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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can I have my money back?


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You wanted the changes, you got them.


Quit whining.




You can't cry and moan about the slot machine providing too much in terms of rewards, make a thread about people macro'ing it - then "buy" the machine for the same rewards and claim you got boned when the devs implement the nerf that you championed.

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And THAT is what's shady as heck, them going all dodgy Used Car Salesman after we've spent the money. I get it, it needed tweaking, but this is nuts.


It can always be retweaked, they should eventually find the right balance.


This isn't false advertisement or anything at all shady. They implemented a new system and the nerfherders cried about it. So now, we need the anit-nerfherders to speak up so they tweak it again.


But, for the same guy who championed the nerf to now come on and complain about it, that's a little too rich for my blood.

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It was probably the gold farmer bots macroing it that got it nerfed hard.


Honestly Bioware you should just ban the gold farmers rather than punish your actual customers. Besides you can go on any starter planet and clearly see them macroing and just ban them and be done with it.

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Why make a thread about it? Why not just open a ticket or call customer service and voice your complaints?


Or do you just feel the need to validate your tears? Attention whoring needs to stop. #swag #Kony2012 #selfie


Perhaps you've never heard of a protest... It is easy to ignore direct complaints, they aren't public...


What happens when the entire first and second page of the general forum are nothing but slot machine posts... a week from now? Two weeks from now?


You can have your forum back when I get my machine back, or my CC used to buy the hypercrate back.

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I like it. EAware can say an item is in a pack, make is absurdly low to where people can spend hundreds of dollars or millions upon millions of credits to get it and instead of calling them shady crooks, like they are, people say.....derp, where was the % rate at?, derp.


More clear signs of a generation that cannot see a crook from a mile away. You know humanity is in terrible shape when the people in video games are even completely foolish and will support a company no matter what they do.

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No, people knew that the reward rate on the Slot Machines was skewed off.

Bioware made a mistake saying it wasn't an exploit.


That somehow gave people the green light to throw all their money trying to get these printing presses for credits...

Even though it was OBVIOUS it was going to be adjusted. Not just obvious... INEVITABLE.


The only crooks are the people that wanted to take advantage of a system before it got the nerf bat.

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Or perhaps we'll stage a protest by effectively overrunning the forums for a week or two...


GEEZ no offense but that is pretty pathetic. Staging a protest on a video game forum? Really that's what your life has come too? I hope you were joking....

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GEEZ no offense but that is pretty pathetic. Staging a protest on a video game forum? Really that's what your life has come too? I hope you were joking....



I doubt it. Heat there has already posted that he spent over a hundred dollars trying to get the slot machines, full well knowing that Bioware was looking into changing the drop rates.

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I doubt it. Heat there has already posted that he spent over a hundred dollars trying to get the slot machines, full well knowing that Bioware was looking into changing the drop rates.


So is he/she protesting their own ignorance then?

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Pretty much.


All these people moaning, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over this nerf... Five minutes on the forum yesterday, or the day before, or the day the packs were released would have shown them that this nerf was inevitable.

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Pretty much.


All these people moaning, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over this nerf... Five minutes on the forum yesterday, or the day before, or the day the packs were released would have shown them that this nerf was inevitable.


When I made 9m by simply clicking 3 machines that I spent a total of 0 creds on, yeah it needed to be nerfed pretty bad

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I doubt it. Heat there has already posted that he spent over a hundred dollars trying to get the slot machines, full well knowing that Bioware was looking into changing the drop rates.


That was not me, you have me confused with someone else.


I bought exactly one hypercrate, no more or less, and got the slot machine from that.


I'd like the nerf to be undone or my CC refunded for that hypercrate. I'll even take the former slot machine nerfed to 50%, since I get the issue with it paying so much. The current 99% nerf on JJ is just silly.

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That was not me, you have me confused with someone else.


I bought exactly one hypercrate, no more or less, and got the slot machine from that.


I'd like the nerf to be undone or my CC refunded for that hypercrate. I'll even take the former slot machine nerfed to 50%, since I get the issue with it paying so much. The current 99% nerf on JJ is just silly.


No no threatening to protest on a VIDEO GAME FORUM is silly...

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They advertised a product in a cartel pack. A week later after people have bought cartel packs for that item, Bioware are editing the item.


Doesn't matter if Bioware advertised the drop rates or not, the issue here is that they are changing an item.


So im intertested here


using your logic does that mean they need to refund everyone who paid for game at launch and bought Makeb because the game has been significantly easier since it launched and had much content and mobs removed to produce the easy mode it now runs at.


I mean the difficulty was datamined before game even officially launched and they have dumbed it down significantly since then


I bought the game set on one set of mined data and content

So by your logic now they have changed it,

it means I am deserving a complete 100% (purchase price, sub costs, everything) refund because it all changed after being first released.


Or does your demand for refund only apply when they make changes that dont give you free stuff and make everything mind numbing easy?


Just wondering how far your hypocrisy takes you?

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Pretty much.


All these people moaning, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over this nerf... Five minutes on the forum yesterday, or the day before, or the day the packs were released would have shown them that this nerf was inevitable.


Everyone in my guild knew the FIX was coming


Well except me, I really thought the massive overpay was by design as it stayed in step with other choices made by Devs making game even easier and easier and easier at every turn.


But I'm glad I was wrong


Now I'm hoping that my statement that EA would talk big but ultimately not ban any Ravanger exploiters was also incorrect and they ban the whole lot of them.


But I couldn't be that lucky!

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Yes, it was totally broken. Bioware should have been more careful with what they are selling in future. They have learned a lesson. And I have learned a lesson: Never buy any cartel packs again because i've lost trust in them. :rolleyes:


If there were even a few hundred people that spammed 3 slot machines at the same time like I did, you won't ever have to worry about certs ever again. I got about 450 certs. The amount of purple/green/blue junk was unreal but the certs is what I'm amazed at. The real pain from this slot machine will be in the form of no one buying the packs because they have enough certs for the next year or two.


But seriously anyone could have seen the nerf bat coming a mile away. The only thing I thought was a litter wrong was the fact they said they were looking at the jawa drops only, they never said anything about the certs. Nerfing the certs so they cost a million to acquire is pretty significant (not to mention the amount of time waisted at the slots). But we always ask for small steps when nerfing but I think the bean counters went ape **** when they saw the amount of certs/mats flooding into the game via the slot machine. unfortunately someone thought of the drop rates while on the toilet playing candy crush and this is what we get a week later.

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you all seem to be totally missing the most important aspect of the OP's whiney first post.....




ps EvenHardNiner ... from the comical posts you have made over the past week, I am honestly hoping you get banned for participating in the ravager exploit just to save the rest of us from your constant childish crying

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you all seem to be totally missing the most important aspect of the OP's whiney first post.....




ps EvenHardNiner ... from the comical posts you have made over the past week, I am honestly hoping you get banned for participating in the ravager exploit just to save the rest of us from your constant childish crying


I hope you go get help to take someone opinion so much to heart. Over the internet, in a game.

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meh, you seen to be reading too much in my post...

I don't really give a toss but on forums, just like in real life, if someone spends all their time QQ'ing about things it does get annoying after a while and makes you want to tell them to stop being such a b**** about things.


however, it is kinda funny to be reading these threads where people "take someone opinion so much to heart. Over the internet, in a game."

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