency, not a magic universal supermaterial that can become anything you want.) The excessive availability of scrap (especially purple scrap) through the initial version of the slot machine (plus a large surplus already present before the addition of grade 11 materials to the Jawas which also happened at the same time that the slot machine became available) accentuated the serious flaw in this pricing scheme. Although it's just more fuel on the flames to change something like that afterwards instead of having it set up more sensibly to begin with so I don't know if they'll touch that side of the issue at all.


What could they do in an overhaul of the machine...

* We'll groan about it, but they should raise the chip cost to whatever value they intend to eventually settle at. (Try to avoid changing the cost ever again after that.)

* Rep items should be demoted from "jackpot" status. They're not worth all the flashing lights, especially so long as the cost per chip is higher than the sell value of any of the rep items.

* Don't let the loss rate get excessive (the current 45% loss rate is excessive). Bulk up the consolation prize (rep item) drop rates and maybe even bump the re-spin from 20% to 25% before considering bumping up the loss rate by any amount. 20% (or was it 25%?) loss rate is already significant enough.

* Scrap items should be promoted to "jackpot" status. They are worth a bit of fanfare. Also, scrap drop rates should be balanced against the cost and time of companion missions for top level materials. (Ideally, slots should probably represent half the time investment at double the cost (after refunds from selling rep tokens are factored in, of course) for the same number of materials.) Note that if Jawa price schemes are reevaluated this could translate to more noticeable scrap drop rates.

* Cert drop rate balanced against...? Figure out some ideal time and cost investment to obtain each cert.

* Consider adding a "prize ticket" drop and add a vendor (or add to the vendors in the cartel bazaar) that sells at least some of the same items that are available at the bazaar vendor for cartel certificates (and maybe something new and exclusive) at a cost in prize tickets instead of certs/credits. Balance the prices and drop rates so that a player could purchase one piece from an armor set for every... whatever target time investment and cost they want associated with that purchase. I'm thinking that these could be a fairly common jackpot prize and the prices at the vendor would be double digit amounts per item (maybe up into the 100s too, but probably not over 150). These tickets will exist to draw attention away from the scrap and the cartel certificate and make up for those prizes having low drop rates.

* Consider adding all of those items which would be available for purchase with prize tickets as possible prizes to win directly from the machine as well. Balance the drop rates for a target time investment and cost at about double the targets used to determine an item's cost in prize tickets.

* Consider adding "credit boom" and "credit explosion" as possible prizes. They'll have to be especially careful about these drop rates since the items allow for a significant return in credits. Average cost to obtain either item should be a bit higher than the average return of the item itself (since the amount it gives you is random) because they want the slots as a credit sink, not a credit generator. You'd have a very narrow profit margin if you luck out enough to actually profit from it at all. It will seem like a nice prize even in the majority of cases where it's a loss though, because it will always feel like you're striking it rich. It will feel like you're beating the system. (On the other hand though, with those as a possible prize they affect the bottom line. They'd have to be considered as part of the cost assessment for what the drop rates should be on other prizes, which... would only serve to make those other drop rates lower than they could be. This is a tricky balancing act I'm proposing here...)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Just because it used to drop certificates at an insane rate (literally got 3 certificates in 10 rolls more than a couple times) doesn't mean the new drop rate is worthless. The slot machine drop rate was out of balance, mats and certificates...right now it's perfect if you look at the entire game and how you obtain these items.


Ok, so I understand you used the machine a lot before the nerf, if you literally got 3 certificates in 10 rolls more than a couple of times. Tell us, how often do you use the machine now, since the nerf? A lot more still, because of the perfectly balanced rewards? Or maybe slightly less? Come on, don't be shy :rolleyes:



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I picked up 500 chips per character on 4 different characters (2 on one server, 2 on another server, 1 character per faction so I could possibly try for the faction exclusive mounts that would be on it after the patch) at the old price before they nuked the machine. All 2000 chips are still sitting in each character's cargo hold... waiting until it doesn't seem completely pointless and wasteful to use them... Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I picked up 500 chips per character on 4 different characters (2 on one server, 2 on another server, 1 character per faction so I could possibly try for the faction exclusive mounts that would be on it after the patch) at the old price before they nuked the machine. All 2000 chips are still sitting in each character's cargo hold... waiting until it doesn't seem completely pointless and wasteful to use them...


Seems like a waste of your cargo space to me. A slot machine should be just a bit of fun and a waste of credits really. The fact that it was a more reliable source of mats and certificates when it first came out was the actual phallacy. That should've never been the case. Now some people have some ridiculous expectations for these slot machines. BW made a mistake with the initial release. Too bad people still feel like it should be more than it is now, but I doubt that it's going to change much if anything at all from this point on.


Just sold one for 1.5 million so some people still want them. That's all it takes really , enough people who do still use them.

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Seems like a waste of your cargo space to me. A slot machine should be just a bit of fun and a waste of credits really. The fact that it was a more reliable source of mats and certificates when it first came out was the actual phallacy. That should've never been the case. Now some people have some ridiculous expectations for these slot machines. BW made a mistake with the initial release. Too bad people still feel like it should be more than it is now, but I doubt that it's going to change much if anything at all from this point on

So when you said you were going to post one time, you really meant "one time per thread."

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So when you said you were going to post one time, you really meant "one time per thread."


Nope, that's not what I meant.


I guess my momentary frurstration is more interesting than the actual topic though. I should find that encouraging at least.

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QQing is always interesting, especially the ironic QQing about people QQing.


yes, the idle hope that maybe someone will get the point...ironic but still frustrating at times. Oh well, I would say it was free entertainment but then you are paying to read these forums.

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They totally over-nerfed the damn slot machine. It is a useless decoration now.

See? You did not get the point either :rolleyes:


The point is not so much what the machine has been and what it is now, but what the actions of EA lead to: Opportunistic abusers of the mechanic get to enjoy mat-a-plenty for the rest of the lifetime of this game while people using the machine as it was probably meant to be used got kicked in the groin and then told to get over it and keep spending more money on cartel packs for compensation.


It is just like the cheater vs. honest player debate going on somewhere else in this forum.


Oh, and then there are the really important, grave, issues like size of light saber hilts, shoulder pads and demand for XP giveaways. :(





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